Ruuning/Jogging and being safe.



  • tarapickett
    tarapickett Posts: 34 Member
    I'm always sure to wear my Road ID bracelet. They're pretty cheap and it has all my allergy and contact information. If you get the more advanced one you can load all your medical information on it too.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member has specialized id bracelets for working out. Rubber bracelets, woven bracelets, and shoe tags. I have one.
    I also carry mace on me, and when all else fails, keys can be used on the knuckles as well.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I wear a road ID bracelet as well and tell my wife, or leave a note, as to what route I am taking and how long I should be gone. Feels kinda like checking out with a parent but I want to be found should I get hit.
  • lciupa
    lciupa Posts: 48
    Excellent post!
    Now if someone would light a fire under my *kitten* and get me to go jogging....
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Excellent post! Thank you!
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    But you ladies aren't so lucky. All I want is you to be prepared. To use an old Army phrase..."Pray for the best, Plan for the worst."

    I'm a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan, & that's been my motto as well!
  • hockeymom95
    hockeymom95 Posts: 157 Member
    Bump. Thanks!
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Love this! How do you log the calories shooting thugs??
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Thank you for posting this =)
    *I was walking home from one of my first walks on my weight loss journey.. I'd gotten up the courage to start walking alone. I was ALMOST home, going through the cross walk..this lady went flying through and almost hit me!! I was so DAMN pissed. I had to get out of HER way while MY light was on!! AH. She would have hit me if I hadn't moved.. SO I agree.. be HIGHLY visible, even on a pedestrian crosswalk drivers don't always care.. of course, if she had hit me, and not killed me. I would have given her HELL in court!! No one watches pedestrians where I live and it makes me so damn Mad :explode:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Good advice! Definitely bookmarking this.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    great post. excellent tips for females and males. run safe all.
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    Thank you for all this info... I usually do run in the am by myself.. but my family knows exactly where I go. I won't go where I don't feel safe... my son has expressed interest in running with me but he's not there yet.. He'll be 8 in Sept.
  • emmygrace2012
    emmygrace2012 Posts: 44 Member
    Great advice! :-)
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    If you carry a water bottle when you run, I saw a new one the other day that had a "pocket" built into the water battle to put ID and some cash in. It's the size of a credit/debit card and probably holds 2-3 cards. It might be a good investment for someone who runs with water and doesn't have pockets. I thought it was a brilliant idea!
  • mgero212
    mgero212 Posts: 96
  • ebenso1
    ebenso1 Posts: 39 Member
    My co-workers and I were just talking about this. I live in a rural area and I walk or jog almost everyday, usually in the early AM when no one is out. However, living rural, we have been having some problems with a mountain lion. Yes...I said mountain lion. It has been killing my neighbors goats. My friends are worried that it may attack me at some point if I'm not aware. I may look into buying some pepper spray. Hopefully that would be enough of a deterrent for an animal. Good advice. Thanks!
  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    Thank you for posting this, I hope everyone reads this. It is best to be prepared and never have to use it, than the one time you let this fall from consciousnesses and have to pay a high price
  • nelson_anna
    nelson_anna Posts: 3 Member
    To use an old Army phrase..."Pray for the best, Plan for the worst."

    I couldn't agree more! Btw, I thought that was an old law enforcement phrase. :wink: heehee

    I taught a friend of mine how to use her footsteps as a breathing cadence and think of songs that'll fit her cadence to sing to herself instead of running with her ipod. I never even thought of running with my id though. Thanks for the tip!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    great post. i like to run at my state park on the trails. sometimes i'm the only one (or so i feel like). i bring my dumbphone along. other than being aware of my surroundings and not having headphones in what else besides packing can i do to protect myself?