I cant stop snacking


I am trying to lose about 20lbs, I am finding it hard as me fiancee keeps buying snacky foods for the house and I find it hard not to help myself to it all too, any advice at all would be appreciated



  • leanneb205
    leanneb205 Posts: 76
    If you feel the need to snack just grab some cold water and drink it or exercise. I still snack but now snack on carrot sticks and celery etc... You dont need to cut out snacks just make healthier life choices
  • semerine08
    semerine08 Posts: 2 Member
    Omg! I am having the same problem at work! It's so hard, isn't it? The one thing I try to tell myself is that being thin/fit feels better than ANYTHING tastes! Sometimes it works...sometimes, not so much. Oh! Also, I yell at whoever brings in the snacks :)
  • pinkglitz
    pinkglitz Posts: 28
    Get your fiancée to stop buying stuff she knows you will eat!

    My partner used to be terrible for buying junk that I told him not to get because I knew if it was in the cupboard or fridge I would eat it, simple as, I could not walk past chocolate. You are not saying she can't eat it just not around you if you don't think you are ready to resist the temptation.
  • Ask her to be supportive and not buy it or buy healthier snacks so that you can nibble guilt free. If she insists on buying them ask her to keep them somewhere else if possible so they are not easy to hand or better still maybe she could buy what she wants daily as she needs it rather than a lot at once that will be around for temptation. If she has crisps and things maybe she could keep them in her car, perhaps she could buy the healthier variety for you ... just a few suggestions hope they help x
  • CyniSister
    CyniSister Posts: 74
    I have had this problem too! I find that I'm only snacky when my meals haven't consisted of enough wholesome foods. Make sure you're getting your fruits and veggies and grains and maybe that craving will vanish.

    Oh. And the Water idea is great too!
  • xrsizer4u
    xrsizer4u Posts: 3
    You should seek to have her workout with you or track her daily food/exercise on MFP also!
  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member
    Snacks like alcohol are my weakness ... especially because alcohol leads to snacking (as Homer Simpson would say **DOH*** )

    Whatever the goal of weight loss, it must be something sustainable. I loast 18kg (almost 40 pounds) in the years of 1999 and 2000 .... gained those 18kg + another 12 in the years that followed and what i realised is that if we go to to much of an extreme routine now, you will seee the immediate results but its not neccessarily sustainable and over a few years to come all the hard work will be undone.

    So my advice is that if you are going to snack and you intend to snack in 5 years time, then go for it but do it in moderation (and within your allowed limits for the day ... maybe replace a meal with snacks and decide was the snack really worth it ... all those calories and still hungry)

    Other times - just excercise more for that extra few blocks of 'fruit and nut' chocolate :-)

    Happy journey to health!!
  • Thanks for all your replies, the problem of the snack food (crisps, sweets, chocolate) she gets in for her granddaughter for when she comes round, I also need to start having a bit more will power, in regards to the water I drink 2 litres a day and do no want to over do the water bit. I have pretty much given up drinking beer too,
  • Also I do keep within my limits, but i'm constantly bloated....I have been having Windease to help counter this problem