Instant Oats + Protein for Breakfast?

Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
I've recently started really focusing on strength training in the hope of gaining some lean muscle. Yesterday I had my first protein shake (with milk) and loved it. At the moment I eat Special K cereal for breakfast, but I'm thinking of switching to an oat shake plus a scoop of flavoured protein (again, with milk). The oats I'm looking at are these:

Is this a good idea or should I stick to my cereal? I probably won't be buying it for a couple of weeks because I have very little money until then.


  • Paul_Kent_UK
    Paul_Kent_UK Posts: 63 Member
    I bought the Myprotein breakfast shake which if I remember correctly has the oats and protein already combined. I found the texture a bit of a struggle but played around with it a bit. Suggest going for one of their samples first - I have a ton I'll likely not get around to finishing.
  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    Oats is a bodybuilders friend at breakfast. You could grind down your oats and add to your shake or have porridge etc. Another idea to incorporate both protein & carbs in one meal is egg white & oats pancakes. Simply get 4 egg whites, 1 whole egg, a cup of oats, a scoop of cottage cheese & a dash of cinnamon. Whiz that in a food processor until you get a nice consistency. I eat them with a scoop of yoghurt and some mixed berries.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Depending on the caloriic values of the milk you use (I use skim) and the powder it's more than likely it will be less than the same amount of cereal to fill you up with the bonus of the protein. Personally I can't stomach my protein powders I've got for breakfast is oats, bit sweet but I try to on the days I'm lifting or the days where I know I busy and won't get a chance to smash some chicken st lunch or whatever.
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    I like to put a couple of egg whites in my oatmeal before I good it for extra protein. I try to stay away from as much processed stuff as I can, but I agree with the protein shakes - love em.... i just like food too!
  • Barkley87
    Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks all!

    Good idea about the sample - I'll try that before I invest in a load of it.

    I love the pancakes idea, sounds so tasty! Unfortunately I don't have time for that on weekday mornings so that'll have to be a weekend treat :bigsmile:
  • MrsRoundbottom
    Hey I have Oat Bran for breakfast, which you can buy from tesco (next to porridge oats down the cereal isle) Or health food stores.

    Its like porridge oats but lower carb as its made from the oat kernel, high fibre, low carb and a little protein, you can make porridge out of it, pancakes, add to a shake or smoothie, add to yogurt with berries. Its been my breakfast everyday for about 8 months now, I just cant get enough!