Water intake, how to make water taste good , hahaha

Hey ya'll
I struggle with drinking water, been on here for 2 days and well, im litterally forcing myself. I really drink it while working out. otherwise at home, restaurant, running errands, etc I struggle to drink it. I have crystal light to go packs, etc... but i still crave cokes out the BUTT, or even juices like lemonade, etc...
Help, Any other ideas

or is this just gonna suck and ill have to deal with it

Thanks hayley


  • chelseabell91
    Try MIO. I love it! you squeeze a little into your water and it flavors it.
    When I get sick of the same ole water taste, that's what I use.
    Wal-mart now has cheaper off-brand ones too
    Give it a try :)

    What about tea? you cold always get tea flavored things to add or it, or just make a lot of tea and sweeten it with splenda. I know green tea is really good for you, too!
  • RobynBourgeois
    I add Real Lemon Juice to my water. I was the same way, I would rather go thirsty than drink water. NOW, I crave the water and the lemon acts as a natural metabolism enhancer! Feel free to add me, have open diary and log daily.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Mio is amazing! I have every flavor so it's a wide variety of taste in my water. They also now have mio energy and the black cherry is delicious! I do still try and drink at least one bottle of just plain water a day though, but the mio helps when I'm having trouble getting all the water I need.

    You can also just put a slice of lemon in your water too, gives it a little flavor.
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    Add lemon, lime, orange...anything to flavor it a bit. I keep a lemon sliced in my fridge. every day, I use a fresh slice. Lime would be good too.
  • jiggalude
    jiggalude Posts: 53
    Honestly...you have to make the mental decision to just do it. I still struggle with it from time to time, but have found a couple tricks to help me out. First of all, I will by a six pack of 24 oz water with flip tops and refill the same bottle a couple times from my filter at home...If you drink 3 bottles a day, that's 9 cups of water. Secondly, I always have it with me. And last but not least, I LOVE diet sodas...I used to go through a 12 pack in 2 days...So I will put one can in the fridge each morning (bc who likes warm soda?!) that way I have to wait for it to et cold and will only drink the one instead of 6. lol.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    I know it sounds silly, but do you drink filtered water or tap water? I know where I live (Central Texas) our water is very hard, has very high minerals and tastes odd. A long time ago we put in a Reverse Osmosis filter and drinking water was never a problem again. When I go to work I fill up a gallon of water from home and take it and put it in the fridge (get it really, really cold). If you find your sensitive to the taste of water, try one of those britta pitchers (so you don't waste a lot of money up front) and see if that makes a difference for you.
  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks everyone! for all the ideas! I greatly Appreciate it! Big help!:bigsmile:
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    Here's my "pulpy orange juice" replacement that uses bottled water. I love the pulpy OJ but it throws my carb intake off and this helps me get 32oz of tasty water in me each day. Take a 16 oz bottled water and sip out about an ounce to make room for the stuff you need to put into the bottle. Pour 1 pack of Walmart's (Great Value brand) Orange Early Rise sugar free drink mix in it. Then put 1 tablespoon or so of psyllium husk in it. Let it sit for a couple of minutes to let the psyllium dampen up then shake and drink. Don't s make it then let it sit there for a while because the psyllium will eventually gel up enough to turn it into more of an orange jello shot than a drink.

    It has a very Tang like taste and I wouldn't drink more than 2 bottles with the psyllium in it. Not because it's unhealthy but because it has the added benefit of assisting in one's uhm.... #2 operation but it's not a laxative. If you don't like pulp in your juice then just skip the pysllium and go with the drink mix. (Yerba Prima is a great brand of pysllium to go with and I would avoid the powdered versions since they clump up and don't have good consistency.) Never heard of pysllium? Google it. It's good stuff.
  • iastate24
    iastate24 Posts: 8
    Tea is a great way to drink more fluids. Personally, I hate drinking water because it's so blah. Tea gives the water a little flavor (which I love) and it has no sugar or calories. Plus it's really good for you, lots of antioxidants!!!

    If you buy one of those flip-top camelbak water bottles, I find that I drink more than 2x the liquid I normally do because I will mindlessly suck on it while watching t.v., working, or just hanging out with people.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I usually drink as is, but I also like to add lime juice

  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    Thank you so much for the idea! greatly appreciate
  • munchlaxx
    munchlaxx Posts: 102 Member
    I was having the same issues at the beginning of this month. The first week of being coke free was really though!

    I started using Lipton's instant tea mix (left over from a party I planned) and shook it up in a gallon of filtered water. I stuck that in the fridge and made sure it was next to the coke (since my hubby still drinks it). I also made sure the fridge was set to extra cold. Personally, having really cold tea has helped me kicked coke out of my diet. My hands did keep wanting to go for the coke the first week...but my desire for it started going away after that week. When I finally gave in and had a sip of coke (ran out of tea mix) the second week, I actually hated the taste and found the texture displeasing. I started craving tea really bad.

    I won't ramble on any further!

    You just need to put your mind to it...the withdrawal will go away as long as you are patient enough to wait it out.:wink:
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    broth, coffee, tea (i really love white lately), diet soda
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    I use sugar free squash in my water. I don't know how widely available squash is outside the UK - my sister, who lives in CA, always asks me to bring some over when I'm visiting. In the US it might be available by mail order from UK speciality food shops.
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    Another alternative, which I do quite a lot, is to mix it half and half with sugar free Sprite or 7up. Cuts down on soda farts too.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I had always had trouble drinking plain water until I started drinking it room temperature. Now I can easily drink 8 glasses. Course I may just be weird like that :)
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member

    Great article! I'm going to pass that along! Thanks for sharing!
  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks you so much, great advice, appreciate it,

    I was having the same issues at the beginning of this month. The first week of being coke free was really though!

    I started using Lipton's instant tea mix (left over from a party I planned) and shook it up in a gallon of filtered water. I stuck that in the fridge and made sure it was next to the coke (since my hubby still drinks it). I also made sure the fridge was set to extra cold. Personally, having really cold tea has helped me kicked coke out of my diet. My hands did keep wanting to go for the coke the first week...but my desire for it started going away after that week. When I finally gave in and had a sip of coke (ran out of tea mix) the second week, I actually hated the taste and found the texture displeasing. I started craving tea really bad.

    I won't ramble on any further!

    You just need to put your mind to it...the withdrawal will go away as long as you are patient enough to wait it out.:wink:
  • HorganMom3
    HorganMom3 Posts: 63 Member
    I dealt with this too!! I was so bad, hardly ever drank water, and now its almost the only thing I do drink!
    I started out using tea (it has ZERO calories!!). I also had a huge issue with sugar in my coffee and tea, so I started with that... I either used less sugar, or made the tea the way I normally do but then filled my glass maybe 1/2 way with the tea and then watered it down. Every day I tried to use more water and less sugar to where I was eventually not using any sugar - HUGE for me!!! I used to put over 8 TBS of sugar in my 3 cups of coffee!!!! Now, none! After about a week of doing the sugar free tea, I then started filling up a glass with half of the sugar free tea and water, Just to give the water that bit of taste I needed. And again, I just added more and more water to the mix... Now I find myself craving the water. It also helps to have nice cold water! Keep some in the fridge to keep cold and keep ice handy. I NEVeR thought I would prefer water over something with sugar in it. I don't deprive myself either. I've had plenty of chances to add sugar, to have that can of POP, and I just don't want it anymore. Just set your mind to try different things to incorporate more water intake and before you know it you'll be walking around with an adult "sippy" (what the family has dubbed it) filling and refining it with delicious water!!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Add me to the Mio fans. I also have trouble drinking plain water - unless I'm really thirsty. But by adding a little Mio, I usually exceed the 8 cups recommended.