Couch 2 5K Apps for iPhone

So one of my goals is to run a 5K by the end of the year. After looking online and here on the message boards it seems that the couch 2 5k programs are very popular. My only problem is there are tons of them out there. I have found two or three for the iPhone that will tell you when to run/walk so there you don't have to get frustrated trying to figure times. Also, I have very short legs and when they say to run at a comfortable pace, on the treadmill I can get to around 4.4mph, but when I look at those around me they seem to be running at faster times, yet our feet strike the belt at the same time. Why do I feel like I'm not working as hard as them?


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I used c25kFREE by Zen Labs, and am currently using their 10K Trainer app as well - both worked great for me!

    As for speed & comparing yourself to others, forget them, go at whatever pace to you need to in order to complete that day's program - slow jogging is still jogging! Speed will come later, right now, you just want to do the time on the program.

    The program works - I've never been a runner, hated it my whole life. For whatever reason I decided in January that I should try adding it to my workouts, downloaded the program and went for it. I followed the program exactly and completed it in March. I was slow, usually around an 11 minute mile, but gradually got faster. I ran my first 5k race on Memorial Day weekend and my best mile and my fastest 5k time yet.

    Now I'm on to the 10k Trainer because I wanted another program to keep me on track, and it is improving my 5k time - I can't wait to race again!
  • I have never really been a runner also, but this is something I have always really wanted to do. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I used the Zen Labs one as well. It's great and free. Since I completed the program, I now use Jog Log. It cost $1.99 and I like it better. It does have a C25K program built in. Then it has other programs too, that you can buy for $.99. I bought the 5K210K program and am doing that one now! It also syncs with my RunKeeper account. It has some really nice features, like being able to exclude your warm up and cool down times from your stats and being able to have it call out all kinds of things at set intervals. For example, I have mine set up that every 5 minutes it calls out my duration, average speed, and current speed.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member

    Now I'm on to the 10k Trainer because I wanted another program to keep me on track, and it is improving my 5k time - I can't wait to race again!

    I have my next 5K next week and I expect to beat my previous race time by around 4 minutes! At least I hope so LOL. The 10K training really does seem to help with my 5K pace since I'm building up my endurance.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Oh yeah, I also use Runkeeper - love that it logs my routes, keeps track of my pace, & lets me know my distance & pace during the run. I like being able to set goals there too. I always have both apps running when I go out - three buttons to push - c25k, Runkeeper, HRM, and GO! :bigsmile:
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    I second the Zen Lab one I plan on starting it next week.. but this week Im doing walking only... and I use mapmyfitness
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477 has the best c25k app, in my opinion. Paid 1.99 for it and it never malfunctioned once during the entire program.
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I use the Ease into 5K (formerly C25K) by blue fin apps and really like it. Plus after you get through the program there are 30-45-60 minutes runs at the end to keep your training up.
    Good luck!
  • Gemini570
    Gemini570 Posts: 8
    I'm also going to cast my vote for the Zen Labs one. I love it. Just finished week 4, day one last night.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    This the one I use. The app looks like this:

    ETA: Sorry the second picture might be too big lol I don't know how to make it smaller since I'm on my phone


  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    I use the Ease into 5K (formerly C25K) by blue fin apps and really like it. Plus after you get through the program there are 30-45-60 minutes runs at the end to keep your training up.
    Good luck!
    I use this one too, I don't know about the others but this one uses GPS so you can track how far you've gone and it's really accurate.
  • shelbynicole32
    shelbynicole32 Posts: 179 Member
    My goals are the same as yours. I am on w2d3 with the c25k. I typically only put the treadmill at 4.5 because I am trying to build up a tolerance for running. A lot of the people at my gym run faster but I dont pay them any mind-they have been running for a long time and their good and I look at them and hope to be like that one day. I also have a goal of running a 5K by the end of 2012. Feel free to add me for support!
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    I use Get Running on my Iphone with Runkeeper. But now I am going to have to check out Jog Log, sounds awesome.

    Also don't worry about your pace, you can always work on speed later. That being said I went to and built a play list off of songs that had a 10 minute mile beat so I can also work on my speed. I can't always maintain the speed but enjoy pushing myself to!

    Have fun!!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Oh yeah, I also use Runkeeper - love that it logs my routes, keeps track of my pace, & lets me know my distance & pace during the run. I like being able to set goals there too. I always have both apps running when I go out - three buttons to push - c25k, Runkeeper, HRM, and GO! :bigsmile:

    This was me too! Now with Jog Log, it's only two. Well wait, I have a streaming radio station in there too LOL.
  • MosierTim
    MosierTim Posts: 56 Member
    I use's app and also Map My Run.

    I agree that you should not try to compare your pace to others. Focus on your pace and improving it. Running for me is all about beating my own time, not anyone else's. Also, I would reccomend that you sprinkle in some road runs into your schedule. I found that the treadmill was easier than the road and since you will not run a race on the treadmill, it was important to me to get used to propelling myself as comared to running in place on the treadmill.

    Stick with this, If I can do it, you can too. My first 5k I walked in 57min last June. This June, I ran/walked a 5k in 39:40. The program works. If you get to a week that you just can't do (like week 5), just redo week 4 and hit week 5 again.

    Best of Luck!
  • abbeyl11
    abbeyl11 Posts: 73
    Check out Podrunner, it sets the C25K idea to music so you just have to run to the beat. It takes 9 weeks I believe.
  • Thanks Maninmyshadow, that was my next question. Should I stick to the treadmill or go outside to train. I live in the PNW and we don't always have the best weather except for this time of year.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    I use the Ease into 5K (formerly C25K) by blue fin apps and really like it. Plus after you get through the program there are 30-45-60 minutes runs at the end to keep your training up.
    Good luck!
    I use this one too, I don't know about the others but this one uses GPS so you can track how far you've gone and it's really accurate.

    This one is the best app out there in my opinion. Blue Fin also makes an Ease into 10K app, and a Bridge to 10k app (for those who find the Ease into 10k app too easy). They also make a half marathon and marathon training app that is based off of Hal Higdon's training programs - the best out there!!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Thanks Maninmyshadow, that was my next question. Should I stick to the treadmill or go outside to train. I live in the PNW and we don't always have the best weather except for this time of year.

    At the beginning of the program, say prior to week 5, I think the treadmill is easier. However, for any kind of longer run, the outside is easier. It's all about the mental aspect. I used to love my treadmill and now that I run outside...well, I now understand the nickname "dreadmill" LOL. I still enjoy walking on it, but running is harder for me on the treadmill.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I use a podcast combined with my nike + app on my iphone.

    I use Mia Chubby Jones' podcast

    The first time I did C25k I used NHS choices podcasts

    Both are free and easy to use. The Nike plus app keeps track of my runs and has a gps.

    Also, I only run outside. I hate the treadmill and I struggle with it.