
Hi all,
I was only 16 lbs away from my goal weight and 1 measly pound overweight before I took a trip to Europe for 2 weeks. Now I am 10 lbs. overweight and 25 lbs from my goal weight. Sigh...

My husband and I have decided that we'd really like to try to give our daughter a younger brother/sister, and things would work out best time-wise if we started trying this summer, BUT I really want to lose this extra weight while I still can! I'm going to try to keep my calorie-intake at around 1700 calories (until I know I'm pregnant, of course), and I plan on continuing to jog throughout my pregnancy. What I'm wondering is if it's OK for me to have a calorie restriction while trying to get pregnant. I'm hardly starving myself, so that shouldn't make much of a difference at the beginning, should it? My plan is to switch to maintenance calories + 200-300 extra during the pregnancy. Has this worked for anyone else? Just curious!


  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Hi all,
    I was only 16 lbs away from my goal weight and 1 measly pound overweight before I took a trip to Europe for 2 weeks. Now I am 10 lbs. overweight and 25 lbs from my goal weight. Sigh...

    My husband and I have decided that we'd really like to try to give our daughter a younger brother/sister, and things would work out best time-wise if we started trying this summer, BUT I really want to lose this extra weight while I still can! I'm going to try to keep my calorie-intake at around 1700 calories (until I know I'm pregnant, of course), and I plan on continuing to jog throughout my pregnancy. What I'm wondering is if it's OK for me to have a calorie restriction while trying to get pregnant. I'm hardly starving myself, so that shouldn't make much of a difference at the beginning, should it? My plan is to switch to maintenance calories + 200-300 extra during the pregnancy. Has this worked for anyone else? Just curious!

    If your body does not like the way you are nourishing it, it will be harder to get pregnant. Once you do get pregnant, I would ask your doctor for a nutritionist referral. The nutritionist can give you guidance on how many calories to eat, etc.
  • As a dietitian, my opinion is that it's probably not a problem to continue trying to lose weight while trying to conceive; just be sure you are doing it the right way (eating enough calories, healthy foods, moderate exercise, and not overdoing it. You shouldn't be trying to lose more than about 1 lb per week.) Once you do become pregnant you can go into maintenance mode for the 1st trimester (recommendations are to gain only 3-5lbs during the first 3 months) then depending on your pre-pregnancy BMI you can expect to gain anywhere from .5-1.5lbs per week for the remainder of the Pregnancy. This is my plan as well. I know that if I just quit doing MFP during my pregnancy I would likely end up gaining way too much.
  • Hi im looking for women who are also pregnant and trying to maintain or lose weight while pregnant im 9 weeks pregnant right now and overweight if you would like to add me please do i have no freinds on here lol thanks
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    When I conceived my DS, I was actively trying to lose weight (eating about 1600 calories, 3-4 45 minute workouts a week) and it only took one month. My doctor said that as long as you are fueling your body with healthy foods and not doing super intense workouts that it shouldn't have an impact on your fertility.