exercise equivalent to lunges???

My knee really kills me during/after lunges - anyone know of another exercise similar to lunges that would have the same effect on my body & hopefully not hurt my knee?? I'm looking for all that expert advice out there :ohwell:


  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I had the same problem when i tried lunges, What I found helped me was to do a static lunge and hold the position for several minutes (i actually did this as part of the 30 day shred DVD with a biceps curl). I imagine the holding the position helps your stabilisation muscles to support the knee better.

    I would also do squats to help build the knee.

  • maverick48
    maverick48 Posts: 69 Member
    Nothing will replicate the lunge precisely, but straight leg deadlifts and step ups would be good moves.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I also have this issue if I do them often. When I googled it said try reverse lunges and watch that your knee is not going over your toes. I don't know any otehr exercises though.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Can you do static lunges? Where you don't keep stepping forward or back for each rep, you just get into lunge position and raise and lower for reps? Maybe even with your front foot on a step? I find back lunges easier. Some like walking lunges, where you keep going forward. Some like curtsy lunges, where your legs are crossed. If they hurt your knee, don't do them 'weighted'.

    Step wide enough front-to-back so your knee doesn't bend more than 90 degrees and your knee doesn't go out past your toe, too, they say. And wide enough side to side to feel stable.

    Maybe post this in the exercise forum, too.
  • nikic50
    nikic50 Posts: 209
    Thank you all - those are great ideas that I wouldn't have thought of. I'll post this in the exercise forum too - thanks mcarter99!