Looking for best nutrition/supplements advice

Hi there, I am posting a copy of my (planned) fitness / exercise regime.
My goal is to keep lean muscle mass (and increase if possible) but mainly to burn body fat, therefore I will be judging my progress on inch loss rather than weight loss.... My problem is I am completely hopeless on nutrition & what supplements (if any) to take in order to give me the best possible results.

Ok folks, here's my plan of attack on my body & mind:

Monday; Muay Thai 6-8pm

Tuesday; Swimming with kids after work

Wednesday; Muay Thai 6-8pm


Friday; Zumba 6:30-7:30pm
Gym, Swim, Sauna, Steam Room

Saturday; Body Step 10-11am
Body Attack 11-12pm
Body Combat 12-1pm
Body Balance 1-2pm
Gym, Swim, Sauna, Steam Room

Sunday; Body Pump 10-11am
Body Step 11-12pm
L/B/T 12- 1pm
Swimming with kids

Many thanks :D


  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    OK, maybe I misunderstand, but WHY would you spend more than 4 hours on Saturday and more than three exercising on Sunday? Are you doing anything now? If not (and even if you are, you really don't have much hope of doing this forever, do you?
    No idea what Muay Thai is - but two hours every night?
    You will have to eat like a horse to just have enough energy to do this..... Forget about supplements - you will need LOTS of food and time and an unbreakable body to do all this.....
  • weemazo
    weemazo Posts: 4
    Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read & reply to my post.
    Muay thai is like kickboxing but with a bit more contact. The class is broken up into sections...warm up, pad work of various punch/kick combinations, sparring, cool down and stretching.
    The Saturday morning will be mainly composed of cardio work outs and the Sunday mainly strength & toning.
    I am not long in this evening from my Muay thai class.

    You are saying I will need lots of food...this is the point I am enquiring about as I am very naive when it comes to foods & groups, what i should and shouldn't be eating etc.

    P.s i dont think its an unbreakable body required but an unbreakable mind :)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Great exercise program!
    As for supplementation, I take a multi vitamin pack daily but avoid mass qualities of supplements.
    I do not trust that the product matches the label.
    And if you are going to try some, beware those scammers who will try to get you to join their MLM pyramids.
    These folks will slither in from all sides.
    Good luck!
  • teinepalagi
    teinepalagi Posts: 86 Member
    I'm doing a weight lifting program (New Rules of Lifting for Women), and it suggests that you keep your macros at: 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. If you have trouble getting all of the protein in, they also suggest a protein shake (especially on lifting days). You can reset your macros on your profile to get these percentages so you can see how you're doing.

    I also agree with the other poster who said you will need a lot of calories (I consume around 2000-2400, depending on the day) and I'm 5'2" and 135 pounds. I am also trying to lower my body fat percentage rather than just get a number on the scale. I figure to get where I want to be, I will probably be about 10 lbs lighter......

    Good luck!
  • weemazo
    weemazo Posts: 4

    Thanks for all replies but still working my way through this link at the moment :)
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member

    Thanks for all replies but still working my way through this link at the moment :)

    You make me proud.