Getting discouraged...... :( Please help

xoalyssaox Posts: 318 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been on the plan for 7 days now, I eat 1200 calories a day plus I worked out every single day except Saturday. I haven't lost ANYTHING. I know it takes time, but my friends just started working out and not eating right and they lost 5 pounds this week. WTF. How come I tried soooo hard and haven't lost a thing????? I am trying so hard finally and I get nothing..

I did however go to the dr. today and he is sending me to get my thyroid checked just to see and be safe, but there is probably nothing wrong with my thyroid. I've been struggling to lose this weight for 2 years now, why wont it go away?!?!?

I will say I am VERY proud of myself for sticking to the MFP plan for 7 days, plus working out 6 days, but I am really discouraged as too why there are no results?


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I have been on the plan for 7 days now, I eat 1200 calories a day plus I worked out every single day except Saturday. I haven't lost ANYTHING. I know it takes time, but my friends just started working out and not eating right and they lost 5 pounds this week. WTF. How come I tried soooo hard and haven't lost a thing????? I am trying so hard finally and I get nothing..

    I did however go to the dr. today and he is sending me to get my thyroid checked just to see and be safe, but there is probably nothing wrong with my thyroid. I've been struggling to lose this weight for 2 years now, why wont it go away?!?!?

    I will say I am VERY proud of myself for sticking to the MFP plan for 7 days, plus working out 6 days, but I am really discouraged as too why there are no results?
    are you eating some or all your excercise calories ??? If you are just eating 1200 calories and working out as hard as you are .... you are putting your body in starvation mode ....
  • xoalyssaox, Good for you for following the plan and exercising every day....... I have found it most important to stick with it when you are most discouraged. We all have those days! Do you feel better since starting your exercise program? I hope so! Also, good for you for going to the Dr. baseline bloodwork is so important. I hope you see results soon, hang in there! :flowerforyou:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    the water thing is huge- make sure you're drinking your water, you could also be retaining water if you're on TOM, or have anything salty.
  • cstang
    cstang Posts: 28
    Please don't be discouraged for not having lost anything yet, you've only given your body 7 days to get used to the new things you're introducing to it. This is a lifestyle change for you. It is not about starving yourself thin or exercising every day until you see results. If it is about that, then you'll easily get tired of this routine and surely go back to what got you here. Don't think of this as a "diet"... you should not feel deprived of things you love, just enjoy them in moderation. Instead of telling yourself you can't have any pizza, try telling yourself you can have 1 piece then get up and move your body by going for a walk or doing some light housework something to get your mind off of having another slice of pizza. Sometimes you have to start by cutting only a few calories, and working out in moderation. Remind yourself that the weight didn't appear in 7 days, so it can't be expected to disappear in 7 days:-) Good luck to you. This site is a tremendous help and a great source of support.:heart:
  • Give it 1 or 2 more weeks and I guarantee you will see results!!! Keep up the good work - I'm proud of you!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Allow me to cite from the classics:

    and there's more to choose from:"you+want+to+read+again+and+again"&page=1#posts-217854

    I suggest you don't compare yourself with others - everyone's different. Why get discouraged? Look into the future: you can become toned and healthier or you can always find someone who looks better (on the outside). You can also give it all up. What do you want your future to look like? :wink:

    Good luck and stay focused! :flowerforyou:
  • I too went through that when I started up again - went 12 days on a pretty strict regimen and saw only 1/2 pound loss MAYBE.... But, a couple weeks later and 7 pounds were off. I am not a big fan of the scale - about how my clothes fit. And I'm 48 so I know the weight loss will be much slower than in the past, and take more effort! Also don't try the starvation thing - so tempting to do it, but sets you up for a binge. I'm trying now to remember this didn't come on over night, won't get off over night. Just stick to your mindset that you're being healthy and it isn't a "diet" but a lifestyle... yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    Go get the tape and take some measurements !

    If you haven't been very active in the past months or years, and are now doing strenght training, you might be developping muscles at the same pace your are losing fat. And that's good news ! because muscle burns fat :)

    For about a month when I started exercising, the number on the scale didn't change AT ALL but I knew I was getting "tighter".

    Keep going ! You can do it !
  • Don't get discouraged...Keep at it and I promise you will see results. Are you eating your exercise calories? I found that when I didnt eat enough I didnt lose weight. I did the same thing you did, ate my 1200 calories and exercided every day and didnt lose a pound. Then my friend told me about this website and told me I have to eat my exercise calories. I have only been at for 2 weeks but I have lost 4lbs.

    Created by - Free Calorie Chart
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    You're going to do fine. It is SO disappointing when you don't see those numbers change. But it has only been seven days. Don't compare your weight loss to your friends. Everyone is different (seriously) and some bodies lose weight quicker than others. Working out and eating right has never caused anyone to gain weight, so stick with it!!! The results will come.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    When I lost weight, I would go about 10 days with no change, then drop 1-2 pounds...then another 10-12 days and drop another pound or so. Be patient and keep at it.

    Oh and make sure you're fueling your body adequately - 1,200 calories NET at a minimum!
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 318 Member
    Thanks everyone for your encouragement and advice.. :) I just got home from class, my life is busy busy. I work full time, go to college ft, and have a 2 year old son... So, stress is a big factor!!

    Anyways, I do usually eat the exercise calories. Otherwise I am very very hungry, but usually for the exercise calories I have pretzels or fruit. All I drink is water and 1 glass of milk a day. I have NEVER had soda in my life (yes I am being serious), so luckily thats not a problem. I LOOOOVE water. :)

    I am doing 30 minutes of cardio a day and then starting doing weights and ab machines on thursday... My Mom says she thinks I look skinnier, but I don't see it...

    Thanks again for your encouragement...I am doing great and I am very proud of myself, I guess I should just wait it out a few weeks and then worry about it then.. :)
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Thanks again for your encouragement...I am doing great and I am very proud of myself, I guess I should just wait it out a few weeks and then worry about it then.. :)

    That's the attitude! :drinker:
    With all you're up to, you are a very ambitious girl and can surely achieve whatever you set your mind to. :flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If I recall correclty, I didn't lose anything my first couple of weeks, and was shocked when I went to weigh-in. Then I took inventory of everything I was doing, logged everything faithfully, started eating healthier foods, started drinking more water...then the weight started coming off for me.

    Follow MFP, log everything faithfully and honestly, eat your calories + your exercise calories, and if you don't see any results in a month, see your doctor again.
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 318 Member
    If I recall correclty, I didn't lose anything my first couple of weeks, and was shocked when I went to weigh-in. Then I took inventory of everything I was doing, logged everything faithfully, started eating healthier foods, started drinking more water...then the weight started coming off for me.

    Follow MFP, log everything faithfully and honestly, eat your calories + your exercise calories, and if you don't see any results in a month, see your doctor again.

    Thanks, that is good advice. Especially when I read the 40 pounds lost at the bottom :) Thanks :0
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    When I first joined 2 weeks ago, I saw a post from someone (I apologize to whomever it was - can't remember!). Anyway, they were hard at it for 3 whole months before losing weight! I don't think I'd have made it. I'd have said to heck with it, and plowed my way through a bag of consolation potato chips.

    Anyway, it's like one day it just let loose and she went on to lose a lot of weight, and is still losing, if I remember correctly.

    I'm not saying it will take you 3 months - I think she was pretty rare. But I see a lot of posts from people who say it took them a coupld of weeks for the weight to start coming off. Here's my theory: they always say you lose a lot of weight at the beginning, but it's water weight. It could be that your water weight was already at a good spot, and you don't need to lose a lot of that. So you're skipping that whole phase and heading right into the true blue weight loss phase, which is slower, but is what you ultimately want to do.

    I've lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks, which doesn't seem like a lot, but I have to remind myself that it sure beats the heck out of gaining 3 pounds in 2 weeks!

    Sounds like you're doing splendid, though!
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 318 Member

    I weighed myself this morning on the same scale I weighed myself on day 1. (Yesterday weighed on a diff scale), and the one from today which is the one I originally weighed myself last week, says I lost 4 pounds :) I AM SOOO excited!! :):):) I was so happy I went out and worked out at the gym for an hour and a half!!! YAYAYYAYA

    I weighed myself this morning on the same scale I weighed myself on day 1. (Yesterday weighed on a diff scale), and the one from today which is the one I originally weighed myself last week, says I lost 4 pounds :) I AM SOOO excited!! :):):) I was so happy I went out and worked out at the gym for an hour and a half!!! YAYAYYAYA

    Good old scales....Sooo not as reliable as a tape measure...When it comes to weigh ins my advice is no more than 1x time per week, always in same clothing-I prefer underwear only--always same time of day, always similar tummy contents--I prefer sunday afternoon/evening after my workout but before eating dinner. I also only trust my home scale--a pretty nice digital scale that alwyas gives the same reading which I bought to replace my old scale that gave different readings every time I stepped on it.

    You'll go nutz if you weigh in more often than 1x per week. I have no logical explanation for this....I workout 7 days a week. 1hr cardio M-F and 1-2 hrs cardio Sat -Sun. I noticed a weird pattern...Pretty consistently I've found that if I weigh in Friday evening my weight is very close (w/in 1/2 lb) to the last sundays weight. But come Sunday I'll be at a loss for the week of 1.5-2lbs..I have yet to figure out why this happens but it's enough to keep me away from daily weigh-ins.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    ADVICE: Always weigh on the same scales!!!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Agree. Same scale and once a week... it takes your body time to process the food you're giving it and the exercise you're doing to burn those calories.

    Some people weigh in daily (I used to) but that can be so frustrating and illogical... once a week definitely works the best!
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