Step calculator on droid OS

I have a Samsung Infuse phone which has the droid os and I am able to download apps. Can anyone recommend a good app that calculates your steps/walking you've done? I have 2 active girls so I'm always on my feet. Any suggestions?


  • scrappingchick72
    Bump, hoping someone has input. Thanks. :smile:
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    Don't think step counters work too well on Phones.

    The phones lack the mechanism that step counters use and instead rely on GPS tracking which is much less accurate.
  • SamanthaD23
    SamanthaD23 Posts: 53 Member
    Not really answering your question but do you strap your droid to you all day? If not I'd get a fitbit or a cheap pedo you can clip to your bra or belt. Not sure I'd want my phone strapped to me all day.

    Nothing related but there's an awesome app that takes your pulse by putting your fingertip on the camera lens "Instant Heart Rate" !

    and also some good workout apps:
    "Daily .... workout" (legs, arms, butt, abs) - you can choose how long you want and it plays a vid with timer.
    "workout forge" - write your own workouts and play them back.
  • Laurie1231
    Laurie1231 Posts: 5 Member
    If you are walking outside cardio trainer is a great app it can be used for any type of exercise