Marathon/Runners Training, Support and Tips

Hi all!

I've been a member for awhile but haven't been active on the message boards. Thought I'd reach out and see if there were any other runners out there who'd like to share their goals, short and long term. I need some new weight loss buddies to keep me on track, and running is one of my main cardio exercises since I don't belong to a gym.

I also am doing the LA Marathon next March! Anyone else done a marathon or is planning to partake in one at some point? I'd love to meet some more friends who are trying to lose weight while also challenging themselves with exercise. Being a semi-retired athlete, I miss that healthy competition that forces me to push harder than I'd do alone.




  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    I been running for a year and going to do a half by the end of the summer. I can already do a half but would like to have a decent time. I'm hoping to do a marathon in SF next year since this year, I still needed more time to train.
  • keebzie
    keebzie Posts: 8 Member
    That's awesome! I did a half about a year ago and clocked in at 2 hrs 15 min. It kicked my butt though and taught me how important training is. Think it was as good decision to give you time to grow as a runner so you can feel really good about the marathon.

    What's your training schedule like weekly? I'm starting a beginners marathon training program for 20 weeks, then moving to an intermediate program in Oct when I'm 20 weeks away from my race on March 17th.

    Looks like you've already lost a lot of weight, congrats! Do you have a goal date for the 70 lbs? I bet you could get there before your marathon! : )
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    This summer I am concentrating on speed and form and racing some more middle distance (5k --> HM).

    I am hoping to do boston to big sur next spring - crossing my fingers that I get in!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I'm getting ready to ramp up for Baystate Marathon on October 21st. It will be my 3rd full marathon. My goal is to qualify for Boston. My backup plan is the Houston Marathon in January.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I did my third half marathon last May and am signed up for one in September (with a sprint tri and metric century in between). I have been seriously contemplating a full marathon next May but it's a big time commitment in terms of training..........
  • alex_morley
    Hi Lexie,

    On Saturday I completed my longest ultra-marathon to date (45 miles) having done another ultra in May, a marathon in June and a number of half-marathons and marathons in the past.

    I'm now looking to keep running long distances outdoors and keep building up my stamina but also want a life so realise I can't keep upping the distance without the training affecting other parts of my life etc.

    Sounds like you've got a good plan in terms of starting with a "beginners" training plan. One thing I'd suggest is spending a bit of time off-road as well; getting off the tarmac and onto some trails/hills is brilliant for your fitness/stamina and also helps break the monotony of looking at roads the whole time.

  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member

    I've been running for almost a year. At first my goals were modest and I wanted to run a 5k. Now I've done three 5ks and I've found that I have a passion for running. I've also found that I'm actually a decent runner.

    I run barefoot at least once a week to work on my form and my near term goal is to improve my form and be able to run pain free. I'm doing pretty well with that goal. I'm also increasing my mileage slowly and if my body goes along with the program, I'll try to get up to marathon distances by the San Diego marathon next May. It's a big time commitment, so I'm not sure if I really want to run that many hours in the week.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I love talking about running, diet and fitness.
  • jonsmomruns
    jonsmomruns Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I am running the Chicago Marathon in October. This will be my 8th marathon and I am really looking forward to it. Best advice I can give is to stick with your plan as best you can but pay attention to your body and rest if needed. The goal is to get to the start line healthy and uninjured! Good luck!
  • MSRunner23
    MSRunner23 Posts: 107
    My best marathon training tip: take the long runs nice and easy. Make sure it's a comfortable pace. If you want actual speed, tempo runs are the way to go. Rest when you need it, but you'd be surprised how much pain the human body can take.

    My best race tip: If you're feeling good during the race, don't pick up the pace before mile 20-21 because no amount of training can prepare your body for how it will react after 21 miles of racing. Those last 5.2 miles are a pain like no other.
  • keebzie
    keebzie Posts: 8 Member
    Such great advice! It's awesome there is so much support on here for runners. And it looks like y'all have been running for awhile!

    MSRunner, I met one of my friends at mile 24 to cheer her on and I'll never forget the look of sheer exhaustion on her face. That is great advice to not pick up your pace. I think I have a tendency to do that with my shorter runs just to get a good work out. I'll need to work on finding that perfect, steady pace.

    Jonsmom, 8 marathons?! That is wonderful. I share your goal, especially about the injuries. Everyone I've known that trained for a marathon had some kind of injury that set them back a bit. I'm trying hard to avoid that from happening. With me I think a lot of it will be from treating my body right when I'm NOT running. Eating better, stretching. I think I'll keep yoga up too because that seems to really keep my body limber.

    Brian, sounds like you are ready for one though, with 3 halfs behind you... It is a big commitment. I think I'll be using it to get in the best shape and health of my life though, if at least, for a little while. Haha immediately after crossing the finish line, I'm getting a beer! Let me know if you decide to do one and need someone reminding you its all worth it!
  • keebzie
    keebzie Posts: 8 Member
    Brandy and Carson,

    I'm a little uneducated on the Boston marathon process. I do know that Big Sur and Boston are more than 26 miles apart... lol. Are they two separate marathons on opposite coasts? Man, I didn't know you could run one in Big Sur. What a beautiful run! Hilly as all get out I'm sure but, I think it's worth it for those views!

    How big is the Boston? You have to be one of the top runners in the nation to qualify?
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    Brandy and Carson,

    I'm a little uneducated on the Boston marathon process. I do know that Big Sur and Boston are more than 26 miles apart... lol. Are they two separate marathons on opposite coasts? Man, I didn't know you could run one in Big Sur. What a beautiful run! Hilly as all get out I'm sure but, I think it's worth it for those views!

    How big is the Boston? You have to be one of the top runners in the nation to qualify?

    You do need to qualify for the Boston marathon unless you do a charity slot. See below for rules

    In regards to Boston to Big Sur, this is a 'challenge' that the Big Sur race puts on as the races are only separated by 2 weeks. You basically register for both. You run Boston and then Big Sur (yep it is hilly and all along Pacific Coast HWY). Your time is combined for awards.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Brandy and Carson,

    I'm a little uneducated on the Boston marathon process. I do know that Big Sur and Boston are more than 26 miles apart... lol. Are they two separate marathons on opposite coasts? Man, I didn't know you could run one in Big Sur. What a beautiful run! Hilly as all get out I'm sure but, I think it's worth it for those views!

    How big is the Boston? You have to be one of the top runners in the nation to qualify?

    Boston used to be a qualifier only race, but now they do allow a limited number of charity runners. For those not choosing to go that route, you must run a qualifying time at a marathon that is recognized by the BAA (Boston Athletic Association). The time you have to run is adjusted for both age and gender. Here is a link to the qualifying times.

    As a 44 (at the time of my next race) year old male, I'll have to run 3:15 or better to qualify.

    ETA: Brandy, you beat me in gun time, but I think I had the better net time. :laugh:
  • MSRunner23
    MSRunner23 Posts: 107
    The Boston Marathon is a great race and I highly recommend running it if you qualify. Amazing crowd support for every mile; just make sure you train with downhill running because the first 15 miles are a net decline in elevation.
  • jonsmomruns
    jonsmomruns Posts: 12 Member
    Keebzie- Definitely keep up the yoga and cross training. I also agree with taking the long runs easy. You should be able to carry on a conversation. If you can, look to see if there is a group run nearby. I have started pacing a group for a running association here and it makes the long runs go by so much faster.

    Everyone looking to BQ- Good luck! I can't wait to hear how training goes.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm getting ready for my 26th marathon at the end of July.

    Please feel free to join our marathon group:
  • keebzie
    keebzie Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! Just joined. Didn't even know there was one on here. Excited to start meeting everyone. 26! My goodness. That's awesome : )

    Jons, great advice. I'm in LA so I'm sure I could find some groups to join. I didn't know I needed to be going that steady to keep a convo. I'm usually just above that. Great to know!
  • dela1000
    dela1000 Posts: 62
    Hey! I ran LA in '09. Since then I've been focusing on halves and shorter runs. Most of my training takes place around the Rose Bowl.

    Have you tried any trail running?

    Feel free to add me.
  • ATclassof2021
    ATclassof2021 Posts: 232 Member
    Avid runner here, training for my 4th full in October; Marine Corp Marathon. Looking to break 4 hrs, have ran the last two in 4:17 and 4:13......trying to lose about 10-15 lbs and push it under 4. I have joined a local group, RunKnox and I think this training group will really I just need to focus on carrying a few less pounds for that 26.2 miles. New here and looking for friends if you would be willing to add me.
