Cholesterol Question...

CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
edited December 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I used to have extremely high cholesterol, they put me on statins for it, but immediately after being on them my blood pressure went through the roof. They tried a diff kind and it did the same thing so they were going to start me on blood pressure meds then. Can you see the slope? lol Anyway...I knew I had NEVER had blood pressure problems before in the past, mine has always been excellent. But during all this, me and my family also opted for a better eating lifestyle due to other reasons. We started eating real whole foods, etc. I did not want to be one of them people who has a whole list of meds they have to take each day. So due to what the statins were doing to my blood pressure I stopped taking them hoping that this new eating lifestyle would help. Went back after a couple of months and my blood pressure was normal again!! My cholesterol had went down also considerably but still is a bit high. So now I am trying and wanting to watch my cholesterol, but here is my question...

It says that for the average person without cholesterol problems the daily recommended amount is 300mg. For people with problems the daily recommended amount is 200mg. I dont have any problem coming even close to even 200mg on my average daily diet BUT sometimes I like to eat eggs in the morning for breakfast. Even if I only have 2 a 2 egg cheese and vegetable omelet, its a total of like 390 cholesterol which throws me over the limit big time just in that one meal! I have tried only doing the egg whites and they are ok I guess but I really am not a fan lol, not to mention all the nutrients in eggs are in the yoke! Is the cholesterol thats in eggs bad and is it the kind that will contribute to my high cholesterol or is it a kind that doesnt affect it and I should just ignore the level if its eggs and only count other kinds like in fried foods, fat, etc? I have read conflicting arguments on this in studies and doctors opinions and was wanting to see what everyone here has to say about it:) Thanks!:)



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    For 99% of the population, dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol. Being overweight has a huge effect on it, and losing weight is one of the best ways of getting cholesterol in check.

    I wouldn't worry about a couple eggs now and again, I usually eat 3-4 whole eggs a day. Also, eat more grains with fiber, they have cholesterol lowering effects. Surprisingly enough, so does moderate alcohol consumption (improves cholesterol ratio.) So does butter. Pretty much most of the foods that they said were bad for you 30 years ago are being found to actually prevent most of the stuff they were blamed for back then.
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks so much!:) I kinda felt that would be the case but I wasnt sure lol:)

  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    I think if we all went back to eating real whole foods that hadnt been tainted by man or chemically changed we all would be better off!! Instead they take good foods and strip them to nothing, add back all kinds of junk in them and thats where we see problems arise! Not from the real food itself, but from all the stuff they have done to it! Also moderation is key but they try to make it so people dont have to worry about moderation and can eat as much of something as they want and because of it, its harming us versus helping!

  • KellyMirth
    KellyMirth Posts: 153
    The other thing you could do is to have 1 egg +1 egg white scrambled (or in the omelet). That's what I do when I eat hard boiled eggs to save on the fat without losing the flavor. I just give the extra yolk to my dogs and everyone is happy :)
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    In addition, statins have been found to be most effective in men, over 50, who have already had their first heart attack, but I highly recommend you do your own research into the matter. Know your other risk factors for heart disease and make your own decision about your health.

    I have very high cholesterol, both the "good" and the "bad" kinds. Nothing I have done dietary has helped, but I also have no other risk factors. Since I am still young and want to have children, I decided against drugs. I eat with a conscious mind on my cholesterol, but I still eat eggs, red meat, cheese.
  • jojospaghettio
    jojospaghettio Posts: 62 Member
    Just a thought....I have heard that free range chicken eggs have less cholesterol than the typical varieties. I've been researching the same to try to figure out how to keep my husband's cholesterol in check. I will have to research the butter and such info - sounds interesting. I am a strong proponent (though still adapting my family) of whole foods too.
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    15% of your cholesterol comes from diet the other 85% is made by your body. Trans fats and Saturated fats cause your body to produce cholesterol. So the less of those in in your diet the less cholesterol your body will make.

    High cholesterol runs on both sides on my family. I limit myself to an egg a day and stay away from other high cholesterol things. But the main thing I do is I never eat anything with trans fat in it and I never go over my daily sat fat, I try to limit sat fat as much as possible.
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