last 10 are the hardest to lose...

i lost 7 pounds mostly in march when i started. i gained a pound back in may / june when it was around my birthday and had lots of sugary foods, it was a sugar bliss train, i cut back somewhat and now have seemed to lost the pound again. however i feel like i'm still eating too much ice-cream and sugary sweets. once i have one i want ten more. same is true with IPA beers.

so it's hard not to have that one.

i want to lose the 6-7 more pounds

after i ate too much / went over calories i weigh more the next day. then i correct it for two days and i'm back to same weight loss weigh i was.

i need to have more consistent days in a row rather than two good and one bad repeat.

how do i get back on track and kill these next 5 pounds. i like losing and stabilizing for awhile. it proves the weight is off. it's time for the next round.

it's summer and the temptations are high and more fun events. how to manage at these. it's great to have fun and be around delicious treats and sometimes fancy cocktails. it's fortunate. but how not to turn it into a gorge fest?

i know the last 10 are the hardest.

bring back the focus and discipline! what tips and tricks for these events?


  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    If the last 10lbs are the hardest to lose, than try to lose 20lbs and quit halfway through! ;)
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    If the last 10lbs are the hardest to lose, than try to lose 20lbs and quit halfway through! ;)

    haha loved this ^^^^
  • Stylegal
    Stylegal Posts: 9
    I have found that especially during the summer it helps to have some healthy sweet treats around that are not horrible for you, for instance skinny cow ice creams, and lindt 70% dark chocolate. It helps cure your cravings and saves you from gorging on sweets when you are around them, you need to allow yourself somethings in moderation to be able to maintain and keep losing weight, As for parties, I am starting to bring my own food, like healthier options. I usually take veggie burgers, baked chips and fruit. That way you can eat what you have brought and it won't be so hard with all the other food around. Atleast you have provided some healthy options for yourself. Hope this helps :)
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Ask yourself how important those last 10 pounds are.
  • georgeaj2000
    georgeaj2000 Posts: 9 Member
    The discipline is easy to solve - if you bite it write it! Anything you eat enter into your fitnesspal and track. Tracking what you eat is the key to weight loss. When we mentally track things we "generally" remember them all, but then we do forget some and the things that we tend to "forget" are generally the more calorific, these forgotten calories are the ones that will be hindering our weight loss. Use the app, stay within your alloted calories a day and you'll soon shift the 10lbs.
  • DeeA_Lynn
    DeeA_Lynn Posts: 7 Member
    bring your own food to a party, this is a good answer. and it's nice to bring food anyway!

    and that question, how important are those last 10 pounds, i'm going to repeat to myself regularly and see how i answer it at different times. right now, it's important!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Youre right, they are the hardest to lose! I started out in January and the pounds melted off. Now that I'm down 40lbs, I don't burn as many calories when I work out so I'm trying to add more intense stuff. I was walking at first, then started jogging, broke my toe and foot, then started biking! It seems like I'm losing a little bit more with the biking and I have a HRM and I get all sweaty again like I used to when I walked, so I know I'm working at it harder.
    I also have to be more careful with what I eat since my body needs fewer calories to maintain. It's actually just over 1200 now and that's a pain for sure. I've had the same probs with dinner parties, bridal showers, weddings, birthdays, etc. What I've learned to do is plan ahead. If it's potluck, I take something I KNOW I can eat and then add a few other things provided but as far as size-wise, I keep the portions small, usually about 1/2 cup. We need to remember that we should be eating to live, not living to eat. In my family anyway, most get togethers focus around food! It does make it difficult but you can learn how to cope.
    If you love ice cream, try some of the Skinny Cow Ice cream sandwiches, etc. I think they have about 100-120cals each. Schwanns, if you have access to them, they have 60-90 calorie orange cream and rasp cream bars (big sized too) and fudge bars. I cannot have regular fat filled, sugar filled ice cream or treats in my house or I'll eat it.
    Also, eat some sort of protein, bar or boiled egg whites (17 cals each) before you go to events and make sure you have at least a cup of water before you start grazing. It does make a difference.
    And,, last but not least, you KNOW you want this, you have the power to say no, even if it's one 'snack' at a time. Everytime you say NO to something you know you shouldn't be eating, you become even stronger.
    YOU can do this! Good luck!
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    If the last 10lbs are the hardest to lose, than try to lose 20lbs and quit halfway through! ;)


    LOL!!! Love this!