Newbie on board!

Greetings and salutations (hmmmm, I wonder if anyone will recognize that quote)

Anyway, new to mfp online but have been using the app for about a month and loving it! I could really use the addition of a support group though so now I'm trying the boards :)

Brief history /bio

30*cough*8 yrs old (well will be painfully soon), mother of three and depressingly over weight. 5'1..5'2 ish and 205 lbs...BUT I did just lose almost 15 lbs so it WAS worse...I tried the hcg diet and managed 21 days but wanted to kill someone so I opted to quit rather than commit hommicide, pretty sure prison time would only make matters worse....*shrug*

Ive tried MANY methods, spent wayyyyyyyyyyyy to much on books, apps and supplements but it all seems to always come back to some form of low carb now I'm toying with the bellyfat cure but if ANYONE has anybetter ideas I'm open to them all. Mostly I'm just looking for friends and support. Sadly hubby just isn't enuf for a weight loss partner, love him though I do!

I hope to learn and grow (well, shrink would be more appropriate but just didn't flow right) with the mfp family and look forward to gaining friends and losing weight!


  • JPZ98
    JPZ98 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello! I would love to help support you on your journey. I am at 37 year old mother of three and am also looking for some friends and support. Friend me!
  • RitaMarie88
    RitaMarie88 Posts: 43 Member
    I so agree with the hubby thing lol my fiance is very fit and he can eat whatever the hell he wants and not lose that gorgeous flat tummy. It makes me happy that I have him in my life but he is NOT the person to help with dieting and working out. His idea of eating healthy is getting chicken nuggets when we go thru the drive thru lol This is my first time dieting so I don't have much advice, but I totally connected to you when you said that about your significant other. Good luck in you goals! I can tell you are determined enough to make it happen :)
  • squirrleydoodle
    squirrleydoodle Posts: 58 Member
  • Kobrien74
    Kobrien74 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you ladies I appreciate the friend requests and comments :) been a naughty couple of days :( spending time with company just really derails me! Ugh! Hopefully ill find my wagon soon