The Aspartame Thread



  • RichMurray
    methanol from aspartame, wood and cigarette smoke, and
    many sources is made by ADH1 enzyme into formaldehyde
    within cells inside walls of human blood vessels,
    harming adjacent tissues, the WC Monte paradigm:
    Rich Murray 2012.06.27

    See WC Monte's two 1-hour video lectures May 2012 .

    The 200 mg aspartame in a 12-oz can of aspartame drink
    is 11% by weight methanol, 22 mg, which is soon released
    from the GI tract into the blood, where quickly any tissues
    with high levels of the ADH1 enzyme within the cells of
    blood capillary walls and adjacent tissues, especially
    liver, kidney, brain, retina, etc., in humans only, turn
    the methanol into formaldehyde within these cells, which,
    being highly reactive, quickly binds with and disables
    DNA, RNA, and proteins inside the cells, causing cell death,
    attracting macrophages (white blood cells), which also die,
    creating durable, cumulative, evolving complex micro lesions.

    This affects the fetus, as well, or not so well...

    So, there are many resulting novel modern
    "diseases of civilization" in humans only, for each type of
    damaged tissue, including Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis,
    lupus, arthritis, the birth defects spina bifida, autism,
    and Asperger's, many specific cancers, and chronic ailments
    of liver, kidney, heart, lung, joint, skin, muscle, etc.

    The Monte methanol/formaldehyde toxicity paradigm
    MMFTP is backed by 740 references, given free online as
    full pdf texts by Prof. (retired 2004, Arizona State University,
    Nutrition and Food Sciences) Woodrow C. Monte,,
    along with his 2012 January 240 page text
    "While Science Sleeps", with two free chapters on
    "Autism and Other Birth Defects", and "Multiple Sclerosis",
    and free full earlier articles and references on MMFTP.

    Other methanol/formaldehyde sources include
    wood, peat and cigarette smoke, some fresh coffees,
    fermented and smoked foods, fruits juices vegetables heated
    and sealed wet in jars and cans, some dark wines and liquors,
    bacteria in the colon, genetic flaws in metabolism, vehicle
    fumes, leaky fossil fuel stoves and heaters, processed wood
    products of all kinds, mobile homes, old Ditto type purple ink
    mimeograph duplicating machines in schools and offices,
    chemical biology autopsy mortuary facilities, heated wood
    in particleboard, pressed wood and paper factories,
    and many personal care cleaners and products...

    methanol/formaldehyde paradigm for multiple sclerosis,
    free full 56 page chapter 9 pdf, While Science Sleeps,
    146 full text references online, Prof. Woodrow C. Monte:
    Rich Murray 2012.03.20 Science Sleeps Bibliography.pdf
    list of 740 free full text pdf medical research references

    Aspartame: The hidden danger [methanol/formaldehyde]
    in our midst and how it kills us, 12 page review of
    While Science Sleeps text (Woodrow C Monte),
    International Health News, whole June issue,
    Editor: William R Ware PhD: Rich Murray 2012.06.08
    free full text pdf 16 pages
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    The average can of diet soda has less than 50 mg of sodium. Not a lot. Even if you drank 10 cans a day that's less 20% of RDA.

    That's good news; certainly far less than I'd remembered. Probably the caffeine in most sodas that is so dehydrating.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    methanol from aspartame, wood and cigarette smoke, and
    many sources is made by ADH1 enzyme into formaldehyde
    within cells inside walls of human blood vessels,
    harming adjacent tissues, the WC Monte paradigm:
    Rich Murray 2012.06.27

    See WC Monte's two 1-hour video lectures May 2012 .

    The 200 mg aspartame in a 12-oz can of aspartame drink
    is 11% by weight methanol, 22 mg, which is soon released
    from the GI tract into the blood, where quickly any tissues
    with high levels of the ADH1 enzyme within the cells of
    blood capillary walls and adjacent tissues, especially
    liver, kidney, brain, retina, etc., in humans only, turn
    the methanol into formaldehyde within these cells, which,
    being highly reactive, quickly binds with and disables
    DNA, RNA, and proteins inside the cells, causing cell death,
    attracting macrophages (white blood cells), which also die,
    creating durable, cumulative, evolving complex micro lesions.

    This affects the fetus, as well, or not so well...

    So, there are many resulting novel modern
    "diseases of civilization" in humans only, for each type of
    damaged tissue, including Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis,
    lupus, arthritis, the birth defects spina bifida, autism,
    and Asperger's, many specific cancers, and chronic ailments
    of liver, kidney, heart, lung, joint, skin, muscle, etc.

    The Monte methanol/formaldehyde toxicity paradigm
    MMFTP is backed by 740 references, given free online as
    full pdf texts by Prof. (retired 2004, Arizona State University,
    Nutrition and Food Sciences) Woodrow C. Monte,,
    along with his 2012 January 240 page text
    "While Science Sleeps", with two free chapters on
    "Autism and Other Birth Defects", and "Multiple Sclerosis",
    and free full earlier articles and references on MMFTP.

    Other methanol/formaldehyde sources include
    wood, peat and cigarette smoke, some fresh coffees,
    fermented and smoked foods, fruits juices vegetables heated
    and sealed wet in jars and cans, some dark wines and liquors,
    bacteria in the colon, genetic flaws in metabolism, vehicle
    fumes, leaky fossil fuel stoves and heaters, processed wood
    products of all kinds, mobile homes, old Ditto type purple ink
    mimeograph duplicating machines in schools and offices,
    chemical biology autopsy mortuary facilities, heated wood
    in particleboard, pressed wood and paper factories,
    and many personal care cleaners and products...

    methanol/formaldehyde paradigm for multiple sclerosis,
    free full 56 page chapter 9 pdf, While Science Sleeps,
    146 full text references online, Prof. Woodrow C. Monte:
    Rich Murray 2012.03.20 Science Sleeps Bibliography.pdf
    list of 740 free full text pdf medical research references

    Aspartame: The hidden danger [methanol/formaldehyde]
    in our midst and how it kills us, 12 page review of
    While Science Sleeps text (Woodrow C Monte),
    International Health News, whole June issue,
    Editor: William R Ware PhD: Rich Murray 2012.06.08
    free full text pdf 16 pages
    Your body creates far more formaldehyde from eating an apple than from drinking a diet soda. Methanol and formaldehyde (and formic acid) are all part of normal human biology. In fact, you breathe methanol and formaldehyde out every time you exhale.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    methanol from aspartame, wood and cigarette smoke, and
    many sources is made by ADH1 enzyme into formaldehyde
    within cells inside walls of human blood vessels,
    harming adjacent tissues, the WC Monte paradigm:
    Rich Murray 2012.06.27

    See WC Monte's two 1-hour video lectures May 2012 .

    The 200 mg aspartame in a 12-oz can of aspartame drink
    is 11% by weight methanol, 22 mg, which is soon released
    from the GI tract into the blood, where quickly any tissues
    with high levels of the ADH1 enzyme within the cells of
    blood capillary walls and adjacent tissues, especially
    liver, kidney, brain, retina, etc., in humans only, turn
    the methanol into formaldehyde within these cells, which,
    being highly reactive, quickly binds with and disables
    DNA, RNA, and proteins inside the cells, causing cell death,
    attracting macrophages (white blood cells), which also die,
    creating durable, cumulative, evolving complex micro lesions.

    This affects the fetus, as well, or not so well...

    So, there are many resulting novel modern
    "diseases of civilization" in humans only, for each type of
    damaged tissue, including Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis,
    lupus, arthritis, the birth defects spina bifida, autism,
    and Asperger's, many specific cancers, and chronic ailments
    of liver, kidney, heart, lung, joint, skin, muscle, etc.

    The Monte methanol/formaldehyde toxicity paradigm
    MMFTP is backed by 740 references, given free online as
    full pdf texts by Prof. (retired 2004, Arizona State University,
    Nutrition and Food Sciences) Woodrow C. Monte,,
    along with his 2012 January 240 page text
    "While Science Sleeps", with two free chapters on
    "Autism and Other Birth Defects", and "Multiple Sclerosis",
    and free full earlier articles and references on MMFTP.

    Other methanol/formaldehyde sources include
    wood, peat and cigarette smoke, some fresh coffees,
    fermented and smoked foods, fruits juices vegetables heated
    and sealed wet in jars and cans, some dark wines and liquors,
    bacteria in the colon, genetic flaws in metabolism, vehicle
    fumes, leaky fossil fuel stoves and heaters, processed wood
    products of all kinds, mobile homes, old Ditto type purple ink
    mimeograph duplicating machines in schools and offices,
    chemical biology autopsy mortuary facilities, heated wood
    in particleboard, pressed wood and paper factories,
    and many personal care cleaners and products...

    methanol/formaldehyde paradigm for multiple sclerosis,
    free full 56 page chapter 9 pdf, While Science Sleeps,
    146 full text references online, Prof. Woodrow C. Monte:
    Rich Murray 2012.03.20 Science Sleeps Bibliography.pdf
    list of 740 free full text pdf medical research references

    Aspartame: The hidden danger [methanol/formaldehyde]
    in our midst and how it kills us, 12 page review of
    While Science Sleeps text (Woodrow C Monte),
    International Health News, whole June issue,
    Editor: William R Ware PhD: Rich Murray 2012.06.08
    free full text pdf 16 pages
    Lol, according to this, we may have to go back into living in caves.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    Re Rich Murray's post above: Is there any research besides that of Monte/Murray that comes to similar conclusions?
  • dotbell123
    dotbell123 Posts: 11
    Aspartame gives me migraines. At one point, when I was drinking 2-3 Diet Dr. Peppers a day, I had migraines 5-6 days of the week, every week. I gave up the aspartame about 6 years ago and the migraines occur only every couple of months now.

    No sci evidence, but my doctor told me he thinks it causes plaque build-up in the brain.

    Wow!! I recently had an MRI and they found several areas of white plaque buildup in my brain. I've been on 'the blue packets' for sweetening for years. Chronic migraines for years too. I found nitrates were my biggest issues, but I think I might need to curb my blue addiction now.

    I just always figured it was better than sugar in my diet due to diabetic parents.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    I recently had an MRI and they found several areas of white plaque buildup in my brain.

    Not to discount your doc, but I had scattered white spots, too, on an MRI several years ago. My neurologist said they were a naturally occurring thing starting in middle age.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    The 200 mg aspartame in a 12-oz can of aspartame drink
    is 11% by weight methanol, 22 mg, which is soon released
    from the GI tract into the blood, where quickly any tissues
    with high levels of the ADH1 enzyme within the cells of
    blood capillary walls and adjacent tissues, especially
    liver, kidney, brain, retina, etc., in humans only, turn
    the methanol into formaldehyde within these cells, which,
    being highly reactive, quickly binds with and disables
    DNA, RNA, and proteins inside the cells, causing cell death,
    attracting macrophages (white blood cells), which also die,
    creating durable, cumulative, evolving complex micro lesions.

    This affects the fetus, as well, or not so well...

    So, there are many resulting novel modern
    "diseases of civilization" in humans only, for each type of
    damaged tissue, including Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis,
    lupus, arthritis, the birth defects spina bifida, autism,
    and Asperger's, many specific cancers, and chronic ailments
    of liver, kidney, heart, lung, joint, skin, muscle, etc.

    These diseases are not necessarily modern, nor do they occur in humans only, and the animals that get them are unlikely to have ingested aspartame (certain dogs, cats, cattle, etc.). Ailments such as these long preceded artificial sweeteners. Just a few examples:

    Arthritis in humans and animals since the beginning of time:

    “While evidence of primary ankle (kaki) osteoarthritis has been discovered in dinosaurs, the first known traces of human arthritis date back as far as 4500 BC. In early reports, arthritis was frequently referred to as the most common ailment of prehistoric peoples. It was noted in skeletal remains of Native Americans found in Tennessee and parts of what is now Olathe, Kansas. Evidence of arthritis has been found throughout history, from Ötzi, a mummy (circa 3000 BC) found along the border of modern Italy and Austria, to the Egyptian mummies circa 2590 BC .”

    Spinal bifida - in animals:

    Spinal bifida - first known human case:
    “The first recorded case was in 1085 AD in Arabia. The name was given to the condition by Nicolaas Tulgius, a Dutchman, in 1637.”

    Cancer – present in animals and humans since the beginning of time:

    Multiple sclerosis -- around for ‘ages’ and predated aspartame:

    Latest research (2011) suggests it, too, may be found naturally occurring in animals:
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    This is why this subject never dies. No matter what the OP says about facts you get statements like.... "I haven't read the whole thread, but aspartame causes health issues...." without one substantial fact to back them up.

    It can be frustrating...

    SO frustrating! But at least there is SOME good information in this thread.

    The funny part is it all comes from the "aspartame is safe for use" crowd. Because that's just the fact of the matter.

    It's simple logic. Aspartame is very widely used. If it really did cause death, cancer, or constant explosive diarrhea as these people are claiming wouldn't we have noticed it by now? Or is that part of the conspiracy?

    Going to try to state this as neutrally as possible: Are there not examples of other substances that were widely considered safe (ot not even paid any attention) for years and years -- decades even -- and then were found to be dangerous, and everyone was backpedaling frantically? DDT -- the World Health Organization was spraying it all over the place in the 1950s. Pregnant women used to be encouraged to drink beer. Lead, thalidomide, secondhand smoke . . .

    I am not saying that someday aspartame will be proven carcinogenic, but isn't saying "wouldn't we have noticed it by now" a little shortsighted?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    This is why this subject never dies. No matter what the OP says about facts you get statements like.... "I haven't read the whole thread, but aspartame causes health issues...." without one substantial fact to back them up.

    It can be frustrating...

    SO frustrating! But at least there is SOME good information in this thread.

    The funny part is it all comes from the "aspartame is safe for use" crowd. Because that's just the fact of the matter.

    It's simple logic. Aspartame is very widely used. If it really did cause death, cancer, or constant explosive diarrhea as these people are claiming wouldn't we have noticed it by now? Or is that part of the conspiracy?

    Going to try to state this as neutrally as possible: Are there not examples of other substances that were widely considered safe (ot not even paid any attention) for years and years -- decades even -- and then were found to be dangerous, and everyone was backpedaling frantically? DDT -- the World Health Organization was spraying it all over the place in the 1950s. Pregnant women used to be encouraged to drink beer. Lead, thalidomide, secondhand smoke . . .

    I am not saying that someday aspartame will be proven carcinogenic, but isn't saying "wouldn't we have noticed it by now" a little shortsighted?
    Well it's been around for about 50 years..................I don't think that we're that naive. Not to mention with all the watchdog groups, legitimate awareness is raised. But for something to be pulled, it has to show conclusive proof to being a danger. There currently isn't enough solid proof to show that aspartame does what many anti aspartame claimants state. And that's from peer reviewed scientific studies that are independent from either the pro or con side.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I realize that this is non-scientific (in that it involves only the study of one individual). However, here is my point of view:

    1. There are very few (if any) nutritional benefits of aspartame.
    2. Aspartame can be very beneficial to people who need to control their intake of sugar (such as diabetics).
    3. There are very few (if any) proven detriments of aspartame.

    I've been a diabetic for 22 years. I have used aspartame containing products for 22 years. It has helped me keep my sugars steady. I have healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. I have never experienced any side effects (I'm not discounting that some people do. There are people who are allergic to milk, fish, etc. So, it stands to reason that some may be allergic/sensitive to aspartame).

    Another positive: unlike Saccharine, aspartame is safe for pregnant women.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Going to try to state this as neutrally as possible: Are there not examples of other substances that were widely considered safe (ot not even paid any attention) for years and years -- decades even -- and then were found to be dangerous, and everyone was backpedaling frantically? DDT -- the World Health Organization was spraying it all over the place in the 1950s. Pregnant women used to be encouraged to drink beer. Lead, thalidomide, secondhand smoke . . .

    I am not saying that someday aspartame will be proven carcinogenic, but isn't saying "wouldn't we have noticed it by now" a little shortsighted?

    Understand you're being neutral. Please do not take my response as an attack.

    It's a commonly used logical fallacy. "Well science has been wrong in the past, so it can be wrong now." Well yes of course that's true. But no one uses this as a guiding factor in their lives. We couldn't function. "You really shouldn't drink arsenic, it's poisonous." "Sure according to SCIENCE! But what do they know??"

    Science works on proof. If you can PROVE aspartame is harmful than you win. You have beaten bad science with good science. That is how all those previous schools of thought you mentioned were eventually overturned. With conclusive evidence proving their harmful effects.

    But you can't just say, "Hey we don't know. Anything's possible. 20 years from now we could find out it's lethal." Well you can say that about anything. 20 years from now our alien overlords might have sucked all the aspartame from our bodies because they need it to live. But you haven't proven anything. It's pure conjecture.

    (also as I mentioned a few pages ago DDT isn't as bad as we think, the problem is dosage. But scare mongering will keep it from being used to prevent Malaria, a very real and deadly disease)

    So if there is some proof, evidence or research on the harmful effects of aspartame this is the place to throw it down and see if it floats. But just saying "Well anything's possible" really does nothing to further the discussion. Yes. Anything is possible. What's your point? (not you specifically, royal "you")
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    Aspartame gave me a nasty kidney infection which took 2 different antibiotics to clear.

    It's also used as a filler in some migraine meds (Maxalt), so be careful! Taking my meds caused the aforesaid mentioned scenario for me.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Well it's been around for about 50 years..................I don't think that we're that naive. Not to mention with all the watchdog groups, legitimate awareness is raised. But for something to be pulled, it has to show conclusive proof to being a danger. There currently isn't enough solid proof to show that aspartame does what many anti aspartame claimants state. And that's from peer reviewed scientific studies that are independent from either the pro or con side.

    Well, it's only been in the food supply for about thirty years. Not saying that isn't long enough for adverse affects to appear . . . just aiming for accuracy.

    It is difficult to put complete faith in the outcomes of these studies when Searle has funded so many of them. Then you have organizations like "The Epilepsy Institute" claiming there is no link between aspartame and seizures -- then it turns out the Epilepsy Institute is funded by Monsanto.

    Thanks for being civil.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Going to try to state this as neutrally as possible: Are there not examples of other substances that were widely considered safe (ot not even paid any attention) for years and years -- decades even -- and then were found to be dangerous, and everyone was backpedaling frantically? DDT -- the World Health Organization was spraying it all over the place in the 1950s. Pregnant women used to be encouraged to drink beer. Lead, thalidomide, secondhand smoke . . .

    I am not saying that someday aspartame will be proven carcinogenic, but isn't saying "wouldn't we have noticed it by now" a little shortsighted?

    Understand you're being neutral. Please do not take my response as an attack.

    It's a commonly used logical fallacy. "Well science has been wrong in the past, so it can be wrong now." Well yes of course that's true. But no one uses this as a guiding factor in their lives. We couldn't function. "You really shouldn't drink arsenic, it's poisonous." "Sure according to SCIENCE! But what do they know??"

    Science works on proof. If you can PROVE aspartame is harmful than you win. You have beaten bad science with good science. That is how all those previous schools of thought you mentioned were eventually overturned. With conclusive evidence proving their harmful effects.

    But you can't just say, "Hey we don't know. Anything's possible. 20 years from now we could find out it's lethal." Well you can say that about anything. 20 years from now our alien overlords might have sucked all the aspartame from our bodies because they need it to live. But you haven't proven anything. It's pure conjecture.

    (also as I mentioned a few pages ago DDT isn't as bad as we think, the problem is dosage. But scare mongering will keep it from being used to prevent Malaria, a very real and deadly disease)

    So if there is some proof, evidence or research on the harmful effects of aspartame this is the place to throw it down and see if it floats. But just saying "Well anything's possible" really does nothing to further the discussion. Yes. Anything is possible. What's your point? (not you specifically, royal "you")

    As I said to ninerbuff -- thanks for being civil. I myself don't trust aspartame and won't touch it, but I fully acknowledge that that is a personal choice, not one based on scientific studies. I understand the points being made in its defense. And I appreciate the lesson in logic ;)
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Aspartame gives me migraines. At one point, when I was drinking 2-3 Diet Dr. Peppers a day, I had migraines 5-6 days of the week, every week. I gave up the aspartame about 6 years ago and the migraines occur only every couple of months now.

    No sci evidence, but my doctor told me he thinks it causes plaque build-up in the brain.

    Wow!! I recently had an MRI and they found several areas of white plaque buildup in my brain. I've been on 'the blue packets' for sweetening for years. Chronic migraines for years too. I found nitrates were my biggest issues, but I think I might need to curb my blue addiction now.

    I just always figured it was better than sugar in my diet due to diabetic parents.



    Look, there's some evidence linking aspartame to migraines, but there is NO EVIDENCE that indicates aspartame has ANYTHING to do with plaque in the brain.

    Do you know what DOES cause plaque accumulation in the brain? Age. The slow break-down of the body's system for eliminating the plaque forming material that we ALL produce regardless of what we eat or drink.

    There are factors that can increase your risks of plaque formation in the brain. These factors include genetics, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, how mentally active you are, but NOT consumption of aspartame.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Aspartame gave me a nasty kidney infection which took 2 different antibiotics to clear.

    It's also used as a filler in some migraine meds (Maxalt), so be careful! Taking my meds caused the aforesaid mentioned scenario for me.

    No it didn't. You cannot prove that it was the aspartame that gave you the infection. Infections are not caused by aspartame. They're caused by bacteria or viruses. You might think it was the aspartame due to coincidence. You ate it/drank it and you got an infection. But coincidence is not the same as cause-and-effect. And your word is not science. There's no scientific evidence that aspartame causes kidney infections.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Aspartame gave me a nasty kidney infection which took 2 different antibiotics to clear.

    It's also used as a filler in some migraine meds (Maxalt), so be careful! Taking my meds caused the aforesaid mentioned scenario for me.

    Why do you think aspartame caused the kidney infection?

    As I said previously, I've used it for 22 years. I've never had a kidney infection or a uti. My sister and my mother, both barely use aspartame (I won't say never because I'm sure it could be in some food they eat without knowing it), and both get uti and kidney infections. I could infer from this that aspartame prevents kidney infections/uti. I won't do that, because that is not scientific in any way.
  • klakers3
    klakers3 Posts: 189 Member
    personally I stay away from most items that I know have aspartame in them - not always possible but I try - though my problem is if I have it say in diet soda (which is what I typically see it in) then I usually end up with a major Migrane - so for me I stay away other people I know use it and do ok (for now)

    I was getting migraines all the time and couldn't figure out why but once I cut out light yogurts and Crystal Light, I got significantly fewer migraines. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one with this problem (not that I want anyone to suffer the pain of a migraine, but hopefully you know what I mean) :)
  • fajitatx
    fajitatx Posts: 36
    I try not to drink too much as it makes me grumpy, I think I don't sleep well (not as deep as I should) when I have had a lot of diet soft drinks. I look for diet drinks sweetened with Splenda/Sucralose and xylitol