Any Type 2 Diabetics here?

Hi,my name is Amy and I have used MFP off an on for a year and half. Been doing good for the last month with journaling my food and exercise every day almost without exception. It really keeps me accountable. I always manage to do really good for a few months and then get impatient and bored and tired of all the extra time and thought I have to put into what I eat every day and I give up on it. I really need to stick with it this time. My motivation now is to try to get off some of my meds for diabetes and I k now losing weight will make a huge difference. But I love to eat and mostly love carbs, go figure! And I hate to exercise. I find it a little difficult to track carbs for my diabetes management on MFP, and have also found that I have quite a lot of calories left that I can't use because I can't have any more carbs in the day.

Anyway, I would love to find some friends to support and encourage each other and would be great to find some fellow diabetics!! A little bit more about me, I'm 43, married, no kids at home but have stepkids and step-grandchildren. I live in Upper Michigan and I work a full-time often stressful job and am very involved at my church and with my hobby business selling and doing workshops for Stampin' Up! If you think we have anything in common with any of this, please contact me. I'm not even sure how this "community" thing works yet, it's my first time posting here.

Thanks for reading and best wishes to you all!


  • bmksm
    bmksm Posts: 3
    I am "pre" type 2 Dad has it and lucky me I've inherited all his bad health issues. I am taking metformin and like you would like to be able to do this without meds. I also take blood pressure and cholesterol meds...they all seem to go hand in hand. I'm about 25 pounds overweight and like you love my carbs!!! I just started a bootcamp workout group about seven weeks ago and I love it! It's really hard but I feel great and already my blood pressure has dropped! So I'm hoping that my glucose levels will improve also! Hopefully this will be the push I need...Oh, also I didn't mention that I am 55 years old...So if I can do it so can you!
  • txladybug41
    txladybug41 Posts: 105 Member
    I am 52 and have been a type 2 diabetic for a while. I take Metformin, blood pressure and thyroid medications, and something for cholesterol too. I elected several years ago to go on insulin as the pills stopped working. It took me a long time to figure out why.. and once I did, I found motivation to turn my life around.

    I still take medicines / insulin, but my AIC is now down to 7.4 (down from like 16 - and yes when it was that high, i was very sick)... My cholesterol levels are under 200. My blood pressure is good. And being here on MFP has done wonders to open my eyes to what i was sticking in my mouth. I have learned a lot here. Mostly that if you eat the right foods (including some of those carbs) and EXERCISE, you can make a difference to your body and you will feel better! I can't tell you how tired i am of experiencing highs in the past (feeling fatigue, thirsty, hungry, and continuous craving of carbs) and yo-yoing with some lows. It takes time to master a balance ... and if you add me as a friend, i can assist motivate you to reach your goals.

    Granted, I'm human just like everyone else and will eat the occasional bad stuff... but you gotta learn to adjust your other meals and exercise when you do this sort of thing. Anyway, I'm on my 2nd round this year to lose another ten to fifteen lbs, so that's why my weight loss is at zero again. I was 212 at the end of Christmas , 2011... and am now sitting around 196. I am still trying to lose more. So let's motivate each other. Am always willing to add more friends :)
  • yooperbrat
    yooperbrat Posts: 7 Member
    txladybug, I would love to add you and I think I could learn a lot from you. I'm trying to figure out how to add you as a friend. I've accepted a couple friend requests but haven't yet found where to request to be added by someone else! I'll get it just give me some time! I'm a little slow but I get there! ;-) Thanks for replying!
  • Tamaroid
    Tamaroid Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I just joined this site today, so I have a lot to learn here. I am a type 2 diabetic, but with the amount of insulin I take, many people assume that I am type 1. I use both Levemir and Novolog, as well as metformin. I also have thyroid disease and high cholesterol that I take meds for.

    txladybud41, I still haven't figured out why the pills stopped working and that I now need to use insulin. :/

    Anyway, I just want to become healthy, not just physically but mentally. I really want this badly, but I am afraid that my motivation will wane. Any suggestions on how to keep that from happening?
  • yooperbrat
    yooperbrat Posts: 7 Member
    Tamaroid, I have no help to offer in the motivation department as it wanes for me regularly!! And as far as pills stopping working I've been told eventually they will for me too. I'm on Januvia, Glipizide and Metformin as well as Lantus once a day. I had stomach issues with the metformin but my doc wants me to try to stay on it in a lower dose as it's supposed to help keep the weight maintained or lose. I just really want to cut back on some of it. Right now I am doing really good but in order to cut way back I'm afraid I'd have to really reduce calories and carbs even more drastically and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do that. So I'm hoping if I shed a lot of pounds maybe that will help reduce some of the medication? I guess time will tell if I can stick with the weight loss program and make it work.
  • jahsshh
    jahsshh Posts: 18
    Hello everybody. I am type 2 diabetic for about 2 yrs now, but only since Feb of this yr i believe is when i got really fed up with the drained, sluggish, ill feeling that comes with not properly taking care of myself. I am 40 yrs old with a wife and 3 kids and i owe it to them and myself to get myself on track. Basically i ate whatever i wanted knowing i needed to lose weight and better my lifestyle, but like most people, it was and IS hard to stop eating the foods we love. Anyway, i felt aged and my mentality was there too, thinking i cant do this and that anymore cause im old and to weak to go out and have fun with friends and family cause all i ever felt was sluggish, weak, tired, anxiety. Everytime some new feeling or sensation came thru my body, i automatically felt like its my diabetes and im slowly dying and my mentality was locked onto not IF but when is the day imma fall over. I have gotten over that mentality, but some days when maybe i feel tired, dizzy or something, i catch my thoughts go back there again till back in Feb when im sitting there watching TV and thought, "damnit im only 39 (at the time) and have many yrs ahead of me" and that was the point when i changed everything. I was 256lbs at the time and now i weigh 230 just from trying to lose weight by eating properly (most of the time) and exercising (which is just walking for me lol) i take 30unit of Lantus, Metformin, some cholesterol and blood pressure pills. for the past 5 months my levels have gotten really good. everytime i have to go and do my blood test, it comes back really good and slowly getting better. I have changed my eating habits and try to learn the calorie counting and all that, but have hit a wall. it seems like a lot of work trying to count this, check that, make sure there's none of this, none of that blah blah. Anyway this is my first time actually trying to get involved with this website and looking for help and support and hopefully after a better understanding of diabetes and how to diet, i can help someone else (c:`, btw i do have a question.. i notice some days, no matter what i do, my glucose lvls keep dropping, for instance this morning i wake up feeling a little light headed and woozy, my glucose lvl was at 69, so i drank orange juice to get it up, make breakfast so i can eat, lvls get up to 140 which i feel great finally..Hr later im feeling woozy again, lvls back down to 80 so i drink orange juice again and eat lunch at around 12-1, lvls go up again to around 135, 2hrs later im woozy again and lvls are 79 so i eat half a banana and im feeling ok. NOW im on here writing this post and scared im gonna sleep tonight and wake up woozy and all that. Does anyone know why that is happening? I am sorry if this is the wrong place to ask that question and also thank everyone and hope i can make some new friends here.. (c:`,
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    If you would like to connect with more diabetics on MFP, may I suggest you join
    As a type 1 diabetic, I came to mfp just for the food tracking but have found good friends and support here.
    Be Well
  • Fighting sugar lows is no fun! Have you talked to your dr about adjusting your lantas dose and glucophage dose. Since you are loosing wt and watching what you eat maybe it needs to be adjusted. If you have sugar lows protein will keep your sugar up longer, milk peanut butter, cheese and crackers. Good luck.
  • dhoody
    dhoody Posts: 49
    Im 31 with type 2 also this site has help start to get control of my eating and push me to workout. Im on metformin and insulin...I'd love know how everyone controls their blood sugar
  • Carterrays
    Carterrays Posts: 9 Member
    Hello my name is Ray and I've been off metformin for about a month and two type of cholesterol pills
    I started my diet last year on Sept. 13th I had just had surgery on my left thigh for gane green
    I developed after a dirt bike wreck I started doing low carb kinda like adkins diet but I try and stay @the 20 carbs a day I've lost 69#60# so far and 10 pant sizes I know everyone can do this if I can cause yes I loved my carbs im a chocolate freak
    But someone very near to me saide somthing that changed everything you already know what that taste like
    Chocolate are your health the choice is pretty simple and im on my way to a better me a healthier me
    And im definitely happier than I've ever been I am no longer a diabetic so send me a friend request if ya like and we can work
    Through this together .i wishhave each andday everyone ofyou you thecrass best of luck
    best wishes. User name. carterrays

  • Carterrays
    Carterrays Posts: 9 Member
    Hello my name is Ray and I've been off metformin for about a month and two type of cholesterol pills
    I started my diet last year on Sept. 13th I had just had surgery on my left thigh for gane green
    I developed after a dirt bike wreck I started doing low carb kinda like adkins diet but I try and stay @the 20 carbs a day I've lost 69#60# so far and 10 pant sizes I know everyone can do this if I can cause yes I loved my carbs im a chocolate freak
    But someone very near to me saide somthing that changed everything you already know what that taste like
    Chocolate are your health the choice is pretty simple and im on my way to a better me a healthier me
    And im definitely happier than I've ever been I am no longer a diabetic so send me a friend request if ya like and we can work
    Through this together .i wishhave each andday everyone ofyou you thecrass best of luck
    best wishes. User name. carterrays

  • Carterrays
    Carterrays Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Ray here Please excuse my typing im on a not so smart phone Lol
    Im 43 and don't have a computer so bare with me y'all

    Best wishes
  • kympow
    kympow Posts: 145 Member
    Hi there!

    I am also a type 2 diabetic. I was put on lantus in January....and was back off it in March (due to weightloss). I was (okay am but....)was carbie..... I eat completely different now. I allow myself up to 450 calroies per meal. (with a couple snacks)
    I have been able to get off my lantus and glipizide, (plus a blood pressure pill)... I am on januvia right now.
    You make make small changes with big results.... I have given up some I get get more protein in...I look solely at my calories...
    My endo is very excited ;) That makes me proud... I still eat some carbs just not anywhere I was... my weakness was cheese and crackers... I still have some not not in any comparison where I was...

    It is sooooo do-able.... I was 300 at my top (maybe even more) I am close to 40 pounds gone....forever...

    Feel free to add me (anyone else as well)
  • Greetings! I am Julie and I too, am a Type II diabetic, have been for over 10 years (I'm 51 y.o.). I also have Fibromyalgia. I would LOVE to have some more friends with similar issues for support and encouragement! I'm only on Day 4 of my new eating plan---I'm going gluten-free as I've heard that the GF lifestyle has been helpful to Fibro sufferers. I've been obese all of my adult life since giving birth to my first child at age 19. My goal is to lose 130 lbs. I could stand to lose more but I think 130 will suffice. I haven't lost a single pound yet but like I said, I'm only on Day 4. Patience, right? Feel free to send me a friend invite if you're so inclined. Thanks!
  • Wow, Kym712, that FABULOUS you've been able to get off some of your meds! I take Glipizide, Metformin, and a blood pressure med, and a cholesterol med. I sure hope I can get off some or all of those someday too.
  • Hey TXLADYBUG and YOOPERBRAT, I would love to have you both as friends. It sounds like we all have a bit in common. I am very new to this website and not sure how to add people but I'll try.
  • kympow
    kympow Posts: 145 Member
    Wow, Kym712, that FABULOUS you've been able to get off some of your meds! I take Glipizide, Metformin, and a blood pressure med, and a cholesterol med. I sure hope I can get off some or all of those someday too.

    Thank you... I have worked hard to get the weight off and adjust my foods...I have a LONG way to go... I have been flip flopping between 35=39 for weightloss, but this is my first plateau and thing of it as my body catch up.

    I have not exercised since I walk 3-6 miles at work daily....and having knee surgery next month most likely.

    You can do it!