My desk job gave me more money and more weight...

AdoorAbell Posts: 1
edited December 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I really do enjoy my job but not the fact that I sit inside all day.
I am 25 years old and since I started my job I gained 20 pounds making me top off at 225 pounds.
I am 6 ft tall so I can hide it better than some. I've managed to loose 9 of the extra pounds over the past month or two.
I guess what I am looking for now is some support. My target weight is 185.

So hello, I hope we get to become good friends. I also hope I can stay away from the chocolate bowl at the receptionist's desk...


  • Canuckjen
    Canuckjen Posts: 7
    You can add me!
    In the past four years I moved to a desk and had 2 babies, so I know where you're coming from :)
  • You can also add me. I also have a desk job and got to about the same point. I have a bigger frame so I also can "hide" it well. Here to support!
  • TooLeftFeet
    TooLeftFeet Posts: 139 Member
    You cn add me as well if you like. Ina desk jockey, too. At this point in trying to tone and maintain, but. I feel your pain.
  • amandainez08
    amandainez08 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm right there with you. My desk job helped me gain 30 pounds from the 140 I weighed after I had my daughter. My desk job was also my first full-time job and it introduced me to fast food more often because I hated packing lunches. I am short and average framed, so I do not hide it well at all! I dread ever running into anyone from high school, because I feel like I look awful! I don't want to be the girl who "got fat" after graduation! When the scale hit 176, I cried a little, then finally told myself "No more!" Time for a change. And now I'm six pounds lighter, exercising, and feeling great so far! So, I'm right along there with you!

    Side note: since my desk job began, I decided to go back to school for NURSING! Something that won't keep me in front of a computer all day!
  • MandiS80
    MandiS80 Posts: 127 Member
    I have a desk job too and gained a buttload of weight. I now sit on a ball all day and go to the gym 6 days a week. I feel your pain, so easy to put on, so hard to take off
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I gained fifty pounds in seven years at a desk. Made money but was not happy. Now I am self employed and self empowered (and somewhat broke) but off my butt and working at a treadmill desk. Have lost twenty of my fifty in five plus months. Looking forward to losing the rest. Sitting is bad when you do too much. See if your employer will consider a treadmill desk. They are awesome!
  • marywanoKC
    marywanoKC Posts: 176
    Phone/computer monkey here, too. I definitely know where you're coming from, but keep the faith, it's completely possible to lose weight even with an inactive job. You can do it!!!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    Add me. I'm a desk jockey!! I avoid that pizza meeting, chocolate bowl and all around food Fridays all of the time!!!

    You can do this. Once you are really on track, you'll realize how easy it is to step away from the candy bowl!! Good luck!
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I just started a desk job! Strangely though my eating/weight loss has been MUCH better than when I worked in a restaurant. I think its because I pack my lunch daily and I only bring options of healthy foods to snack on and haven't ventured to find where the vending machines are yet. I'll add you, and best thing I've ever done is I bring my workout clothes with me to work and go straight to the gym after, no excuses that way because I know if i came home I wouldn't make it back out
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Another desk jockey over here!! Feel free to add me.
  • Couldn't agree more, I was working 3 jobs last year - 2 of which were desk jobs and I hated it with a passion, felt sluggish most days and YES - Holy Weight gain - I put on more than 60 pounds last year!
    Starting to lose it now so feel free to add me as a friend :wink:
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Amen!! When I went from fulltime nanny to full time desk job I put on 50 lbs over 18 months. I'm down 52 in 6 months now :) Good luck on your journey!!!!!
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Yeah the desk job isn't good for my health. I had to do temp work like 6+ years ago and for 6 weeks worked in a factory. Without even thinking about it I lost weight then regained it when I got my desk job back. If those stupid factories would pay more I would do that instead.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    I gained all my weight once I got a desk job..... i know the feeling..... i walk on all my breaks
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