HRM and the gym machines?

Hello :) I recently got a HRM and used it last night for the first time. I did the treadmill for 1 hour and a 5 min cooldown. I averaged about 3.7 mph and and incline between 0 and 5. The machine said I burned about 350ish cals, and I adjust doing manual interval training. My HRM said I did twice as much as the machine said.

So, do I use the HRM reading? Or do I use an average between the two? I didn't plug my weight into the machine but I did into the HRM.

Also it was a huge calorie burn according to the HRM...should I be trying to eat it all back?




  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    Use your HRM. The machine doesn't have your weight or age wich both play a huge role in your calorie burn. I never go by the machine since getting my HRM.

    I LOVE your ticker! I'm a huge frog freak :happy:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    The TM is definitely off if you did not input weight. It would also be off if you held on to handails while walking.

    OTOH, for the HRM to be anywhere near correct, based on the average workload you were doing, you would have to weigh 265lb. So you can use that as a rough guideline to check the accuracy.

    HRMs have to be set up with your actual Max HR (or close to it) and a reasonably close estimate of your fitness level or they can be way off.
  • tracyhall63
    tracyhall63 Posts: 84 Member
    As far as if you should eat the calories back, are you hungry? If you question the amount I would not eat all the calories. I try to listen to my body, it will tell me if I need to eat more.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    The TM is definitely off if you did not input weight. It would also be off if you held on to handails while walking.

    OTOH, for the HRM to be anywhere near correct, based on the average workload you were doing, you would have to weigh 265lb. So you can use that as a rough guideline to check the accuracy.

    HRMs have to be set up with your actual Max HR (or close to it) and a reasonably close estimate of your fitness level or they can be way off.

    Well, I figured it would be more cos I am 197ish atm. I just didn't expect the monitor to be quite so high. However, I will just do what I thought to do and just not eat all of them back. Thank you!!
  • loudtisa
    loudtisa Posts: 2
    Eating back your exercise calories...

    I did, according to MFP's estimation of how many calories I burned that day (usually between 1000-1400, I'm very active). I gained 5 lbs. As long as your eating your minimum of 1200 calories per day, then you should be okay, but don't go less than that. And because you have all these exercise calories burned, if you want an extra banana at breakfast once in a while then go for it.
  • Laurielronic
    Laurielronic Posts: 61 Member
    The TM is definitely off if you did not input weight. It would also be off if you held on to handails while walking.

    OTOH, for the HRM to be anywhere near correct, based on the average workload you were doing, you would have to weigh 265lb. So you can use that as a rough guideline to check the accuracy.

    HRMs have to be set up with your actual Max HR (or close to it) and a reasonably close estimate of your fitness level or they can be way off.
    Max HR- would this be the 80%? How do you make them the most accurate? I too am trying to figure all this out and am very new to the HRM.