Spinning classes

I am a firm believer in spinning classes and they are by FAR my fave form of cardio which keeps me motivated!
I was just wondering... I'm 120lbs and I take endurance spinning classes which are 1hr in duration. Is it REALLY possible that if I'm working myself my HARDEST (varying intensities/intervals/pushing myself to my limit) that I could actually be burning as much as 600cals in the hour?! I saw this stat somewhere a couple times and was wondering if that might be at all accurate!
Thanks :)


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Most of the caloric burn rates I've seen tend to use the mythical 150lb person but it certainly is possible if you're pushing yourself. Best bet is to invest in a heart rate monitor (with a chest strap) - even though they're not 100% accurate it will give you a much better idea (something like a Polar FT4 would probably be ideal for your needs and not too expensive)
  • roxerella
    roxerella Posts: 80 Member
    It's really hard to know whether that is accurate for you. Everyone is different. Depends on your weight, height, resting heart rate, workout intensity and how long you've been spinning.

    600 calories an hour is possible but if you've been spinning a while, your fitness levels are good, and your resting heart rate is low you probably don't burn that much. I' d recommend getting a heart rate monitor, then you'll know for sure.

    I spin 3 times week and have done for the past 6 months. MFP and other sites estimated that I was burning 645 calories an hour, but my resting heart rate is fairly low (66) and I never get over 135 beat per minute working out full pelt. I burn 440 in an hours Spin class according to my Polar HRM.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Most of the caloric burn rates I've seen tend to use the mythical 150lb person but it certainly is possible if you're pushing yourself. Best bet is to invest in a heart rate monitor (with a chest strap) - even though they're not 100% accurate it will give you a much better idea (something like a Polar FT4 would probably be ideal for your needs and not too expensive)

    This, I also do spinning and for a typical hour long spin class I burn between 500 and 600+ calories. I use the Polar FT4 and it works great!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I would say it's definitely possible. I haven't done spin in awhile (not since I got my heart rate monitor), but I weigh 125 and usually burn 500-600 calories during a 45 minute hockey game (I usually play half the game.. but my heart rate gets high enough when I'm actually playing, that I still burn calories when I'm on the bench, too, I guess).

    Since you're pretty much always moving in spin, I think it's possible!

    PS I have a Polar FT7 and really like it.
  • LisaGamerGirl
    thanks for the feedback guys! when i want a good caloric burn i'll usually opt for the spin classes or skipping rope!
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I use a Polar F4 heart rate monitor (with chest strap). It's always given me a really accurate reading when doing cardio or circuit training. I too LOVE spin classes to get my butt in shape. In my spin class last night, I burned 643 calories in 55 minutes! I'm currently 163 pounds. I've also only been back to regular (as in 2-3 classes per week) spin classes for about a month. I find that when I get more "fit" and used to the classes, I burn less. But, that's my fault since I should obviously been ramping up the intensity or the resistance. But to answer your question, absolutely a person can burn 600+ calories in an hour long spin class. (I've once burned 734!). But, the only real accurate measurement will be a heart rate monitor. My class last Tuesday morning only had me burning 450 calories. Last night's class was 643. I find my calorie burn changes so much depending on the instructor.