Do you "Top Off" Calories?

weeblex Posts: 412 Member
Since I cut out the Soda and cut out the wine from my diet I'm suddenly WAY under my recommended calories. Usually a 150 calorie breakfast and lunch, a slimfast bottle for snack and about a 600 calorie dinner brings me just over the 1000 calorie mark.

MFP suggests I should be at 1500-1800 calories a day depending on how you describe my work, and that doesn't even allow for using the treadmill. The whole BMR thing says more calories than that.

So when you come up short, do you find things to eat just to make up the difference or just go with the More Calories out/Less Calories in is good?

Even when I'm not hungry, snacking for snacking's sake seems counter-intuitive?


  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    My husband has this problem, too. Interested to read responses.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I would totally be adding that glass of wine back into my diet :drinker:

    In all seriousness you should be netting what MFP recommends. Eating under your BMR is not healthy or sustainable. Eat bigger portion sizes at meals. More calorie dense foods like nuts, avocados, olive oil, peanut butter. Avoid low fat or diet foods and choose full fat. I would rather make a healthy protein shake at home then drink a slimfast (yuck but that's me).
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    I would rather make a healthy protein shake at home then drink a slimfast (yuck but that's me).

    The Slimfast is a convenient stash in the office fridge, something had to replace the cans of Coke. :)

    I had considered adding back in the wine, but I struggle with just a glass, having a half bottle sitting on the counter seems such a waste :)
  • thinnerthaniam
    thinnerthaniam Posts: 15 Member
    I wish I had the answer to that too! I'm always under my required calories of 1,200. Then,when I exercise, as you know, we're allowed those extra burned calories to eat. Whenever I try to eat those calories, I end up too high in fat and protein, etc. I started my program 6/5/12 I lost 3-4 lbs and gained back 2. I'm either not eating enough calories, or I should be eating less....WHAT IS THE ANSWER? I know that muscle weighs more than fat....but come on!!! I'm not lifting that much or that often. Does anyone have any advice?
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I don't snack in between meals and I don't like eating for the sake of it SOOOOO bulk up your meals....add another 100 cals here and there to meals with peanut butter, cheese, avocado etc...... it's easy! : ) xx
  • I keep bottles of ensure in the fridge or milk/whey protein powder around for those days. Or I just drink the whole bottle of wine!
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    If you're not hungry then don't eat.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member

    In all seriousness you should be netting what MFP recommends. Eating under your BMR is not healthy or sustainable.

    My problem with this, is that what MFP recommends is below my BMR! I know it is because I am on the high end of the weight scale, so there is more error in the formula.
  • thinnerthania I too can not eat my exercise cals.....I am almost 66 years old and can not seem to get the scale to move. I too exercise at least 4 times a week from 35 - 55 min. each day. Keep your measurements, and rejoice in the inches going down, and your clothes fitting better......and eventually getting in to those smaller clothes in your closet. Remember, you are also watching your type of calorie too........making sure you fat, sugar fiber, and carb intake is within a healthy range. Keep up the good work! Slim fast shakes are not the best, Costco has a protien drink available, with only 5 grams of sugar and 30 grams of protien that is so good, in chocolate and vanilla........try this one for those "left over" calories.
  • thinnerthaniam
    thinnerthaniam Posts: 15 Member
    I noticed that when I track my daily food intake....all I think about is food...haha! I agree with you about making your own smoothies. A Slim Fast shake is like drinking a Chocolate Laxative. It's pretty obvious that vitamins don't work...studies show and that's pretty much what a Slim Fast shake contains. Getting nutrients from real plant based foods is more ideal and our body won't just kick it out like a chemical vitamin....once vitamins are extracted from the "food" it becomes a chemical Isolate...that's why they don't work.....Anyway!!! That's my feeling on that subject.....
    So, you think that following the MFP calorie intake would work better with weight loss? I've heard that from other people too. It's just hard to eat when I'm not hungry and without going over in the other nutrient areas such as protein.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    lol I guess I just love to eat....being under my calories is never a problem!!!

    skinny cow ice cream treats
    string cheese
    dark chocolate
    cottage cheese
    one little tablespoon of olive oil added to a meal is a hefty 119 calories

    in the end if you're not hungry don't eat but do be aware that consistently eating too few calories can actually slow down weight loss, slow down your metabolism and cause plateaus.

    My goal is to have a healthy strong nourished body. To be able to enjoy a variety of foods ranging from a hot fudge sundae to steamed brussel's all about MODERATION NOT STARVATION!
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    I think I've figure out my caloric deficiency.... I don't eat cake and chocolate lololol!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I always make sure I eat my "base" calories, but I don't always eat all of the exercise calories back.

    I agree with adding the wine back! :wink: :drinker: I use the vacuum saver to keep the rest of my wine fresh. You can buy them on Amazon for $15 and they work great!
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 402 Member
    I try to space out my snacks so that at the end of the day after I have excercised I am not trying to eat 1000 cals at dinner. I hate going to bed stuffed. I pre-log my meals so that I know if I should have some nuts or a spoonful of PB before dinner and am not scrambling at 9 pm to get close to calories needed.
  • mmessinger0718
    mmessinger0718 Posts: 16 Member
    Try teaching your body to eat all day long. Instead of 3 meals and 1 slimfast, eat 5 or 6 smaller meals throughout the day. I know it's easier said than done and at first you will feel so full because your metabolism is not used to food all day, but eventually your body will be hungry and you will find that you will eat your calories a lot easier this way. Make sure that you workout with this plan too, if not your metabolism will take longer to ramp up.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member

    In all seriousness you should be netting what MFP recommends. Eating under your BMR is not healthy or sustainable.

    My problem with this, is that what MFP recommends is below my BMR! I know it is because I am on the high end of the weight scale, so there is more error in the formula.

    It's not an error. It gives you a floor of 1200 (not BMR) because 1200 is what is considered a safe minimum (not BMR).

    I 'top off' if my body wants more. It knows more about what's going on inside than MFP does. Sometimes I'm over my 'paper goal', sometimes way under. It works out in the end and I get the benefit of not stuffing food/drink in when I don't feel like it or starving when I do.
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    Pllleeeeaasssee Ladies check out this group!
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    I only eat when I am hungry. I don't try to pack in calories, however I do try to make an effort to be above 1200. I only go under very occasionally.
  • flstarlady65
    flstarlady65 Posts: 129
    Slimfast is not breakfast. Make yourself a high protein smoothie in the morning and you have 300 calories. Bring some hard boiled eggs to work and stash them in the fridge along with string cheese. By the time dinner rolls along you won't have to eat a big meal.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    Add in some nuts and avocado and you won't have to worry about being under on calories. 150 calories for breakfast and 150 for lunch? Seriously? What are you eating? Are you eating? Or are you just drinking slimfast? Because that might actually make sense. We can't see your diary so can't know for sure. Sorry--I know I sound nasty :smile: but I'm always blown away by folks for claim to be stuffed on 1,200 calories (or less) a day.