I hate being the largest person I know



  • im in the same boat with you. I have just as much to lose as you. Feel free to add me and we can support eachother!
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Your whole post screams PLEASE DONT HATE ME

    No one does. You seem to dislike yourself though so get over that.

    You have made great strides already and yeah it can be hard. I am a single father of two kids, with no family support and work 60 hours a week and yes I know it can be hard. Turn your excuses into reasons to do it. You have a child so its difficult...Becomes you have a child so you owe it to them to be around when they are 10, 20, 30, 40...And if you have as much faith in yourself as the people on here clearly do you will do it no problem.

    Start realising how well you have done already, stop thinking everyone is judging you negatively and get on with it :)

    Good luck.
  • afrazier128
    afrazier128 Posts: 99 Member
    I have so much weight to lose, but I've started. You have made great strides already! Be proud! And, friend me if you like. We can all use the positive support!
  • Pinky1147
    Pinky1147 Posts: 105
    I am in the same boat!! I want to have another baby but not be high risk like I was with my first pregnancy!! You can do it!
  • I am in the same boat! I gained about 40 pounds during my pregnancy. My BMI says I am obese, and while I admit that I'm larger than I have ever been in my life (ever.), i have never considered myself "obese". My son is 10 months old as of tomorrow, and while I lost about 30 pounds of the weight I gained (and half of that was from the baby), I still have a long way to go... about 60 pounds until I meet my goal weight. I was a full time grad student and my boyfriend was the only one who worked so money was tight and time was even tighter. My sisters are all lean and in shape, they show off their six packs while I look at my stretch marks. Depressing. I'm learning, albeit painfully slowly, that cosmetic reasons for weight loss only get me so far. The goal is to be healthy. My insurance didn't cover the NSTs i had... and I had one every week for several weeks while pregnant. Looking back, if I was in better shape I wouldn't have needed them and would have saved a LOT of money in the long run (considering both my son and I were perfectly healthy, my BMI was just high). So before I have my next I plan on being healthier. I know the cosmetic changes will come naturally, but the goal is health and feeling good.
  • Hang in there and take one day at a time.
  • staceylopriore
    staceylopriore Posts: 18 Member
    been there.....now there again. Was 60 lbs lighter for years but then started having children and the weight has just stayed on. Would like to offer you support and work on this together. Friend me if you wish
  • adams7707
    adams7707 Posts: 4
    I know I don't know you but my heart hurts reading your post. When my husband and I first started dating I was in the 150-160 range (I'm 5'3"). It got really hard to get on the scale after the birth of my first daughter. I never managed to lose all the weight before I got pregnant with my second. I had my second girl in April of 2011, I left the hospital weighing 202. About a month later my husband's work started a 8 week weightloss challenge I was down to 197. I was so upset with the way I looked it made me uncomftable to go out with my friends. I had the same reaction the first time I saw the obese label, I didn't see myself that way in my head. I wanted to cry when I saw that - it really does feel unbelievable to see that attached to your name.

    Over the past year I have managed to lose 53 pounds. I have to keep reminding myself it's not going to come off overnight because I didn't gain it overnight. Just make sure you are eating the correct calories you need to lose, and not less. I've been working with my local doctor and she taught me that I wasn't eating enough. I know it sounds weird to eat more, but I found I did lose more when I ate correctly. I've been using the diabetic meal plan (I'm not diabetic). I don't see it as a diet but a lifestyle change because you can still eat the same foods just in a different way. If you aren't maybe you could work with your family doctor or dietician to help you - the support you get from them is great! I have monthly weigh-ins and that helps keep me on track without have the prying eyes of the group weightloss meetings. I am now 11 pounds from my goal weight of 135! I would never have thought I would have gotten to this point a year ago. Maybe keep a note somewhere or a daily reminder on your phone to give yourself some motivation to keep going - to remember YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    CONGRATS on the baby and the weight loss, you are doing great. I would advise to just concentrate on 10 lbs at a time. It is easier and not so overwhelming. Give yourself a reward for every 10 lbs. When I first started 100 lbs seemed impossible and overwhelming so I just concentrated on 10 lbs at a time and bought myself a new pair of earrings for every 10 lbs I lost. You can do it, just hang in there
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I also know how you feel. All of my friends are much smaller than I am and I love them but sometimes they say hurtful things without realizing it. Like when they talk about how big their butt is when I am standing next to them weighing 100 lbs more. I don't think they realize how that makes me feel. I always thought that if I was going to have my own blog I would call it "The Elephant in the Room". Because that is how I feel sometimes when I am constantly the biggest one in the room. Always being aware of my size. Should I let people see me eat? Can I fit into that booth? Oh no, I have to have somebody push their chair in so I can get around them. There are no chairs to sit in and everyone is sitting on the floor and I don't want people to see me trying to get up. There are so many things that I can go on about. I am working on my weight and to some degree I am thankful for the lessons I have learned being fat. My heart breaks for people who are struggling with a major weight problem. I know it is way more than they are just eating too much. I see someone who is hurting. The mind and heart really need to be healed to truly make a healthy whole person.
  • saraelizabethhinkle
    saraelizabethhinkle Posts: 9 Member
    I know exactly how you feel :/ I had the same issues with my pregnancy....and now I am having alot of trouble loosing my weight. I have 100+ to loose. I am here for you whenever you need to vent girl! We can do this!!