Needing encouragement

I have lost 63 pounds in the last two years. I have since gained 28 pounds. According to the BMI charts I need to lose an additional 90 pounds. At this point I feel encouraged and I exercise daily but then of the evening I find myself eating poorly and snacking on junk food .I haven't lost for over 6 months. Today I have to decided to once again give it all I got and quit the junk food at night. I am 26 ( almost 27) years old a wife and a mother of 3, 2 toddlers and a 9 year old. I have to lose weight. I hate getting dressed because I think I look horrible in everything that I wear. I am just needing a little encouragement to get my healthy lifestyle started again, it is so easy to get off track. That is what I have done. Any encouragement would be great. Thank you all!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You have to find it within yourself to make healthier meals and keep healthy choices in the house so you won't be tempted. Your whole family will benefit. Good luck.
  • cyberm
    cyberm Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a mom of three teen and pre-teen boys. I too am trying to lose weight. I find I do the best when I write it all down and keep out of the house what tempts me the most. I also find that when I plan meals ahead I do a much better job of eating healthy. It also really feels good to wake up and not feel guilty about what I ate the night before and also to really feel better in the morning when I didn't have junk the night before. Good luck. I'm rooting for you (and me).
  • Mommyof3wv
    Thank you very much. I didn't do so bad last night. Altough looking at my food choices yesterday, I felt hungry because I didn't eat things that were that filling. Today looking at better food choices. Thank you all for your support. If you would like we can weigh in next Wednesday. Let me know what you think.
  • cassmonster
    cassmonster Posts: 58 Member
    You can do it !!!! Feel free to add me, I am a mother of 3 as well, (42 years old) and I had lost 65...and gained almost 20 back, now back on track to lose 50 lbs!!! It is easier with the support from this website! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    I will add you! I love to encourage and support my MFP pals. I am a mom of 5. For years I put myself last and did a lot of stress eating. I have lost 27 pounds so far since starting my journey in Feb. I still have about 16 to go to my goal weight. You can do it. Having a great support system and an exercise program that works for you is key!!
  • Alymom2008
    Alymom2008 Posts: 24 Member
    I like the idea of a weekly wednesday weigh in! I need to be accountable, it's too easy to say..mmm 'I'll just weigh myself in a few days..". I am a mom of 2 girls and struggle with motivation too - feel free to add me for support! :)
  • Mommyof3wv
    I'm not sure how to add friends. If I can figure it out I will add you if not will you please add me? Thank You I feel better about loosing weight. I am excited for Wednesday to come to see what I will weigh!
  • vmacfie
    vmacfie Posts: 2 Member
    It's great that you're starting again and not giving up. I am a mom of 2 grown sons, one lives with me with his 2 sons and wife so they have a lot of junk in the house. Since I started MFP I have lost 5 lbs. and don't feel tempted by it as much. Logging exercise helps too. I am almost done with my second week. One thing I did was get a mentor--a girl I know who has lost over 100 lbs. which is about how much I need to lose. She gave me some good starting advice...only change 2 things at a time--one food thing and one exercise thing. I added veggies or fruit to each meal and committed to 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. I am doing more than that so it makes me feel good that I am exceeding my goal.

    Good luck to both of us!
  • JEG2012
    JEG2012 Posts: 158
    It is a battle sometimes. I started at 240 lbs and got down to 130 lbs but then found 180 staring back at me from the scale. One day at a time girl. Dinner time is hard for me too, I have a boyfriend who is a 'Processed Food-a-holic" so dinner is a HUGE challenge. If your budget allows, buy the best vegis/salad items you can. And if you can .... Fish! Salmon is best. Trader Joe's has about the best prices per pound (if there's one around you). My turning point was the whold health issue ... I don't want diabetes like my mother had and we have to be healthy, strong and a role model for our kids. When I think about eating junk food, I ask myself 'How will I feel AFTER I'm done with it?' Not as proud of myself if I had grabbed a sweet apple or orange.

    Hang in there honey!