Help Explain this for me.

Hello all,

I have question. I have been doing myfitnesspal for several weeks now and have been on a steady decline. I usually try and be at my calorie goal or under it, and try to be under it so I have some room on the weekends so that I can share in the weekend fun with the kids and family. So last week was the normal week for me.. I had hit 20 pounds lost. Saturday we go to a friends house and I had a turkey burger and turkey brawts. There was low fat spinich dip and some other stuff... I also had two mikes hard lemonades which aren't the best calorie wise but I had banked the calories.

Sunday morning I get up and weigh myself and I'm at 280, I gained 6 pounds... WHAT THE HECK!!! (I was buck nekked too when I weighed myself). So I am a little distraught. I'm thinking, I understand a 1.5 pounds, but that much. Anywhoo between Sunday and now today, I lost it all back and now at 274, back to 20 pounds.

Any idea how or why this happened. I lost it so quickly I'm thinking water weight.. maybe a little muscle gain as I am working out 3-4 days a week too doing the DDPYOGA thing. I don't know. Very odd, and it could have been very damaging for someone else, fortunately I stuck to my guns and it came right off again.

The only other thing is my scale if goofy.. I don't know..


  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    i would say first, in any given day the scale will go up and down 5 pounds, not for any reason just fluctuates. and to the turkey stuff you ate while low in fat was still high in sodium, holds water....oh and the alcohol too! while you didn't have lots it still affect weight!
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    Can't see your diary but it's almost certainly just water. Your diet up to the weekend would likely have seen your carbs reduce and with it your glycogen stores depleted. When a molecule of glycogen gets used up, the 3 molecules of water it binds with gets excreted.

    So when you 're-carb', the glycogen binds with water and re-enters your muscle cells.

    I go up in weight by 2kgs every Sunday. But it's all gone by Tuesday.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    You ate a crap load of sodium and retained water.
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member
    Salt will do that to me (though not as much). A meal of eggplant parmesan will shoot the scale up 2 for me the next am. If there was season salt on burgers, brats may have more salt. the dip may have salt? Also how much water did you drink? Maybe that may have affected you too. Also, maybe it took an extra day or so to move everything on its way? (so to speak)

    Good job of getting right back to it. You will get there.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You ate a crap load of sodium and retained water.

    ^This. Plus you had booze.
  • Kidd94
    Kidd94 Posts: 5
    Thanks for the responses... I know Mikes is not easy on the calories.. 220 a bottle, plus I think Alcohol retains crap. I figured it might have been water since it's fallen off as quickly. I didn't "feel" like I gained weight as nothing was fitting tighter, clothes felt the same and such...
  • bakrgirl74
    bakrgirl74 Posts: 14
    While dieting and being very good with eating. If I drink on the weekend, I refuse to weigh myself until Wednesday.. I will retain water and be up at least 5 lbs for a day or two. So I push water and make sure I am really good with diet so the water comes back off..
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sodium/water retention. That's all, it can cause fluctuations of up to 10 pounds.