need some help and advice

i'v been on mfp for 80 days plus.... Iv have lost 2lbs.... This is really disheartening to me, every week i lose weight the next i gain it..

I'm 4ft9 and 12st 6lbs... So about 174lbs... And desperating need to lose weight. My goal is to eat between 1000-1200 calories a day. Which im fine with when im at home, it seems like the minute i go to town or spend a day away from the house for work i always go over my calories... I dont trust mfp estimate for amount of calories burnt with exercise as im wheelchair bound so most of the works outs i do literally consist of the upper body.

I work saturday and sunday, so iv got into the routine of making lunches for those days so i dont go over, which never works... I now eat my lunch then go at eat something else.... My usual lunches are chicken or tuna salad with wholemeal pitta bread with strawberries, cherries and blueberries to snack on after.... And i fail every time.... Im too weak when it comes to temptation. I even tried adding a smoothie to the mix and it made things worse..

This is really getting me down, i feel like i have to become a hermit in order for me to stick to the calories to lose the weight.. And the thing is im not hungry when i eat the bad stuff... I just tend to eat it because its in front of me, i dont know if this is because of when i was a kid and got taught to eat everything on my plate... I just know im fed up with it and need help.

Thanks for reading


  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Maybe if you try eating the foods you love. If your cutting out all the foods you love it will be hard. Maybe you could eat something you really enjoy and then work around that to keep your calorie intake under. I make sure I enjoy what I'm gonna eat, I just make sure its in moderation. Your welcome to look at my diary. I have lost weight without much exercise so it can be done
  • Bobskiframps
    Bobskiframps Posts: 39 Member
    thats the thing i do really enjoy my lunch. I love eating veg, fruit and salads... I just cave when it comes to sugar...the eat it and realise i didnt enjoy it.....
  • Jeebs71
    Jeebs71 Posts: 41
    Your calorie goal sounds very low. When I first started back on mfp seriously in March I was trying to stick to 1200 calories a day and was attending a fat burn club in my gym. When the Trainer asked to see our food diaries he was appalled that I was trying to stick to 1200 (even though that was set by mfp) and told me to up my calories to 1500, since then I've been consistently losing weight each week. Perhaps you need to up your calorie goal a little. I'm 166cm tall and when I started back in March I was 97.1 kilos. Last weigh in last week told me I was down to 87.8 kilos, so I am happy to be taking it slow and steady.

    Not sure if this will help, but keep your chin up :o)
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    Are you able and willing to make your food diary public. We're better able to offer advice if we can see what you're logging. On the days you're out on the town, try to reach for healthier more filling foods. Lots of veggies and lots of water always help. I was taught to clean my plate as well, and to this day I have a hard time when I'm out - I don't always listen to my body when its screaming that it is FULL and I need to stop. It may be you're being too strict while you're at home and this is your body's way of rebelling to show you that.
  • alicepoppyh
    Ok I'm not being snarky, I'm really not, I know where you're coming from...But the truth is there is no magic remedy. Just don't eat it. It's that simple I'm afraid.

    Another couple of things I guess-
    If you think you are eating emotionally/comfort eating, identify the emotions and the situations that provoke them, and find a more positive way to deal with them.
    If you are really unsure about the calorie burns from exercise, why not get yourself a cheap HRM? I got one for €25 and I love it!
    If you are craving food even when you've just had lunch, try a big glass of water, you may be confusing thirst for hunger.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for accountability and encouragement.
    You can do it, you're in control and you are perfectly capable of making this change.

    Alice x
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    When it comes to calorie burn, being disabled is a game changer but not a deal killer.
    You need to experiment to find your zone when it comes to your net calories as well as the right exercises in addition to their burn rates. Nothing here will make sense as it's geared toward the able bodied, healthy person.
    You can do this; just start testing yourself and recording everything.
    Your results will tell you if you have found that zone.
    At day's end this is what we all must do no matter our limitations. Eat right - exercise. That's it:flowerforyou:
    Good Luck!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    thats the thing i do really enjoy my lunch. I love eating veg, fruit and salads... I just cave when it comes to sugar...the eat it and realise i didnt enjoy it.....

    I love sugar too so I just make sure I get small amounts of it.. I also find eating yogurt has helped me not crave sweets as much
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I am, or was, no still am an emotional eater. Its a hard habit to break, good days and bad days but making a change and deciding to stick to it is the best move. If you do have a bad day, resolve to do better the next day. I would up your calories to around 1400 which is much more manageable and you will probably find you are less inclined to reach for the sweet stuff. Try and make those calories count too. Good protein, complex carbs like oats , fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds. these foods will fill you up and give you better value for your calories. I also have a sweet tooth and allow myself one sweet treat a day usually something for 150 cals or less. Try and do some exercise, I know you are limited but it all will count, and it makes you feel better and more motivated too. This approach is working for me and I am losing steadily 1 or 2 lbs a week.
  • Bobskiframps
    Bobskiframps Posts: 39 Member
    thats the thing i do really enjoy my lunch. I love eating veg, fruit and salads... I just cave when it comes to sugar...the eat it and realise i didnt enjoy it.....
  • Zomag
    Zomag Posts: 4 Member
    I know what you mean, I'm going through the same thing! I've only lost 2lb since starting here a few months ago and i've probably put that back on. (im too scared to weigh myself!) But I have things i really want to lose weight for.

    So I think you just need to have a serious talk with yourself and find your motivation. Have you got an event you want to lose weight for? Look at a calendar and count down the days/weeks and say to yourself, I want to lose this much each week and if i do that, i will weigh this much by then!
    Make a countdown chart if you dont have a set event, just pick a date and countdown until then, writing your weight and how much you lose down each week.
    Or take pics of yourself and put them up around your bedroom or wherever only you will see them, put one in your bag when you go to work? I've stuck one of myself in my wardrobe so i see it all the time. it's a horrible reminder but it makes me think, "i dont want to look like this anymore, i am going to be good today"

    With sugary foods, you don't have to cut them out, just find low calorie alternatives, like weight watchers, they do really yummy cakes which are usually 80 something calories each. and they have a range of desserts. and if you want ice cream, stick a yoghurt in the freezer. instead of crisps, i buy snack a jacks but i love them! (ive become addicted to them!) and instead of chocolate bars, i buy low calorie cereal bars that have chocolate in them like alpen. so if you crave sugar, you can snack on these without feeling too guilty!
    if you're eating out, eat a little something before you leave, something low fat and a little filling, then you wont want to eat too much when you're out and will hopefully feel too full for dessert!
    another little silly thing i do is, if i crave sweet stuff, i chew on chewing gum after i've eaten and then i dont want to ruin the minty flavour by eating chocolate. lol

    i hope i've helped a little. i know it's hard, as its basically all down to you and your willpower! but you can do it robyn! think how good you feel when you lose the weight! and picture how great you will look when you lose it! x