2 weeks in and only weight gained :(

Hey! So today marks my 15th day and so far nothing but sml weight gains. I'm following my calories logging everything and nothing. I work out 5-6 days a week for an hour. I'm starting to get frustrated... I haven't touched fast food since I started and am avoiding alcohol which is super hard! I'm 23 and figured the weight would just be dropping since my meal before consisted of fast food and alcohol (I'm 23 don't judge lol). Idk right now I'm ready to see the scaled move! My friends on here have been very helpful in giving me tips and I'm using all advice! How long did it take everyone else to begin losing? Any tips and ideas would be greatly appreciated! :)


  • madison2502
    madison2502 Posts: 5 Member
    I am just wondering if you are eating enough. If you are only eating 1200 calories it might be too low for your current weight and your body could be in starvation mode. I know there is lots of controversy over this issue but you might try finding out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and eating 20% less. It couldn't hurt to try.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    I agree. Your body may need more food to function at it's peak. Also with all you're doing take your measurements now because that will be the most motivating thing when the scale slows in the future -- you'll see how far you've come.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    1. Are you eating enough? madison covered this one.
    2. Are you recording things correctly? Underestimating portion sizes and overestimating calorie burn from exercise are common.
    3. Were you menstruating during the past two weeks? Menstruation causes the body to retain water, easily inflating perceived weight.
    4. Have you dramatically increased exercise during that period? Your body will store water to repair muscles
    5. Have medical issues been ruled out? If you keep on gaining weight no matter what your diet, you should consult with a doctor. For example, difficulty controlling weight is a symptom of PCOS, hypothyroidism, and other hormonal diseases.
  • maidofstone
    maidofstone Posts: 62 Member

    I know its really frustrating, but you say you work out 5-6 times a week for an hour, thats really good and it will be the fat turning to muscle which weighs more, its annoying because its nice to see the weight go down, but this happens to me when i go to the gym, then slowly i will start showing the weight loss.

    do your clothes feel looser? i'd measure yourself for a bit instead to keep yourself motivated, i bet you are losing inches : )
  • laurac7888
    laurac7888 Posts: 19
    Thank you guys! This is all very frustrating! I'm not giving up by any means but I'm just ready to see it working! So I started on 1050 calories then was advised to up to 1200 and that's where I'm at now.

    As for the questions...
    I am eating all my calories and recording accurately. I pre weigh out all my food before cooking and I'm weighting meats out and freezing so everything is planned. I am however menstrating and never thought of that. Hopefully it's just water weight and I will begin to lose. I'm also gonna begin measurements since I'm reading many people are successful with that! Thanks so much!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week for an hour.

    Drop it to 3 days.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    If you put your actual stats into MFP and use "lose 1lb" per week does it give you 1200? If not, don't use 1200. Use the MFP recommendations and eat your exercise calories back. Give that one months and then, and only then, if that doesn't work try shifting stuff around.

    the MFP standards work for MOST* people, so try it properly before you start fiddling about.

    *sadly not me but it seems I actually AM a special snowflake...sigh
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    JUst give it some more time girl! :) It will happen, trust me... I didnt see results for about a month, the scale moves very slowly for me but I'm looking leaner. I'm sure you are losing in your measurements!! Just stick with it! you will see results!!
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    I can help on this one - did you let MFP set your goals for you or did you set them? If you are at 1200 Calories then you need to adjust your carbs, fat, & protein. Depending on your height ( I will assume you are 5'3-5'6) you need to change carbs to 30%, fat to 30%, and protein to 40%.

    During my cycle week, I never show a decrease; usually a two pound increase, so if you make the adjustment above, continue a five day work out in a week, you will see a drop after the next week.

    MFP sets carbs way too high and depending on your enzymes, the carbs you are eating may not be working like they need to. I also had issues in the beginning but once I did some trial and error I found what worked.

    Good Luck!
  • ahni77
    ahni77 Posts: 75
    it took me months, from when I first started MFP, to get the scale to move. I thought being under my calorie goal would help but nothing. Like you, I was logging in all my food, cut out most of the bad stuff and worked out A LOT. The scale never moved. I was frustrated. Then I thought I'd listen to what everyone else on here was saying - EAT BAK ALL YOUR CALORIES! So I did and sure enough, the scale started moving. They're not kidding about eating your calories back. Your body goes into starvation mode and hangs on to body fat when it's not being fed enough. Also, make sure your switching up your exercise every now and then. It wasn't until I started mixing in weight training and yoga with my running that I really started seeing the scale move. Hope that helps. Good Luck and don't give up!
  • cfm919
    cfm919 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't give up! Believe me it will start working. I'm a full figured woman also and have lost 3 lbs in my first week. MFP wants me to eat 1700 calories a day. With the WILL power that I have, I've been eating around 1000 - 1200. At the end of the day it tell me I need to eat more, I say NO way I feel fine and have energy. So please don't give up yet, it gets harder when you get older like me :smile:
  • erikapereira
    erikapereira Posts: 196
    The same happened to me. I still struggling to lose the first 5 pounds but I feel better, less bloated and people started asking me if I am loosing weight 0.0
    I first started with 1500 and I was starving then I founf out the group eat more to weight less

    They have interesting information of how you need to ful your body to be able to lose weight in a healthy way and. This is my 3rd week eating my TDEE - 15%. you can calculate your information in http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    BMR=calories that your body needs to function while is resting
    TDEE=it calculates the calories need it to function acording to your physical activities.
    The webpage will calculate your TDEE and you can choose the calorie deficit you want. The group eat more to weight less recommends %15

  • slimtrimgoody
    slimtrimgoody Posts: 16 Member
    It sounds like you need to get a plan made specifically for you --- try seeing a nutritionist if you can. A nutritionist can take a close look at your daily food intake log and make recommendations for you and your bodytype. Also, they can help you to plan your meals in advance along with appropriate snacks by giving you lots of suggestions. Whatever you do, NEVER GIVE UP! Hang in there and soon you will see the results you want.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    Don't get frustrated sweetie! I would try and eat more than 1200 calories. MFP says I should eat atleast 1470 before exercising so I think you need to eat more. It may sound silly but it works. Take working out down to 3-4 times a week for awhile and see what happens. The weight didn't come on over night so it's going to take it awhile to come off... one day at a time! :) I am here if you need anything!!
  • bauerest
    bauerest Posts: 8 Member
    I was always told that good things take time - a great motto to live by. You should be proud that you gave up fast food, and alcohol. That is a huge step to take in itself, and an accomplishment. You mentioned you've been working out 5-6 times a week for an hour - what exercises have you been doing? Are you mixing it up like doing cardio one day, weights the next, etc. Changing up your routine may help. Good luck to you!!
  • louiloui123
    louiloui123 Posts: 22 Member
    So guys, do you have to eat back all your calories even when you are full?
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Thank you guys! This is all very frustrating! I'm not giving up by any means but I'm just ready to see it working! So I started on 1050 calories then was advised to up to 1200 and that's where I'm at now.

    As for the questions...
    I am eating all my calories and recording accurately. I pre weigh out all my food before cooking and I'm weighting meats out and freezing so everything is planned. I am however menstrating and never thought of that. Hopefully it's just water weight and I will begin to lose. I'm also gonna begin measurements since I'm reading many people are successful with that! Thanks so much!

    I don't think that's enough calories. I'm 114lbs and I can't do only 1200 calories a day! And to someone who said her fat was turning into muscle- not correct. If you've only been at this 2 weeks...your fat is NOT turning into muscle. I'm not trying to be mean or discouraging...but just don't want you to be misled. It takes much, much longer for that to happen...especially with women. So, take a look at what you're eating. Make sure you're not eating junk but just less of it. Some people can get by with that and lose weight...but some of us (like me) can't do that and have to clean up your diet.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yeah, you cant build muscle on a calorie deficit,and you would have to be doing some serious training to do so anyway.

    Anyway, good on you OP for taking a step twords a healthier life. Keep on working at it and Im sure you'll get there. Being young is no excuse to eat crap (Im 24, and right now Im eating a baked sweet potato, some mackeral and brocoli, you can totally eat well). Keep up the good work and Im sure you'll see a change. :)
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Please eat more... I've been telling you this for over a week? :-)
  • laurac7888
    laurac7888 Posts: 19
    Thank you all for the support! I'm willing to try anything to see results and I know they won't come over night. I have set realistic goals like lose 6 lbs in 3 weeks simple stuff. So I'm gonna try the new changes and lower my days of working out. Although I feel so guilty not working out everyday. I feel like if I have the time and energy I might as well take advantage. And I have upped my calories 2 times since starting but I'm going to up it another 100 and see how that works! Thanks again everyone! You are all amazing! :):):)