Feeling frustrated and demotivated

When I started trying to lose weight, I went from nearly 11 stone to 9 stone 10 within a few months, but now over a year from when I started losing wright, I am still 9 stone 10. I am so frustrated as I eat well. I used to go to the gym 3-4 times a week but I move into a student house for this year so I couldn't go to the gym. I'm moving back to the city centre in September so I will be able to start going again. I'm still doing exercise when I can and walking everywhere within walking distance, however I do a lot of hours at my summer job which means I am too tired to exercise when I get home. I don't know what to do and I'm really losing motivation. I am slimmest I have ever been, not far from having a flat stomach, but I just don't seem to be able to get further. Last summer I wanted to be 9 stone by my holiday, didn't happen. I wanted to be 9 stone by my holiday this year, which is in a week, hasn't happened.

Sorry about the rant, I haven't posted here before, I just could use some support!

I'm 20 years old, female, and 5''3.


  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    What is your diet like?
  • I try to eat under 1200 calories a day, normally including some form of healthy living/weight watchers ready meal. I've tried eating clean before as well but it just took me much longer to make meals and didn't make a difference... I avoid white wheat foods and eat fruit. I allow myself bad foods like chocolate in moderation and fit it into my calories... I know that I don't drink enough water but I'm trying to change that ;)
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Water is a biggie. If you eat/drink a lot of dairy I would recommend cutting that out as well. get as many of your carbs as you can from veggies, fruit is okay in moderation but does contain a lot of sugar. eat plenty of meat and eggs, and make sure you get a lot of fat from things such as avocados, nuts and olives. I would also recommend eating between 1200-1400 cals a day if you eat this way. You want to make sure you are getting about 30% carbs, 35% protein, and 35% fat. I am all about having a minor indulgence once or twice a week. Do all that and you should be golden.
  • I'll try harder with my water :) I don't actually drink any dairy and I have basically cut cheese out of my diet. I wish I liked eggs! So water, more meat, nuts and avocado etc. i think a problem with me is I allow myself an indulgence (within my calories) every day... What should I eat with meat? I'm trying to cut out pasta etc? Thanks for your help!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Something I do any time I want pasta is sub out the spaghetti noodles and make zucchini noodles instead. I wont lie, I do miss my pasta, but honestly the zucchini noodles are pretty good! Or you can also prep spaghetti squash (God's gift to pasta lovers) it is just a little more difficult to perfect.

    Any time I make a hamburger, my wife eats sweet potato fries. Personally however, the mere smell of sweet potatoes makes my stomach turn, so I make zucchini fries and they are awesome! I chop the zucchini about fry size, then I toss it in ghee (clarified butter) and a little bit of almond flower (it helps them not stick together and makes them a little more crisp). Throw them in the oven and voila!

    Other than that, I am all about grilling vegetables any time I make steaks or chicken. I LOVE grilled onions and pineapple. Peppers and squash are good too.
  • All sounds good! I think Zucchini is what we call Courgette over here.