I am back on the wagon.

I'm done being on a diet/not being on a diet/sorta kinda being on a diet. That's it. I'm done being in between. I am 100% fully committed to doing what I am supposed to do to lose weight. I have jumped back on the wagon!!


  • allim
    allim Posts: 21
    Me too!
    The person I was a year and a half ago would not even recognize what I look like now- I have gone so far off the rails..... It has been a difficult year, though, so I can accept how I got here.
    This past weekend I finally hit the wall where my pants where uncomfortably tight / boarding on unable to be done up and I had to change into a track suit. This is when I realized I am only comfortable in sweat pants and things have got to change.
    I am starting over today.
  • Laila21
    me too, i hope it has extra seats
    all my trips to the gym mean nothing when i eat whatever i want,
    those days are over.

    first time logging in, in weeks
    i will make this work!!! i will fit into my clothes!!! i will live a healthier lifestyle!
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    The wagon has tons of extra seats. Glad to have you. Good luck!!