Have you ever noticed? ( to do with JM's Body Revolution )

I was looking into this the other day and watched the video/ trailer on her website: http://www.jillianmichaelsbodyrevolution.com/drtv/ecs/weight-loss-workouts.html

Now at the start it shows people with there before and after pic's, then i noticed it, some writing which i paused and went back to read and it says:

Not affiliated with the Biggest Loser.
Individual did not lose weight using the advertised product.

So why show them? Lead all into false hopes?? Surely that's false advertising!?


  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    I think you'll find in the UK that as long has you 'state' it within the advert somewhere, its ok.

    .... for example L'Oreal got done for the false eyelash thing in mascara adverts - now as long as they say the eyelashes are false it's within the advertising laws - wrong I know :frown:
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    Just watched it now & can't believe it! But to be honest i'm seeing it more and more these days especially when marketing weightloss gadgets/pills/clothing etc. It should be stopped as its very misleading and as you pointed out false advertising!
    I suppose that eating healthily and exercising just isn't sexy enough to sell the product!
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    Hah, that's pretty hilarious. I suppose they are just there for context and eye candy as opposed to real life testimonial. Even the testimonials on the site are only 'based' on real life success stories. I imagine it's too much like hard work to get a group of people to do the workouts and track them over 90 days and then use them in the adverts. This is a quick fix which a disclaimer at the bottom of the screen will cover.

    It's annoying to see falsities like this though, especially as BR is so good. The price must mean they have to resort to this stuff though, to 'dazzle' prospective customers.
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Stupid isn't it!! Like has been said too much of it too!
  • lissaann22479
    Just watched it now & can't believe it! But to be honest i'm seeing it more and more these days especially when marketing weightloss gadgets/pills/clothing etc. It should be stopped as its very misleading and as you pointed out false advertising!
    I suppose that eating healthily and exercising just isn't sexy enough to sell the product!

  • bryonysten
    bryonysten Posts: 44
    Meh, everyone does it. The trailer was produced for infomercials I think so thats why there's a disclaimer on it.

    I kindof take the claims with a pinch of salt, such as the 'lose 20lbs in 30days!' on the box of 30day shred, make that 2lbs for me then!

    Having said that, I do like Jillian, and even though I'm only on week 2 of BR I feel like its making a difference. I do loathe the cardio dvd though and am waiting in trepidation to see what the other ones will be like. Tried to substitute one of my older cardio DVDs though and got bored as it was too easy. D*mn you Jillian! :-)