I need help!!

Ok so here is the deal. Was feeling sad yesterday, things happened with my family, I get no support from them. Actually I am the black sheep of the family. That being said I was already depressed then I found out me Grandma had died. Then someone came over and said nobody can tell you have lost any weight. I wanted to cry all this work for what. I havent been doing well for about a month now have gained about 4lbs. But by the end of the day I had managed to eat more ice cream then I have eaten in 6 months and I wanted to give up trying to loss weight and not even come on here anymore......but I woke up this morning and thought maybe I could get some help from my support my fp friends so anyone have any encouraging words:sad:


  • weisegirl1119
    weisegirl1119 Posts: 122 Member
  • weisegirl1119
    weisegirl1119 Posts: 122 Member
    Ok so here is the deal. Was feeling sad yesterday, things happened with my family, I get no support from them. Actually I am the black sheep of the family. That being said I was already depressed then I found out me Grandma had died. Then someone came over and said nobody can tell you have lost any weight. I wanted to cry all this work for what. I havent been doing well for about a month now have gained about 4lbs. But by the end of the day I had managed to eat more ice cream then I have eaten in 6 months and I wanted to give up trying to loss weight and not even come on here anymore......but I woke up this morning and thought maybe I could get some help from my support my fp friends so anyone have any encouraging words:sad:

    Not sure if I posted this right dont see it.
  • smkdc
    smkdc Posts: 8
    Not having a good support system at home is hard but just remember that you're doing this for yourself. You don't need anyone to tell you that they've seen any changes, just look at yourself and see how far you've come. Remember that even if the weight you've lost isn't substantial, the smallest change is still progress. Everyone has there bad days where they eat things they probably shouldn't but don't beat yourself up about it. Let it go and just start all over today. That said, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to message me. Please take care of yourself!
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    Don't give up - your weight loss isn't for anyone but yourself. We all go through rough times, but personally, what I try to do is make each day better than the day before. Just because you slipped doesn't mean you have to do it TODAY!

    One of my favorite quotes - the only workout you regret is the one you don't do... And trust me, I say this after having a double leg surgery that is making me put my running shoes away for 4+ weeks. And fyi... it was my runs that made the surgery necessary! If I can do it...so can you
  • nancyki
    nancyki Posts: 46
    Give yourself a break, Kerry. Allow yourself to grieve the loss of your grandmother. Ignore what other people say...how do you feel? If your clothes feel a bit better, who cares about the flattery? And give yourself a big hug... two big hugs, alternating which arm is on top with each hug. have a nice day :)
  • lynnprice
    lynnprice Posts: 101 Member

    You're doing this for you, not for anyone else. If you feel better and you can see the progress that your hard work is making then to hell with everyone else.

    Chin up!!!!
  • First off, sorry about your grandmother. Not sure about the family situation so I can't really comment on that BUT whoever came and told you that they couldn't tell you had lost wait was probably jealous. Don't give up, don't let them win! We all have bad days and they pass. The most important thing is support and even if you can't get it from family you have got it here :)
  • One thing to keep in mind is that the weight loss is not for ppl its for you. If you no you feel good and look better, that is all that matters. Keep up the good work. Also keep in mind that those same ppl that have opinions now were the same ones that seen you pack on the pounds and didnt step in and say anything. I go through this all the time. Some ppl are pure haters and if you keep up the good work in another year or just even a few more months they will notice the loss and envy it.
  • weisegirl1119
    weisegirl1119 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for the support!
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    Don't let others judge how you feel or how you do. Take what they say as a demotivation to change it into a motivation. My fiance has done that with me. There have been times that I want to quit but his voice rings in the back of my head stating that I'm a wimp and can't keep my word that he'll belive me when he sees it. If it wasn't for him telling me things like that I wouldn't be able to push myself. Yeah, so they state they can't see a change in you...but can you? If you can keep going! Take that statement and think, "Oh yeah, you can't see anything? Let me prove you wrong!"

    Sure, I could be exercising more and eating better; but, you can't change who you are over night. I'm giving up pop for good and bought flavored water. Just wake up the next morning and do something small to change your activity or how you eat. I for one have been trying to drink at least 4 glasses of water a day and take any excuse to get up from my desk to walk somewhere. I could call the person I need but that extra step will help me out in the long run. I know it was a good day at work when I work up a small sweat from all the running around I'm doing.

    Keep your head up :) you're doing great! *hugs*
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    support support!! shoulder to lean on!!! here here here!!

    I just lost my mother last month, I understand.. I went and still going thru periods of funk.. But one thing I will not let myself do is become self destructive.
    Stand Proud of your weight loss. Be AMAZING!! and if they cant see it POOP on them.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    *** HUGS ***

    Make today about you. Listen not to the words of people who do not share the same passion you do. Those are meaningless words with little significance to the strength and courage you posess. Today is about you and today you will be sucessful! You will create a happy and loving life for yourself and it starts with the first step. You've made the first step by coming on and asking for support. now you have it. make it yours! This is your day! Today you will be successful!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    First off, sorry to hear about your grandmother :(

    Secondly, remember, you can't choose your family! Sometimes they can be terrible! Use it as motivation! Just say in your head "Oh yah? I'll show you!" My brother's comments about my weight are what finally motivated me to start making changes!

    Just keep going, consistency is key. If you slip up, just get back on track. I went way overboard with food and wine yesterday as a result of some emotional eating and a birthday, but I'm not going to dwell on that I'm just going to get back on track today!

    Good luck!
  • LaurySch
    LaurySch Posts: 277 Member
    Absolutely hang in there! Everyone goes through those really rough times - it just makes it harder when you're dealing with the weight as well. Don't listen to those who can't see the change in you - if you're anything like me even before the pounds came off there was the feeling of finally doing something GOOD for myself. The results will come and I hope there will be people who will come up to you and say that you are looking GREAT lately! even when the scale says you haven't lost anything that week! Let yourself grieve and remind yourself that you need to heal and try and pick the better choice (and don't kick yourself if it's not the best choice!)
  • I don't know what I did but I just typed a long reply to you and suddenly is fanished. Once this happened I started not to send another reply but I realized that you are reaching out for help. Here I am; sending another reply since the first on fanished. I was saying I understand how you feel. Last summer my sister and I exercised together. Between August and May I work two jobs and my time to exercise is mostly on my own. So during these months I'm not as motivated. I may exercise one day and skip two, three days and sometime weeks. My sister and I exercised via the Internet with the use of Skype. She lives in Florida and I live in Indiana. This summer it seems as if she is too busy for us to exercise together. It seems as if everyone wants us to consider their problems but to them, our problems are OUR PROBLEMS. We must start somewhere. Sure it sounds nice when someone compliments you own your weight lose; but do you really need their acknowledgement. Although the scales might not display the pounds lost; you know you have reduced inches because your clothes aren't tight. We can be motivating and support buddies. If you have Skype we can even exercise together. Just like anything else, weight lose takes one day at a time. I'm here to help you. :flowerforyou:

    Your Fitnesspal

  • weisegirl1119
    weisegirl1119 Posts: 122 Member
    I don't know what I did but I just typed a long reply to you and suddenly is fanished. Once this happened I started not to send another reply but I realized that you are reaching out for help. Here I am; sending another reply since the first on fanished. I was saying I understand how you feel. Last summer my sister and I exercised together. Between August and May I work two jobs and my time to exercise is mostly on my own. So during these months I'm not as motivated. I may exercise one day and skip two, three days and sometime weeks. My sister and I exercised via the Internet with the use of Skype. She lives in Florida and I live in Indiana. This summer it seems as if she is too busy for us to exercise together. It seems as if everyone wants us to consider their problems but to them, our problems are OUR PROBLEMS. We must start somewhere. Sure it sounds nice when someone compliments you own your weight lose; but do you really need their acknowledgement. Although the scales might not display the pounds lost; you know you have reduced inches because your clothes aren't tight. We can be motivating and support buddies. If you have Skype we can even exercise together. Just like anything else, weight lose takes one day at a time. I'm here to help you. :flowerforyou:

    Your Fitnesspal


    Thanks so much for the encouragement I do have skype and that sounds like a great idea!:smile:
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I am sorry, how can they not tell you have lost 90lbs?????
  • Keep it going, you are doing it for you and F them if they don't notice. We all do on here and are doing it with you.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am sorry, how can they not tell you have lost 90lbs?????

    She has lost 10 lbs - 90 to go.

    Family can be brutal sometimes. There is no one in my house that is watching what they eat with me - I am on my own. No one holds me reliable to go to the gym - I just do it, so I feel better about myself.

    I know it is hard when people don't support you, but this is YOUR life. You are doing it to make YOURSELF happy. Stick with it, and I am sure your family will be proud of you in the end. It took me 16 months to get to where I am, and my family couldn't be happier for me. They didn't believe me in the beginning because I have said it time and time again that I was going to lose weight. Well, now, I have really done it. You can do it if you put your mind to it!!!
  • Lefty634
    Lefty634 Posts: 56
    I had very little support from my family but it tended to make me mad and I decided to do things my own way and to heck with them. I pick my friends and I figure i am stuck with family.
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    Hi nice to meet you i'm Blaq:heart:
    I am sooo sorry to hear this is happening to you. Strange sounds sorta like my family. :sad:

    I'm very sorry to hear about your grandmother. Sending you healing and comforting energy.:flowerforyou:

    Hang in there and do it for you. See it counts you came back today and that says a lot. You CAN do this!!!

    I have a completely different goal here - gaining weight, but we can still be friends. I do have a a few who want to lose so no biggie. I cheer and support them all the same. They are extremely supportive and I :heart: them all.
  • prud0025
    prud0025 Posts: 1
    I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Its very hard to lose a close one. I've had to deal with it while just having a child and losing another close one that same month. You need to think of what you will feel like after you workout or after you chose healthy snacks or foods to eat. Get those cute jeans out that you want to get into and put them on your wall! Works for me! Looking at your profile picture you are a beautiful lady and I know you can do it. Try and go for a walk with your favorite music today and take a nice bath afterwards!!! You can do it!