The cereal diet

Hello, I am new here and am on a cereal based diet. I have about 50 pounds to lose and hoping it works out. So far I have lost about 2 pounds on it so I will see. Looking for suggestions and meeting people perhaps. I created a blog on my progress and realized this is an excellent motivator to continue. I recommend everyone create their own blog if they are up for it to track your progress and share your results.


  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    Cereal huh? All kinds? Warm and cold?? Hope you're sticking to cereals low in sugar!!
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    My suggestions? Don't limit yourself to just cereal, sweetie! :) For example.. if you eat 300 calories worth of cereal for breakfast, that's the same 300 calories you could use on an omelette! Variety will help you lose those 50 pounds and stick to a new LIFESTYLE. It's really not as bad as it sounds. :flowerforyou: Good luck!
  • someonefromny
    haha, yeah cheerios to be exact. I also incline walk every day it burns calories like crazy.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I've used cereal as a quick fix to drop 5 pounds in a hurry. It does work for that, but not as a long-term solution. Use your time here on MFP to find a new way of eating and relating to food that works for you for the rest of your life -- it's a journey and the support available to you here as you make your way is great!

    Best of luck :smile:
  • SamanthaD23
    SamanthaD23 Posts: 53 Member
    Is this educating you about diet? what are you going to do when you've lost the weight you want?
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    You do realize if you eat only cereal, you're going to become malnourished...right? You need real food, not cheerios
  • boomrain
    boomrain Posts: 74 Member
    Yeah, I agree with Funky over there. You're going to need more than cereal to get to your goal. It may work at first, but I think your body will plataue fast! She's right. This is about a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix. You can't eat cereal to lose 50 pounds and then go back to whatever way you were eating before. You need to figure out what healthy foods you like and plan some good meals with protein, fruits and veggies in them!! Getting all your essential vitamins is important too!! I wish you all the best!!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Cereal for me is a treat. I can't imagine it being a long term solution for weight loss.

    I guess if I have anything to offer on this, it would be to suggest you measure it vary carefully- it is SO easy to overestimate cereal portions, and they always look pathetically small when you measure them out by weight.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    oh lord, cereal would be the worst thing for me to eat.
  • someonefromny
    The diet is cereal based but not completely just cereal. Basically lean protein whole grain cereals and a multivitamin. Together they should provide all nutrients I think.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    please tell me a health care professional didn't suggest this 'diet'
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    no vegetables?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    no vegetables?

    Or fat? I hope you're using whole milk!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    hey, theres a multivitamin. that will solve everything!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    The diet is cereal based but not completely just cereal. Basically lean protein whole grain cereals and a multivitamin. Together they should provide all nutrients I think.

    But... what about fruit and veggies... you know, real food, not processed stuff?
    I don't believe that we know enough about how our bodies get, store and use all the nutrition we need to trust a multivitamin to replace actual food.

    But hey, if that's what floats your boat - good luck, I hope it works for you!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    So 1 cup is 3g of protein. If your needed intake for protein is 100g then that's 33 cups of cereal. At 100 calories a bowl, that's 3300 calories. For just the cereal.

    Diets don't work. Lifestyle change does.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Yeah, I agree with Funky over there. You're going to need more than cereal to get to your goal. It may work at first, but I think your body will plataue fast! She's right. This is about a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix. You can't eat cereal to lose 50 pounds and then go back to whatever way you were eating before. You need to figure out what healthy foods you like and plan some good meals with protein, fruits and veggies in them!! Getting all your essential vitamins is important too!! I wish you all the best!!!

    At the same time though, I think cheerios are a great option for meals if your adding fruits and milk to them. No problem with cheerios. :) Just don't even hesitate to change things up! If you don't like cereal in the first place, you don't have to eat it! If you get sick of cheerios, move on! I've lost 145 pounds and had plenty of cheerios along the way -- sometimes for every meal! Hahaha, but you don't have to be on a 'cereal diet'. Those days I had cheerios for every meal are days that I wanted and craved them!
  • SamanthaD23
    SamanthaD23 Posts: 53 Member
    If I was marooned on a desert island with a box of cereal I'd feed the birds with it and starve to death.
  • someonefromny
    Perhaps I will add a tablespoon of olive oil everyday to help with essential fatty acids.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    The diet is cereal based but not completely just cereal. Basically lean protein whole grain cereals and a multivitamin. Together they should provide all nutrients I think.

    I see what you're getting at here, but you're thinking wrong. Even if 'dieting' and 'losing weight' is all about calories in and calories out, you can't forget about the main food groups! You've got protein and grains covered.. Dairy too if you're using milk... But where's the fats and veggies and fruits? A multivitamin is not a substitute and was never intended to be. In fact, many doctors suggest you stay away from multivitamins until you give the right foods a try!