STARVING after a SHORT workout!

Ugh. Ok, so lately I haven't been working out for personal reasons... I've been trying to keep my foods/calories in check as much as I can, and it's been going alright so far, I'm still seeing small losses here and there.

Today, I FINALLY had some time to exercise... so I did a quick 15 minute aerobic workout before work, burned 150, and already ate it back. Problem is, I worked out several hours ago and I'm STILL STARVING. It's not thirst, it's not boredom, it's not whatever else... my tummy is grumbling and it's truly hungry!
I had my usual eggs and toast for breakfast, which usually fills me up until around 5pm. Today, I was hungry by 3... so I ate 250 cals worth of almonds, cashews and raisins.
Still hungry.
I waited one hour (4pm) before eating a couple chicken tenderloins and some sauteed green beans.
Still hungry.
I drank a diet soda, which I usually only drink when I'm SUPER hungry, or have a really bad sweet craving, and it held me over until about maybe 6pm - that and my superstrong willpower to resist eating until dinner time, around 8 or 9.
Once 6 came around, I had more chicken tenderloins and sauteed green beans.
After that, was STILL hungry... waited one hour to be sure, then around 7 - 7:15, I thought "Hm, maybe I need some straight carbs", so I had some dark chocolate oatmeal... and I'm still flippin' hungry!!!
I've already logged all my calories for the day, and I'm about 200 cals over my limit for the day... that's AFTER I already ate back the measley 150 I burned during my workout.
WTF?! I can go all week without exercising and be spot on with my calories... but the days that I work out, I'm famished! I'm trying to eat nutrient dense, protein/fat/fiber filled foods every 3 or 4 hours, but nothing seems to help the hunger on the days I work out.
I'm starting to wonder if the exercise is even worth it? I don't get to do it very often because of my schedule these days (which I hope will change soon), but when I do, I go way over my calories... and I'm already eating the maximum!!

Background: 6'2", current weight 315lbs
BMR: 2300 -/+
TDEE: 2800 -/+
What I'm eating: 1800 (-2lb/week)
Exercise: 0-2x/week

Anyone else have this problem? What do you dooooo?? TELL MEEEEEEE YOUR SECRETTSSSSS!

Kthnx bye. :)


  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I find that on my workout days I am not nearly as hungry as I am on my rest days (like today, 500 calories over). It's all very odd. Maybe when you get back to your longer workouts your body won't feel like it is starving all the time.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    The nuts and raisins etc are great for when you need to add calories, but in your situation I would go for less calorie dense foods for the same amount of calories- for example real grapes are much more filling than the same number of raisins. A 250 calorie snack could include a 2% cottage cheese snack size for 90 cals, 100 cals of fruit, and a side salad with a teaspoon of olive oil and vinegar.

    Or a mozzerella stick, an apple, and a 100-calorie pack of nuts.

    Or a half cup of 2% greek yogurt made into a dip with powdered garlic, onion, and seasoned salt or salt substitute and a huge plate of raw dipping veggies, which is my FAVORITE very filling snack.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Just from you numbers, it looks like you're eating too little, especially on workout days. Maybe add a few hundred extra calories to fuel your workouts, since you have such a big deficit, the other days should more than make up for the days you eat a little more.
  • luvche
    luvche Posts: 19
    I get super hungry on certain workout days, but can't pinpoint anything I have done differently. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week, sometimes 4. One or two of those days I am RAVENOUS a few hours after my workout.
  • WEB3
    WEB3 Posts: 121 Member
    did you have a big workout the day before?
    I am starving the day after a good tough workout. I figure it's my body telling me it needs fuel, so I feed it, with good things of course.
    If I am 200 over on the day, no biggie. Doesn't happen everyday so I don't sweat it.