Climbing back on the wagon!!

I am getting my act together.
1 year and 40 lbs lost, I ran out of steam. Ive spent the last few months snacking, not recording caloric intake, and generally lost. I met with my old trainer yesterday and we are starting a 5 day a week program. I'm not ok with feeling just "OK" anymore- I'm climbing back on the wagon and reaching my goals. I could use support & accountability if anyone has any to spare!?



  • Makay1
    Makay1 Posts: 57 Member
    Me too!! I lost weight last summer/fall (around 30 lbs) and then just completely quit for no good reason. This past weekend, I made a commitment to myself to start exercising and eating right again. I loved how I felt last year when I was exercising and eating right. I can say honestly that I was more committed when I logged in to MFP daily so I've reset my password and am starting fresh!! Good luck on your wagon! We can do this!!
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    Sure! I'm happy to support you. I leave my diary open to friends so feel free to add me if you'd like! Good for you.
  • SteveCabral94
    SteveCabral94 Posts: 73 Member
    I understand I'm here to support add me if you want.
  • haleycp
    haleycp Posts: 4
    I totally know how you feel!! I was working with a personal trainer last winter, and finished in May 2011 ... then life got crazy and i fell off the wagon, and fell hard.

    I have started a boot camp and yesterday was a new beginning again!!

    Here to support you, and hopefully we can hold eachother up on the wagon!!