Phentermine - Your Experience?



  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    I hated it. I didn't sleep,and thought I was losing my mind. I did lose weight because I was starving. When I stopped taking it, the weight came back and I gained even more. It ruined my metabolism and a year later, I'm still struggling worse than I ever had in my life.

    Just to be clear, I didn't go back to unhealthy eating or go over calories when I stopped the medication, I simply starting eating in the normal range
  • sowinstead
    sowinstead Posts: 13 Member
    I am currently taking Phentermine 37.5 mg. I was dieting on my own and losing weight very slowly for my size, (about 10lbs in 8 weeks) and also taking caffiene supplements for energy which resulted in a nasty kidney infection. Even eating around 1200 kcal I felt like I was starving myself. I'm also on Depo shot for birth control which has sent my appetite through the roof. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me Phen as an appetite suppressant. The first two days I ate nothing because I had no desire to eat whatsoever and felt on top of the world. (I also cleaned the house compulsively, and enjoyed it.) On the 3rd day, still no appetite, but was at a horse show in 90 degree weather. Started having dizzy spells and spotty vision so I forced myself to eat, but still nothing sounded good. Slowly started gaining an appetite. I also started an exercise routine with JM dvds and worked out about 2-3 days a week. I went back to the doctor for my one month checkup. I lost 23 lbs and felt great. My second month started and I gained 3 lbs back by going back to my normal eating habits. I have now found a eating plan that works for me and keeps me full. I'm watching calories, fat, and carbs and upping protein. I exercise everyday. This has been the past 3 days and I have lost about .5-1 lbs a day. Have lost 35 lbs so far. The pill is to help you into a healthier lifestyle, not to be used as a crutch. You can't just not eat. You have to eat healthier and get into a habit of just eating healthier. I also suggest weaning yourself off of it during your last 30 days because people who take the pill are at risk for dependency. My biggest side effects were major mood swings (highs and lows), dry mouth, and irregular blood pressure. Make sure to stop taking the medication and consult your doctor if you experience anything "funny" going on with your heart. Good luck on your journey!
  • sowinstead
    sowinstead Posts: 13 Member
    I've taken Phentermine many times for years. It really works well for the first two months or so. I hate the side effects. Dry mouth, tweaky, trouble sleeping, and it makes me a total b*tch.

    Other than that, it's great! ;) I manage to lose about 10 - 20lbs easily.
    agreed. it makes me randomly hostile at times.
  • zenjenn
    zenjenn Posts: 16 Member
    Well, that was short-lived. After 3 days of taking it I started to experience some mild chest tightness/aches. I called the doc to report it as the drug literature advised, and he told me to stop taking it immediately. He seemed very pro-phentermine when he prescribed it so he I guess that symptom is nothing to screw around with. No real danger after 3 days, he said, but definitely stop.

    I guess it was worth a shot.
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    I took it for 7 months and lost 100 lbs in those 7 months. The only side effects I had was dry mouth and constipation. As people have said, it's not a magic pill and you must eat healthy and exercise or the weight will come right back on when you finish taking it. Just adopt a healthy lifestyle (sounds like you have) and you'll do great on it. I went off of mine cold turkey and I had no withdrawal symptoms at all. I felt totally fine. Go for it. Just make sure your doctor monitors you closely while on it.
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    I was on it for three months last year and lost a lot of weight. The purpose of the medication is to help suppress your appetite while you learn healthy eating habits. People who report that they gain the weight back are often those that depend on the medication to lose the weight, and then go back to their old eating habits once they stop taking it. Anyone who loses weight and then goes back to unhealthy eating and exercise habits will gain weight back. Personally, I've kept my weight off for months and I'm still losing.
  • strecruit
    strecruit Posts: 2
    I worked in a clinic that was prescribing the phentamine several years ago when it was a big deal. I noticed the majority of the patients who had previously tried the medication and later stopped, gained the weight back plus more. Ask your pharmacist for
    literature on the medication, look at the side effects. Perhaps a second opinion from another physician may be helpful.
  • I took it for a little over a month and it was great during that time. The problem I had is that it increased my blood pressure so I couldn't continue to take it. It also made me very thirsty but that helped me drink enough water every day. Every doctor that I know that prescribes it watches you very carefully while you are on the drug and will take it away immediately if they see adverse side effects.
  • Pinky1147
    Pinky1147 Posts: 105
    I was on it for three months last year and lost a lot of weight. The purpose of the medication is to help suppress your appetite while you learn healthy eating habits. People who report that they gain the weight back are often those that depend on the medication to lose the weight, and then go back to their old eating habits once they stop taking it. Anyone who loses weight and then goes back to unhealthy eating and exercise habits will gain weight back. Personally, I've kept my weight off for months and I'm still losing.

    completely agree! So many blame their gains on other things when its their eating habits. I took it a long time ago and did lose weight. I stopped taking it and gained my weight back. A lot people tried telling me it was bc I took it. I was very honest and upfront and admitted it wasnt that, I just started eating bad again.
  • litnerd4life
    litnerd4life Posts: 19 Member
    I took it after I was done breastfeeding with both kids to help me lose the incredible amount of weight I gained (I balloon up while preggo). I have had nothing but good experiences. I only took it for a couple months both times, as that was enough to get the weight off. It didn't come back either time (except after I got pregnant the second time, obviously). I have found that if you use it as a tool with a healthy diet and exercise, the weight will not come back. It gets you used to eating less (although it isn't a miracle pill, after the first couple weeks the hunger does come back some), so that when you stop taking it you are set up for success. I didn't have any problems when stopping it. No withdrawels or anything. I also was lucky enough not to have side effects. I would take it around 10am, and by 9 or 10 that night, I was in bed sound asleep. I'm sure everyone is different, but it helped me. Good luck!