Need help getting motivated!!!

edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi all!!
I'm new here and really need some help getting motivated!!
I am 31 yrs old, 220lbs- My biggest problem is that I feel so tired and sluggish all the time and have no motivation!
I know I need to lose the weight and I am very concerned about my health, which is the biggest reason I have started on this weight loss journey.
I would love some advice from people that have been around my weight and have made some progress- What helped you get motivated? What type of exercise did you start off doing(I'm so tired all the time that I can't even think about exercise!!) and what types of foods did you eat( I need to stay around 1,500 calories) ANY help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance!!!



  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    Hi Christina, so glad you have decided to take this wonderful step in your life. I started my weight loss journey at 5'7 and 232 pounds. My exercise started with basic walking on the treadmill in my home (felt too self conscience to walk to public) in the beginning I would walk 10-15 minutes at a time as many times a day as I could muster up the energy. My diet is simple, eat every 2-3 hours, lots of veggies (as many as I want), trying to average out my calories between 6 or so meals. I try to keep my carbs a little lower (definitely NOT no or low carb... too important for your body and energy). Basically the weight started literally falling off. I "built" a metabolism and it actually worked!! After about 10 days of exercise you will feel like you have more energy (I promise) and on the days you can't workout you will feel tired, not on the days you do! After a couple weeks of energy and scale results you will actually become quite addicted to you new lifestyle and MFP, you'll feel better, not be hungry, and gain more confidence in yourself and your ability to reach your goals!! YOU CAN DO IT!! One baby step at a time all leads to the finish line!! You are WORTH THIS!!!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Hi, Christina;

    have you had your thyroid checked? You sound like one of my friends - she was just told her thyroid hormones are so low that the doctor was contemplating starting her on IV Eltroxin. What's really bad is that she already was low 2 years ago and the doc missed it at the time.:mad:

    If there's no medical reason for your lack of motivation, maybe you just haven't found the right exercise yet. It doesn't always have to be "formal" exercise in the gym - do you have a yard that cries out for a new look? Or maybe an elderly neighbour has an active dog who would love long walks? Start looking at everyday activities as "exercise" and I'm sure you'll find something you like!
  • Thanks for the feedback!!!
    I had my thyroid checked several years ago and didn't have a problem but I haven't been to the dr in quite some time due to the fact that I don't have any health insurance at the time. I really do need a good check up but just can't afford it right now(was laid off from work a month ago).

    I know part of my problem is that I sit at home all day long and do nothing!
    I live in a condo and we have a full facility gym here in the complex that I can go to for free so I really don't have an excuse not to work out- it's just finding the motivation to get off the couch and get my but in the gym!!!
  • Hiya

    Ive just started this program also...this is my 2nd week on it. I am by no means have self control, it is a constant struggle not to shove everything delicious in my mouth! I am at 224 and I hate the "normal" exercises. My children have a trampoline in the backyard so I tried it out the other day and it is the most amazing exercise available!! Its awesome, I had forgotten how much I love to jump on the trampoline....I loved it when I was a kid. And yes, I love it now. I can only jump for a little while unitl I feel like my lungs are going to collapse....but one of these days I will be able to keep up with my kids! You could get a little one that you could jump on inside. I am thinking about getting the golds gym comes with stretch bands attaches for extra exercises. I also have a treadmill and I will walk on it 3-4 times a week...but again its boring. I am also thinking about getting a pair of rollerblades and hitting the walking path with them. Ive read that its also a great workout....and fun! I hope that this has helped a little. I completely understand the lack of motivation, but when you find something that is fun to do it makes it tons better. The only way Ive found that keeps me on the treadmill is to put my headphones on and play songs that I can sing to at the top of my lungs....makes me feel like a rock star...helps the time fly by. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • Thanks everyone!!! This is already helping me feel better!!!
    keep the tips coming please!!! :)
  • Christina,

    I completely understand the lack of motivation. Motivation and discipline are proving to be my hardest obstacles to overcome. Weight has been an issue for me my whole life, and it always just seems so much easier to sit on the couch, grab the remote, and a bag of chips. However, with all of the information and inspirational stories that are out there now, so many people recommend to start slow and small. Take the long way around to throw away your trash every week. Try taking at least one floor of stairs instead of the elevator. Eventually you will be able to build up to more. Whenever you go to the grocery store, park as far away as you can. Every little amount helps. Eventually, you will want to do more. You will be excited about this desire, and sitting on the couch won't be enough.

    However, there are also exercises that you can do in your own living room if you aren't quite comfortable with walking around your neighborhood. Walking in place, lunges, etc., all of these things can be done while you are still watching TV, which is currently helping me. Those exerices might be good way to start off with, that way you don't really feel you are depriving yourself. I usually put on a DVD of a really good movie for a long workout, or a 30 minute sitcom for a quick workout.... BUT.... even if you can just start out walking during commercials... then eventually switch it up... Sit down during the commercials and walk during the show... You will eventually see results. Even if they are small, they are vitally important for your success. Keep a log of your daily exercise, food intake, and most importantly, (if you are an emotional eater like me), your moods throughout the day. Seeing everything written in paper (or on myfitnesspal) will make a difference in how you see your daily habits.

    Most importantly though, don't beat yourself up for falling off track. WE ALL DO!!!!!! Forgive yourself and realize that today, this hour, this minute, this second... are all new. It is worth it! It does work! That show The Biggest Loser wouldn't be so popular today if it didn't... and I'm pretty sure that they have before and after pictures on their website. Check those out every now and then and realize that if you could just find a smidgen of motiovation... not necessarily to lose pounds, but to be healthier... eventually the results will follow... and you too will have a whole new HEALTHIER you!

    Good Luck! We're all pulling for you!
  • Hi Christina, I know how u feel when i started my journey i was 261 i started 6-27-08 and by 12-1-08 i was 200 and then on the 11th of dec i had to get my gala bladder taken out. then i lost another 6lbs since then i've gain a couple and lost them now i'm ready to finish my journey. So i eat alot of fiber it keeps u full longer and i do sit ups,push ups,and crunches and leg raises cause i have a stomach. And my hubby and son r my motivators and also what help me in the with the first 61lbs was i had a tube top fubu dress i had had for 5yrs and i had never wore it and it was an 18w so i hung it up so i could see it and ever month i kept trying it on till it fit and guess what it was to big by the time i got ready to go see my hubby in jamaica. So that helped me and he was elated shocked his mouth dropped when he seen me he didnt even know who i was:bigsmile: .So u'll find what works for u start slow and work ur way up like i did ok good luck hun u can do it:wink::flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member

    Your motivation needs to come from within and you will love yourself for it.

    If you have not exercised in a long time, you need to start slowly. Try a 15 minute walk twice a day and work up from there. I used to have a hard time walking around the block. This morning I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes of weight taining and I plan to do two 30 minute walks, one at lunch and one after dinner.

    Start with baby steps in both exercise and changing your eating habits. It is much easier to do that than to made sudden drastic changes. Remember you are not going on a diet and exercise program. You are changing the way you live.

    The changes I have made have allowed me to live life the way it should be. I have an active social life that I never had and I enjoy doing new things.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Look at it this way. Having been laid off I'm sure you understand there a lot of things you cannot control. However, you feeling tired, and worrying about your health in the future is something you can control!

    Yes, you want to get to your calorie goal, but don't try and do it over night. Everyday focus changing one thing about your life style that will make you healthier. Do some research into what you are eating. When I did that I lost my appitite quickly. Then do some research into what you should be eating.

    Ten months ago I started with two simple things. I was too heavy to run, so I decided to walk every morning before work for about 30 minutes, and cut my drinking of soda to one soda a week. As I got to feeling better I started walking at lunch..and it's just snowballed from there.

    This weekend I'm going to run my first race, a 2 Mile Turkey Trot. In three weeks I'm going to run my first 5K.

    I'm not going to tell you it's easy, because it's not. But it can be done.
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