ok,so i've been on this site for about 20 days,i changed my eating habits .i use to eat allot of fast food ,chocolate,coke and all the bad things for me so now i try to make a healthier lifestyle but it seems that i am gaining weight,please tell my what am i doing wrong ,should i lower my calories ,more fitness?


  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    how many calories are you eating? are you logging all of your food? and what are you doing for exercise?

    You may not be eating enough calories.
  • nicoletarobu
    my diary is open if you want you can have a look and yes i am logging everything .
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Not enough information:

    goal weight?
    exercise plan?
    calories set for your goal?
    do you eat them all?
    exercise calories too?

    (the last 3 I can get from your diary since it's open...)
  • Mojofiendish
    Ditto the response above. Also are you drinking enough water? You need to drink so that your body can flush out the broken down fat. It sounds disgusting and it is! Also I'd ask are you eating big meals or snacking? You might need to shake up your metabolism by changing when and how often you eat. Just a few suggestion as these have previously held me back! Don't give up. It may also be that your body takes a while to adjust to your new habits.....?
  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    20 days isnt that long of a time. and i doubt youre gaining weight. unless u are excessivley eating everyday.
  • Ristia_Amore
    Ristia_Amore Posts: 15 Member
    Are you weighing every day? If so, don't! Pick a day and specific time every week to weigh, your results will be more accurate this way. Try measuring too! I weigh on Wednesday mornings after 'relieving' myself. Been accurate so far.
  • KellyMirth
    KellyMirth Posts: 153
    For myself, the first two weeks I logged and managed to gain 2 lbs. Then I made an effort to increase my protein and decrease my fat and I started losing. If you let mfp calculate your calories, they're probably fine (and don't seem excessive in either direction to me), I would just try to make it so your protein is at least more than your fat on a daily basis.

    ETA - the fact that you're eating 5 meals a day & drinking your water is awesome, keep that up!
  • nicoletarobu
    24 years old
    200.2lbsmy current weight
    132 my goal weight
    yes i eat all my calories
    and i weigh myself this morning because my trousers size 16 i c'ant zip them anymore but the scale shows the same weight,it's very strange
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    Try tracking more precisely, that's always my first thought when people are confused. I looked at your diary and things like "salad, 1 serving" make me wonder what was in the salad? How big was it? Did you use dressing or cheese or croutons or bacon bits or hardboiled egg or anything? Same for things like "Toast - Brown Toast With Butter, 2 Slices, 1 slices" I have some pretty low-cal bread, but 1 piece + butter is going to be more like 150-200 calories. Butter is 30calories per teaspoon!
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    I would up your protein...
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    One thing I would suggest is more protein. MFP sets protein low to begin with, so you should definitely be hitting your goal. It doesn't hurt to go over on protein, protein is supposed to make you feel fuller, helps preserve your lean muscle mass, and helps you build muscles when you strength train and work out. It's ok to go over on protein too.
  • jcrowe1
    jcrowe1 Posts: 5
    Excercise! Run, Bike, Swim, Tennis, Yoga and on and on.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Some of the days you seem to have a lot of sodium and sugar, I know you are not tracking sugar but it is in a lot of the foods you eat.
    Carbs naturally have a lot of sugar and sometimes a lot of sodium :-(

    You can add me as a friend if you want..I am a really good motivator and am one of those `terrible people` that comment on food diaries lol!

    But either way good luck I am sure you will find what works for you....this is a really good place for lots of information and help :-)

    Forgot to add I am a high protein junkie lol!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    1. Make sure your activity level is NOT set at sedentary.
    2. Make sure your goal is set at 1 lb per week loss.
    3. EAT ALL those calories. You cannot try to make a bigger deficit by staying under. That is your goal calories with the weight loss already figured in.

    4. BIG ISSUE HERE: a lot of your entries in your diary are impossible. a fruit salad with 45 calories and 30 carbs is scientifically impossible. A carb has 4 calories. so is that 120 calories and 30 carbs? or is it really 45 calories and should be listed as 11 carbs? There's a big difference.

    Carbs= 4 cal/g
    protein = 4 cal/g
    fats = 9 cal/g

    if an entry doesn't add up to roughly that, it is wrong (roughly, because they round up, but that fruit salad is a straight up freak of nature)

    there was an entry that contained pita bread but the meal had no carbs?
    there was one meal that was listed at ONLY fats, no carbs or protein?
    if they are THAT off, who's to say the calories are even CLOSE?

    check everything you enter against the label.

    for fruit salad type dishes:
    weigh out X grams of a fruit, log it, weigh out x grams of the next fruit, log it, etc. a good fruit salad should take up 5 or 6 lines in your diary, not 1.

    also, white tea with sugar as one entry? try:
    x g of skim milk
    1 tsp sugar
    ...3 separate entries...
    only way to get it right, for now, while you are learning....

    if you don't have a food scale, get one NOW. you might just be eating 1.5 times everything you think you are eating...
  • patchesgizmo
    patchesgizmo Posts: 244 Member
    Okay I looked at your diary. The last 2 days were excellent but the day before that your sodium was rocket high. Watch the sodium closely it will cause you to gain water weight big time.

    So how much exercise you doing? Might want to start taking that adorable baby out for walks to the park and such. Walking is excellent.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    1. Make sure your activity level is NOT set at sedentary.
    2. Make sure your goal is set at 1 lb per week loss.
    3. EAT ALL those calories. You cannot try to make a bigger deficit by staying under. That is your goal calories with the weight loss already figured in.

    4. BIG ISSUE HERE: a lot of your entries in your diary are impossible. a fruit salad with 45 calories and 30 carbs is scientifically impossible. A carb has 4 calories. so is that 120 calories and 30 carbs? or is it really 45 calories and should be listed as 11 carbs? There's a big difference.

    Carbs= 4 cal/g
    protein = 4 cal/g
    fats = 9 cal/g

    if an entry doesn't add up to roughly that, it is wrong (roughly, because they round up, but that fruit salad is a straight up freak of nature)

    there was an entry that contained pita bread but the meal had no carbs?
    there was one meal that was listed at ONLY fats, no carbs or protein?
    if they are THAT off, who's to say the calories are even CLOSE?

    check everything you enter against the label.

    for fruit salad type dishes:
    weigh out X grams of a fruit, log it, weigh out x grams of the next fruit, log it, etc. a good fruit salad should take up 5 or 6 lines in your diary, not 1.

    also, white tea with sugar as one entry? try:
    x g of skim milk
    1 tsp sugar
    ...3 separate entries...
    only way to get it right, for now, while you are learning....

    if you don't have a food scale, get one NOW. you might just be eating 1.5 times everything you think you are eating...

  • Springer007
    Springer007 Posts: 84 Member
    Ive only been dieting for about 30 days, but I have lost 18 pounds in that time. I have tracked most all of it with a microscope.
    Here is what I have learned:

    Track everything you eat. EVERYTHING.

    Weigh 2 or 3 times a day. Learn how much you gain when you eat, drink, go bathroom, sleep, etc... IT sounds excessive, and maybe a bit gross, but if you are puzzled as to whats going on with your weight, you need to learn your body. So you have to study your body.

    I noticed you say "1500 calories and I eat all of them" Maybe thats too much. For your height and weight, if you do 1500 a day AND Excercise hard, weight should be pouring off of you. probably by a pound a day for the first cople weeks. Im talking about 30 to 40 minutes or running and/or hard eliptical.
    You should be dripping with sweat by the time you are done. and thats not a figure of speach. You should be able to take off your shirt and ring out some of its moisture on to the ground or in a sink.
    Its HARD excercise and it hurts. You should be pushing yourself to a place that you are not comfortable and holding that for several minutes. Research your target heartrate and get there for no less than 20 minutes. No one said it comes easy or free.

    Doing it by diet alone will take you a loooooooong frustrating time.

    IF you can work off an excess 500 to 800 calories a day with excercise, you will be Amazed and inspired at the results.

    I recntly took a small detour from my diet for a 3 day lake trip weekend and learned more.
    I learned The minute you are not watching calories, you eat a ton and can undo a lot of progress.
    So dont reward yourself for goals with food or something that was not on your diet unless you are prepared to give back that progress. I worked for probably 30 days to drop 21 pounds. and gave 5 of it back in one weekend.