
I've lost my motivation to workout. I am still eating right but when my alarm goes off I have been resetting it. I have chronic fatigue in the afternoon so mornings is the only way for me to workout. My question is "how has anyone else regained their motivation, what worked for you?"


  • snacker127
    snacker127 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, not sure why no one else replied. My feeling is, and I say this to myself a lot, “something is always better than nothing.” Even a short, easy walk counts if the other option was to do nothing. I wonder if you have set your goals too high and it is discouraging you somehow. Tell yourself you are going to do your favorite exercise, even for a few minutes, and then while you are working out, if you suddenly feel the energy to work harder or longer go for it! You may surprise yourself.
    Good luck:)
  • sarrylove
    sarrylove Posts: 88
    I have days like these! What I do is remind myself why I started working out and getting healthy in the first place. Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves why we want it so bad and picture that end result. That is what helps me. A strong support system is also important. I have a facebook group page if you are interested in joining where I share my weight loss journey and help others in their journeys as well. Would love to have you (
  • cminor5
    cminor5 Posts: 11
    I have days like these! What I do is remind myself why I started working out and getting healthy in the first place. Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves why we want it so bad and picture that end result. That is what helps me. A strong support system is also important. I have a facebook group page if you are interested in joining where I share my weight loss journey and help others in their journeys as well. Would love to have you (

    I agree with her and you just have to push yourself. Think about why your doing it and start small. If you gain more energy while doing it, than that is when you should increase the exercise. When you body is out of shape, it takes longer to get it going. Start somewhere, if you don't have much time, do anything small 5-15 min., little things. Maybe parking further away and walking longer to the door to where you have to go. How about dancing around the house etc. Just keeping moving is better than doing nothing at all. It was very hard for me in the beginning and I was so tired all of the time. Believe me, once you get started, you will be like a lot of us, where you are asking about how to stop working out. You can't get enough, funny how it works. We (I) need to find time, how to rest more to relax the muscles to rebuild. I too will be getting a Face Book account and joining her group, can't wait!

    Good Luck, you will do it!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Yep!! Something is better than nothing. When I get into that mode; I go back to the beginning- sorta. I set my alarm for only 15-30minutes extra and do the minimum.. walk in place for 10-15minutes while watching the morning news. Next thing you know, it's feeling great again and ya want more; so you set your alarm for even more.

    If that doesn't work.. then set your alarm to get up anyway. Tell yourself, you need to train your body to GET UP. GET UP and get on MFP for 45 of those 60 minutes & I bet those last 15minutes of reading and getting inspired, you will want to exercise.

    GET OUT OF BED ANYWAY!!! It's doing it regardless.

    If you're getting afternoon fatgiues, then perhaps more protein at lunch and for an afternoon snack. Stay away from starchy and sugary ones. :D
  • cindyrey
    cindyrey Posts: 53
    Thanks for everyones comments, just what I needed to hear someone pushing me. I Bought a HRM should be here today. (new toy) I think that will help alot so I can see how many calories I am really burning. For my fatigue, It's not what I eat, it's my medications, we have tried different ones, but the one that makes me the most fatigue works the best. I've just learned that between 2-6 I am fatigue and I push to keep going.