HELP!! About to start 30day shred, who's been there

I am getting a copy of this from a friend next week.

I know it's a 30 day plan but does it provide rest days? I train twice a week in sessions that I can't miss and I don't get home till very late so I am wondering about fitting this in.

My thinking is fit in 30 lessons alongside my schedule making it a 38 day shred!

So I wondered if people who had done it, had anything to share about it or advice?

Did you all like it too?


  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Just started 30DS, today will be day 3.. I've been doing it around 8pm since I don't get home til late either. I'm sure mixing in your twice a week sessions would be fine without doing 30DS those days.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Jillian has said it's not intended to be done 30 days straight, and that was a marketing thing, so no worries on the time frame. :) I've been doing it for a couple weeks, and I'm actually surprised how much people talk about it. It doesn't seem so amazing that I'd see results from doing just that, of course I'm only doing it 3-4 days a week because I run 3 days a week. and it's not nearly as hard as I expected (this, coming from someone 50+lbs overweight.)
  • Lindsey1985x
    Lindsey1985x Posts: 106 Member
    Prepare to ACHE!!!!

    I started last night. did Zumba tonight. I ache so bad in my thighs.

    Advice on here has been to stretch lots before even turning the DVD on a Jillian doesn't do enough of this.

    Also stretch after LOTS!

    Thats what i'll be doing when i do 30DS tomorrow and i wish i'd known before... getting up and down stairs and going from standing to sitting hurts like hell right now... Pleeeease stretch and warm up those muscles beforehand!!!

    Much Love, Lindsey1985x
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks for he advice gus, have the DVD and about to start now