Hi :)

Just popping on to say hello. I've used mfp before but never really had any luck because my head hasn't been in the right place. Something clicked yesterday and I've got more determination than I've ever had, I think. I can't currently do much exercise due to severe injury, but I'm being as controlling as I dare to be with my food. I need to lose about 150lb to be at my ideal weight but my first goal will be the 100 mark as that seems years off right now!

So..any support and tips are more than welcome! I would greatly appreciate before and after photos if at all possible and people are happy to do so but I understand that that is quite something to ask!

Cheers :)


  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Welcome back. I'd say that you are lucky to have that initial determination. It sure takes some kind of inner strength to let go of really unhealthy habits. I'm nearing the end of my weight loss journey but am super excited to encourage others to do their best. Add me as a friend if you wish.
  • joharifit1
    joharifit1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Girl! It is great we have you back. I joined last year but my heart was not in it because I was so overwhelmed with school and work. Now, I am practicing balance and making this an everyday thing!

    Feel free to Add me! We can motivate each other :DD

    Remember to stay positive. You WILL reach your goal weight! Take it one day at a time.

    Love All and Stay Blessed!

  • jaaazzd
    jaaazzd Posts: 4
    Thank you! I think I got myself into a rut as I've been unhappy with certain aspects of my life but I really want to take back the control over my own happiness!
  • mkubisz
    mkubisz Posts: 3
    Hello :) Welcome back then! I just recently started too, i hope we've both got enough determination to carry this through :D I added you as a friend if u wanna chat sometime :)
  • mlsironi
    mlsironi Posts: 4
    Congrats! You can do this! I found that being on the posts and forums are the key to success. Not being alone makes a big difference in the journey. My best!

    I'm back on after gaining all the weight I lost on another plan. Now it's all me because i'm broke and can't afford another expensive program!

    - Cheers, Marlene