My tips for weight loss (for newbies)

So I have been on Myfitnesspal for over a year now and have done a little trial and error with my weight loss and just wanted to share some of my tips with the newbies who are just starting their journey.

1. NEVER GIVE UP!! This is important because believe me you are going to want to give up a lot of times but just remember you will never get anywhere or become happier if you don't at least try.

2. Celebrate the small victories. If you lose 0.1 pounds or up to five pounds when you weigh in, it is still a loss and celebrate it. Every little bit counts toward your weight loss goals.

3. In reference to number 2, do not weigh yourself daily because you are going to have varying weight day to day. That could be due to many different factors. Don't stress!!

4. When you splurge, don't binge. Also allow yourself at least one day when you can splurge because the more you tell yourself you don't need a specific food, the more you want it!

5. Set realistic long term and short term weight loss goals. For myself my short term are to fit into a size 8-10 wedding dress for my wedding in two months. Long term is to finish to my goal so that I can look good in a bikini next March for my honeymoon.

6. Only have supportive people in your life encouraging you every step of the way. We all have people in our lives that may be jealous that we have taken the step to bettering our lives through weight loss. Inform them of what you are doing, maybe they are in the same boat and could use a buddy. If they continue to bring you down, you don't need their negativity in your life. I have learned this lesson the hard way this year.

7. Log your calories and exercise on MFP as often as possible so that you can get into the habit of watching your calories. You will be amazed at how routine it will become especially when you go out to eat. It will help to improve your awareness of what you eat.

8. Find varied ways to exercise. There are so many different exercises logged into MFP already. Just keep moving. I am currently engaged in Zumba which is a fun and awesome workout. You can burn anywhere from 500-800 calories in one hour of zumba. Check out the website to see how many calories you have burned in relation to your weight and length of workout. Even if you have to get a pedometer and log your workout in the office.

9. NEVER GIVE UP!! I have to keep stressing this point!

10. Know that the people you form bonds with on MFP are there for you unconditionally. They are here to encourage, support and lift you up when you feel like giving up and that you are not going to reach your goals. I am here as a support, so feel free to add me but send a message with your request.

Lastly, I know us MFP and weight loss veterans know that these tips may be general knowledge but for someone who hasn't started their journey, it may be beneficial and please feel free to add your own tips and to post successes! Since starting MFP I have lost 20 pounds! :-) I have lost a lot more but gained it back but you know what I have still maintained this 20 pound loss for awhile and that is an accomplishment I am proud of!!

Happy losing!! :-)


  • carriparton
    carriparton Posts: 62 Member
    Bump - great tips. I will be referring to these often.
  • Brenda1271
    Brenda1271 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on MFP for almost 3 months now and I agree with you completely! I slip up occassionally but the one thing I have learned is to not beat myself up over it, I just get right back on track the next day and keep going! Good luck to you!
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I have been on here for a year and a half and I still need to remind myself of those things!.
    Thank you
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Great tips! I've only been doing this for abt 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs! There is a great support system on here and I know what you mean about negativity. This is especially hard to deal with if it comes from within your own family!

    I'm sure you will look beautiful for you wedding!
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 424
    Awesome tips! They're all sprinkled with truth... You'll meet great people here on MFP. Also, don't be afraid to mess up along the way... it's a process that can be tweaked in any number of ways. Like you said, DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • Weight_less
    Weight_less Posts: 102 Member
    Great post! :)
  • Weight_less
    Weight_less Posts: 102 Member
    And DON'T GIVE UP again!:wink:
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Thanks everyone, another tip I thought of was don't rely totally on fad diets. I started the body by vi shakes this week but it is not the only thing I am doing to lose weight! :-)
  • bigjax1
    bigjax1 Posts: 56 Member
    all true

    great post
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Great tips! I've only been doing this for abt 3 weeks and have lost 5 lbs! There is a great support system on here and I know what you mean about negativity. This is especially hard to deal with if it comes from within your own family!

    I'm sure you will look beautiful for you wedding!

    Thanks! congrats on your weight loss and keep up the great work! It is hard when it is in your own family. I was told by my mom that I was obsessed with counting calories but I realize it might have looked that way to her but it was just normal calorie counting plus this was in the beginning of counting calories.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Before you start MFP, track your normal eating and exercise using the app for at least three days. I wish I'd done that before I started!

    You will hear many ways you can do hard sums to calculate your calories needs and burns, and you will hear a lot of fancy training programmes people do. Don't panic. You can't go wrong if you follow MFP as it is designed, adjust your settings to lose 1lb a week, do the exercise you enjoy and eat back a good proportion of your exercise calories.