How skinny is too skinny? I need opinions...



  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    All l have to say is you do look good now. But maybe just some toning now.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I would say work on body composition, not weight. Your body fat doesn't look that high. Lift some weights!

    ^This. Ditch the scale and lift those weights.
  • WickedSpinSistr
    WickedSpinSistr Posts: 139 Member
    Definitely not as much as 40 lbs! But if you wish to lose a bit of weight, say 10 lbs, I'd recommend starting with some aerobic circuit training type workout such as Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones, or one of those Muscle Conditioning classes at the gym, that use lighter weights while keeping you moving. I would not go hitting heavy weights just yet because you may bulk up and judging from your post I am thinking that's not what you want. Once you see yourself toning down and fitting into clothes differently you'll be able to reassess where you want to go from there. Good luck! And definitely don't fear hitting the beach in the meantime because you look great!
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    I agree with the majority on that one loose 10lbs through toning and weighlifting and that's about it. But just for the record...what is your height and weight?? :smile:
  • Demmuscles
    Demmuscles Posts: 228 Member
    I agree with lifting weights, I don't think you have much to lose at all, just need to strengthen, tone and shape :)
  • tommygutt
    tommygutt Posts: 8 Member
    I would say work on body composition, not weight. Your body fat doesn't look that high. Lift some weights!

    ^This. Ditch the scale and lift those weights.

    Wise words this is, agree I do.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    it all depends do you want to look skinny or do you want to look athletic and just define some of your natural curves...
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    Strength training will probably give you the look you are wanting. Maybe 15 lbs? It's hard to say.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Why do you have to lose anything. Are you where you want to be looks wise? Maybe you could be a little more athletic, but I don't know you, maybe you already are! We all have different ideas of what is perfect, but it's what is good for US in OUR OWN MINDS. Thats the important thing!!! I don't see where you have to improve anywhere!!

  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I would go for what is considered "athletic" or "excellent" for a lady in terms of body fat.
    That's around 20%
    You can check here for free:

    That table is on the low side. I would really not call around 30% BF as poor for a female, it is within the healthy range
    I am talking peak condition for somebody already close to a good weight who just needs to tone up.
    That's surely attainable for this OP, but not for everybody.
    She already looks great but wants more. This is it.
    Once we reach a good weight, body fat measurement should be the new standard for tracking progress.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I think you answered your own question. 40 pounds off of you would be too skinny. If you want to lose weight, I would say start and figure out as you go what weight makes you feel the healthiest and happiest. It might be only 5 pounds, especially if you lose inches. But 40 pounds, as goals go, is a little much in my opinion.
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    You look great! I would say in the 5-10 range & I agree with the work mostly on definition comments. Good for you!
  • I don't think you should lose more than 5 lbs, work on toning your muscles and your weight might increase but your body will feel fitter and tighter. You look great keep up the good work!
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    I would say work on body composition, not weight. Your body fat doesn't look that high. Lift some weights!

    I would agree with this statement 100%. You already look to be in great shape. Your profile says you're gonna start the 30 DS (good luck) so I'm sure you'll see great results with that. Just incorporate some strength training into your healthy eating and you'll tone right up :smile:
  • You all are too kind! I was expecting a much harsher reply. But maybe this will help you get a better idea for how I look. Here is me in clothes (I feel the fattest in clothes..)


  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Start weight training to get the definition you want. You look amazing. Love the smile.
  • THIS
    I would say work on body composition, not weight. Your body fat doesn't look that high. Lift some weights!
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    You look good. If you're trying to get a more define look maybe just 5 to 10 lbs and focus on weight training to tone.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Again.. I think you look great.
  • brett1117
    brett1117 Posts: 208
    1 round(90 days) of P90X to add muscle