How to motivate yourself during frustrating times...

They say you can find motivation in the weirdest places, but perhaps the strangest of them all would be located in frustration.

It’s an emotion that can cause great negativity – leading people down a path of defeat and sometimes self-hatred. And yet, if we were to step-back for a moment and reflect on where that frustration comes from, one could see that it is actually a positive experience. In the case of weight loss, frustration demonstrates an undeniable urge to succeed at the task at hand. All too often people (myself included) get discouraged because the scale is not moving in the right direction and/or inches aren’t disappearing. The frustration people feel when this happens can lead to self-destruction. Some people get incredibly upset and decide to quit altogether – feeling as though they will never succeed. Others may do something temporarily “crazy” like running to the nearest vending machine to eat 6 chocolate bars and a bag of chips in hope it will provide some kind of emotional comfort. But what if we looked at frustration differently? What if we saw frustration for what it really is – a good thing.

Being frustrated (in this case) showcases a person’s passion to reach their goal. You want your successful ending so badly that any little hiccup annoys you – this is completely understandable. But, instead of letting that frustration take you out of the game, use it to push yourself forward, to work a little harder, to re-evaluate what you are doing, and to make changes if necessary.

I've had my down days, but instead of giving up, I took the advice of my wonderful MFP family and upped my calories. I also kicked it up a notch with my exercise – pushing myself to limits I have never experienced before. I now know that I can use my frustration as a rocket to propel me closer to my goal.

Don’t let frustration defeat you - let it drive you to your happily ever after!!!


  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    thanks for the great words!

    you're right, sometimes you do find motivation in the strangest places. ;)
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm glad you're on my fl...I so needed this, I've been having huge issues with my scale not moving. Thanks for the wise words.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    Awesome! Well said!!
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Very well stated. It's easy to stay motivated when things are going well. We have to dig deeper into ourselves to pull out that drive to continue when things aren't going our way. Many people don't have that level of commitment to do that. I've failed in the past because *I* wasn't that committed.

    But this time is different. We know what we want, and we're not going to let setbacks or frustration distract us from our goals.