4 lb loss in a month after hard work. confused



  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    You lost 4lbs in a month. I see no problem..? That's a healthy, normal weight loss and it is a whole lot better than losing nothing or gaining.
  • KeishaK89
    KeishaK89 Posts: 40
    your doing amazing! i usually only lose about 5 lbs a month the most i have eer lost was 12 lbs in one month. be patient....and good luck!
  • Blazinbarbz
    lol thanks to all who replied. i understand that, and like i said before i totally appreciate the fact i lost inches and BF% this month.

    i was just really confused why i didn't drop more weight because this was the month i literally gave it my all. i went above & beyond what i usually do. more intense cardio, more weight lifting, more food weighing. so again, i was a bit confused.. but i'll take the inches lost and celebrate this weekend anyways over a nice size steak :D
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    Read this, make sure you are properly fueling your muscles (this is important), and don't give up on the weight lifting!


    Seriously, celebrate the fact that you look and feel good and you've lost inches. I always like to remind myself that "thin girls look good in clothes, but fit girls look good naked."
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    2in from your waist only 4 lbs lost you obviously gained muscle dear. What work out do you use? I want it lol
  • MikeDaMotivator
    MikeDaMotivator Posts: 1,144
    hey guys. so i just got back from my weigh in today. checked in at 206, making is a 94 lb loss (from 300). and 38% BF, down from 50% where i started.

    kinda sucks i only lost 4 lbs this moonth, but i lost 2 inches from my waist, 1.5%bf, 1.5 inches from my chest. i don't understand how i didn't lose more. i seriously feel and look like i'm out the 200's. ugh i don't understand how this all works. the harder i work, the less weight i lose? does someone mind explaining this to me

    a little info about my diet: i'm on a keto diet, 3 days no carbs, 2 days low carbs (under 110).. so on the days im on no carbs i take it about 1k-1.1K cals? (not including workout 40 min cardio, 30 min lifting) and on carb days i usually have my 1.2k, 1.3k cals (again, not including exercise)

    A loss is a loss. Congrats!
  • aksimpson1983
    Congrats on your continued success!

    I agree that it may be worth looking into a different caloric intake. I say this because you most likely have bolstered your metabolism and it's burning at a quicker rate. Thus, you need more calories to keep up with it. If you don't get the calories you need, your body will assume it's starving and it will begin to store the calories you eat as fat.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. You're doing great. I have learned the diet process requires adjustment periodically when your body changes. This is a great learning experience!
  • catherinemowat
    catherinemowat Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations on the nearly 100 lbs weight loss. That's amazing! I just joined this website today and I've only started working out 2 months ago. I need to lose 130 pounts before a milestone birthday next year!!

    I was wondering why I wasn't as successful as I thought I'd be and found out today that there were many factors sabotaging my success: 1) not drinking enough water, 2)lack of vitamin supplements, 3)eating too many carbs and 4) not consuming enough calories!

    So, I'll be tracking my water and food consumption, switching to the Paleo diet, introducing vitamins -- especially. Vit B 100 x2 capsules for energy before a workout and 100x1 capsule for recovery, extra Vit D (which is fat soluable) to release the stored VitD along with the fat.

    My trainer also switched up my workout routine from what the previous trainer had me do -- which was stationery bike and treadmill, for 10 mins each at the start of each session. My new trainer has me on the ellyptical for complete body movement -- 10 mins warm up followed by weight training and then another 10 minutes on the ellyptical to get rid of the lactic acid.

    You didn't mention whether you've attempted to change your workout routine or diet. KeishaK89 may have a point that your metabolism may have plateaued, in which case, you may need o switch things up or get some advice from a personal trainer/coach.

    Good luck!
  • Blazinbarbz
    2in from your waist only 4 lbs lost you obviously gained muscle dear. What work out do you use? I want it lol

    heh. well i actually started dong the keto diet 4 weeks ago. and seriously ever since starting it i can see myself getting leaner and leaner each day. i do 3 day no carbs (>25G carbs) and 2 days low carbs (>100g) and saturday is my normal carb loading day (200g) so its not too bad

    this diet was hell at first. i could bartely make it through work without having to drink tea or coffee for a major energy boost.. but lately it hasn't been that bad! only bad thing is on my no carb days i tend to eat a bit more of sodium than i usually do
  • Blazinbarbz
    as i said, this month i really did go above and beyond. i hop on 2 different cardio machines ea day 20 mins each, in moderate to intense level.. i'm usually on the stair master (the real STAIRmaster) and i jog on the treadmill (i just started jogging about a 2 weeks ago so i'm super excited for it, given i could barely walk at 300) other days i do 30 mins on the arc trainer and then jump on the stair master, try to go faster than last time..

    and as for weights i do weights 4x a week, each day i target a diff part of my body., I.E; legs and abs one day, back and bis another.. chest, shoulder, tris another.. stuff like that. that's why, again, i said this 4 lb weight loss really did shock me this month. i never use to do this before lol, so i was expecting like a kazillion lb weight loss this month (8-10) but instead i got 2 inches off and 1.5% bf which is A-ok with me :P

    as for water i drink a gallon, sometimes more a day.. i only drink water, no juice, no milk no nothing.. only water and pre and post workout water with myofiber and a scoop of amino acids (dymatize recoup) i take womens multi, and fish oil daily
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    You're working harder than usual so I'd say it's water. Ignore it. The scale is not your report card. Your body is what matters.

    You just started the keto thing 4 weeks ago? That's when your loss rate changed, though, right?
  • Blazinbarbz
    yup. started it 4 weeks ago, and thats when it changed. i was losing a steady 8-12 lbs a month before than (given, i was also bigger)

    but i actually told my nutritionist i think its water too. idk how many of you are familiar with keto but since you cant eat carbs, on those days i go over sodium in things like peperroni, or sausage for breakfast with my egg whites.. all of which are very sodium heavy.
  • Blazinbarbz
    can anyone recommend a good heart rate monitor? i'm looking through amazon and they have mixed reviews.

    thanks guys ;)
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    yeah i actually think so as well. and usually when i put i did cardio for 40 mins, it tells me that burns 600 cals.. i mean, how can that be so? how can i be sure that i really did burn 600 cals? it's pretty tricky. if anyone can help me getting my macros and cals in check for a nice steady weight loss of 1.5-2lbs a week i'd appreciate it ALOT!

    my macros now look like(on no carb days): 35g fat, 25g carbs, 180-200g protein. 1.2k cals (not including exercise sadly)

    While your diet plan does not seem too terrible, your execution is lacking (according to your food diary). Your average protein intake seemed to be below 100 for the past week, not close to the 180-200 g you're aiming for. Carbs and fats seem all over the place. And it is definitely not a good idea to regularly eat 600-800 calories. If you are going to try a diet where you cycle carbs, you need to get better at the planning part. Maybe take some time one day a week to plan out your meals and look at each days macros and calories. Otherwise, you may find it easier to eat around the same number of carbs/proteins/fats daily. The important thing is to do a diet that you can actually stick with successfully for a long time, not just one that you think will be the quickest.

    Most people on such ketosis-inducing diet who've been successful insert regular "refeeds" (or planned cheat days), where they keep their proteins and fats constant (or increase slightly) and increase their carbs until they eat at maintenance or TDEE. This helps psychologically and physiologically (this can help regulate hormones that interfere with weight loss when dieting).

    If you wanted to stick to your plan above, I would suggest increasing your fat a bit (maybe to 50-60 g), having a refeed day, and making more concrete plans. Oh and use a food scale.
  • Blazinbarbz
    thank you! but understand that on the weekends i don't always log everything i eat. especially when i'm on my refeed carbs day.. i count the heavy carb stuff (like subs or whatever i choose to eat) but apart from that i guess i just dont eat too much because i'm down right scared. today for example, i logged in all my food. everything. even from the gum, and the scoops of myo fiber i drank (i dont usually do that)

    i do agree i need a food scale because i'm eyeballing my chicken and shrimp.. my tilapia already comes pre cut at 8 oz so i dont worry about that..

    for instance, i just posted my diary up of today, today was a carb day along with yesterday and i just felt like i ate SO much! i feel like tomorrow i'm going to wake up fat. ugh i hate having this fat mentality

    i need a hrm to measure the cals i'm burning accurately and a scale to do everything accurtaely, but for the most part i eat the same stuff everyday.. so i agree i will have to look into more low carb and no carb recipes to spice my life up and maybe that'll make me want to eat more! hopefully....
    thanks guys :)
  • bigpopsonswole
    Celebrate the loss!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    How many inches lost?
    lbs only matter a little. If you worked out lots, then you could very well have lost inches.. count more in my book.
  • Blazinbarbz
    and another thing, my protein intake is ALWAYS above 120-130.. you should take a relook at this past months logging (this is when i started getting more serious)

    that's something i dont even worry about because i tend to eat egg whites with my chicken, tilapia, pretty much in every meal. also eat lots of veggies in substitute for bread or rice or whatever..

    ~~ i just got done eating a plate of .7 cup of brown rice, and about 8 oz of sauteed shrimp right now and it was the most delicious thing i've had all week. ~~
    i need more recipes, i do agree my execution is horrible. but i wrote it down in the journal on things i need to work on this month and you bet as soon as i get paid this paycheck first thing i'm going to buy is a food scale and a HRM. i'm tired of eyeballing things and being paranoid whether it was actually more, or less
  • barbaracoffing
    barbaracoffing Posts: 117 Member
    Same thing happened to me and I was told that when you work extra hard that you have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so you could have put on muscle weight which could have made up for the fat loss. So your body fat percent may have gone down some. It's the inches that count, weight isn't always a good measure. Also, sometimes you just plateau...especially when you have been on the same diet for so long. Sometimes you have to go off a few days or change things up, maybe go on a high protein liquid diet with fruits and veggies for a few days or something....?