Ideal Shape Meal Replacement Shakes?



  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    Misk60 I'm glad you're liking them. How long have you been drinking them for?
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    just thought i would chime in that i also use Ideal Shape shakes and love them! i add more to them to make it a more substantial meal (my favorite is the chocolate with unsweetened almond milk, peanut butter and a bit of sugar free butterscotch pudding mix YUM!)
    I used to use them several times a day and as i learned better portion control with food, i stopped using them so often but i still do them now and again. Made a carrot cake one on Friday and had the butter finger one (mentioned above) today for lunch.
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    Yum! How do you make a carrot cake one?
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    Yum! How do you make a carrot cake one?

    Vanilla Mix, unsweetened almond milk, steamed baby carrots, sugarf ree cheesecake flavored pudding, cinnamon, ice. YUM! I also added in a couple of handfulls of fresh baby spinach. You can not taste the spinach at all.
  • Mare7560
    Mare7560 Posts: 18
    I love IdealShape! It took me a couple of days to start feeling more energy. I also stay in touch with their facebook page because they answer your questions really fast. I was feeling hungry in between shakes and I learned that I needed to drink more water and have a healthy snack in between shakes. Here is a web-site where they post a lot of great ways to make their shakes. It really makes a difference in how I have felt. Don't give up! They are the best shake out there! The thing I love is that they want you to eat healthy and they provide great recipes for shakes and healthy food. !
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I love IdealShape! It took me a couple of days to start feeling more energy. I also stay in touch with their facebook page because they answer your questions really fast. I was feeling hungry in between shakes and I learned that I needed to drink more water and have a healthy snack in between shakes. Here is a web-site where they post a lot of great ways to make their shakes. It really makes a difference in how I have felt. Don't give up! They are the best shake out there! The thing I love is that they want you to eat healthy and they provide great recipes for shakes and healthy food. !

    I just purchased mine a few days ago. I got a great deal and found a coupon so I ordered the 4 month kit. I like what these had to offer compared to some brands at GNC and they actually cost me less - even with GNC Gold Card.

    I need something easy, quick, and good for me. I get so tired of people telling me I need to eat FOOD. Who cares if I had some protein powder to said food and toss it in a blender. It's my meal and that is how I prefer it. My dietitian even said I made a good choice and we worked out what items I should add for balanced nutrition.

    I also get tired of people telling me this on take X time to cook so I should eat it instead. There is really no meal out there that I enjoy that will take me less time than it does to prepare a smoothie/meal replacement shake. I also don't have time and don't need the stress of coming up with a meal plan. I already worked on that with my dietitian and with my 12-14hr schedule its just not possible. Meal replacements work better for me for meal planning as well as the reasons why I need to lose the weight quickly. Its either this or go on Optifast (Doctor controlled) for a month and get surgery where I will be forced to be on a liquid diet for 2-3 months before graduating to a blender diet for 1-2 months before I can return to food I have to chew.

    I've noticed people judge way too much on these forums. Everyone is so "its my way or you are wrong."

    I hate reading these threads where people are trying to find things that work for them and someone always has to come along and rain on their parade. I know plenty of people who use meal replacements as a daily part of their maintenance.
  • I have a question I'm thinking about getting these shakes, do I have to get the supplement that's on their website or are you guys just using the shakes?
  • Just saw your question.... I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond! You don't have to get the supplements but I do suggest using them. They have made a difference for me! Some people take longer to respond to things, I happen to be one of them. It took me about a month to feel different and then WOW! I really noticed a change in my energy and in my appetite. My daughter started on the shakes and supplements the same time I did and she noticed a difference right away! I was frustrated but hung in there and I am sure glad I did!

    If you go to their facebook page, there is tons of support there. I did that and it really helped.
  • dcint
    dcint Posts: 1
    I too am looking for a cheaper way than shakeology. I used shakeology for 3 months (friend gave it to me for free) and it was awesome. I was hooked but didnt want to pay for it. It gave me energy in the morning and was a good alternative to a meal. It was quicker and easier than making eggs everyday. Anyways, I have been researching other shakes and over and over again I see Ideal Shape as being better and cheaper than shakeology. My question: is it for women only? I think even if it is I will try it. At $50 I will save $70 a month

    I like the idea of using shakes because you still get some good nutrients that the body needs and not alot of calories. I need a variety on meals and this is a great alternative to eggs. Are there any other no to low carb breakfasts out there besides eggs and shakes?

    Check out this review website:

  • I have been on the shakes for about 70 days now, the first two weeks I felt very full after each shake. Now I have to eat something with it to fill full. But with the shakes, exercise, and watching what I eat I have lost 44 LBS so far. I feel it helps but it’s not a cure all you have to help it.
  • bump
  • Late response to this, but I have been doing the Ideal Shape Shakes, usually 1 in the morning with Unsweetened Almond Milk&a banana or other fruits& even spinach, sometimes for lunch if I'm in a hurry. I eat a lot of vegetables/nuts/legumes, I don't eat red meat, or chicken..but I eat fish. I feel great& the shakes have 50% of your RDI in just 1 shake, but I get 100% from "real food". Anyway, they have taken away my cravings for sweet treats. I'm seeing a lot of progress. I don't measure my goals by a scale, instead how I feel, and my clothing& everything is too big on me! So I think the shakes are great. As long as you control what you are putting in your body, and don't rely on the shakes alone to lose weight, they can be a great addition to your diet.

    I think they are very filling, and less expensive than a lot of MRS out there.
  • jrev86
    jrev86 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm drinking 2 shakes a day plus eating 4x a day. I found that part of my problem was I was calorie and protein defiant before starting to add the protein shakes. I eat every 2-4 hours with them. Almond milk is great, but contains less protein than skim, soy, or a lactose free milk substitute. Yes it is only 30-40 calories for the Almond, but protein also makes you feel fuller and gives your body the essential nutrients your body needs to sustain and curb the added hunger you are describing. Your body adjusts and add some fruit , fresh spinach (no added taste just fiber!), pb2, or even dried instant oats to give add to fulling you up. Remember to read your body's needs as well. If you're hungry, you might need have a healthy protein impacted snack. Hope this helps.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Ugh why did this trhead have to get bumped again? It's more than 8 months old!

    check out the OP's post history

    Come on people. Don't be suckers.
  • jfis2053
    jfis2053 Posts: 1
    Hello, I am thinking about getting these shakes. Is anyone on here still drinking them?
  • There are disbelievers in every thing we try or do in life. I am a ex Biology/Chemistry teacher who quite teaching to sell pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. I now work in the food science field for a national food giant. Let me tell you that the science behind proteinase inhibitors and their affects on CCK levels is real. This will suppress appetite and give most people a increased feeling of fullness. Not a bad way to lose a little weight. It does not always work in women depending on the time of the month and their hormone levels, so be patient, eat healthy and work out regularly!!!!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I tried the Ideal Shape ones and they didn't fill me up at all. I didn't even finish the box.
  • Onyxstorm
    Onyxstorm Posts: 1
    Ugh why did this trhead have to get bumped again? It's more than 8 months old!

    check out the OP's post history

    Come on people. Don't be suckers.

    I like this guy.
  • I just started trying the shakes. So far, I've definitely felt reduced hunger and less need to snack during the day. I like the flavor and add light plain soy milk to mine. I haven't tried blending it with fruit yet, but I'm looking forward to trying different mixes out. Really great to replace breakfast or lunch when you don't have a lot of time and want something quick and filling. Unlike a few other shakes I've tried, the taste is pretty decent! Will try it out for another couple weeks and see how it goes :)
  • dp05
    dp05 Posts: 1