Is anyone too afraid or shy to post a picture of themselves?

I want to post a picture but for some reason I get too shy or embarrassed, anyone feel the same way or encouraging words?


  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    Ditto....maybe when I have actual AFTER photos available haha.
    <~~~ that is my fat dog and fat cat so people can get the idea, plus I thought it looked like the Sistine Chapel, but with pets :happy:
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    No - be Brave
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Naw. Don't be afraid or ashamed or any of that. This is a place of encouragement, not judgement! :smile:
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    In the words of Nike. Just Do It. the worst part is hitting the upload button, once its done its easy... honest no one is going to say anything mean to you and if they do it says a whole lot more about them.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I want to post a picture but for some reason I get too shy or embarrassed, anyone feel the same way or encouraging words?

    I havent poted a picture of myself in over a year on facebook. totally embarassed, but here is the thing... i didnt post it there.. i posted it here. THIS is the place i needed to be honest, with myself. if i cant be honest with myself.. whats the use?

    When i come here to log what i eat, i see that picture of me, and it gives me stregnth. I think alot of people dont take pics of themselves, because they dont want to see it. I have to say i couldnt believe how BIG i was compared to the picture taken of me last year. it was... devastating. It was a total wake up call for me. I hope you post your picture. not for anyone here, but for yourself.

    Good luck! <3
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    I'm not shy to post it, i leave it off for anonimity purposes. Not hiding from the fbi or anything, just not interested in hooking up with someone i havn't seen since, let's say, high school.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Don't be embarrassed how you look, we are all here to support each other.

    I would like to, but have no means of taking said picture. So, I stick with pictures of inspiration and/or funny.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I feel like an ostrich hiding my head in the sand.
    So I use puppy pictures to express myself
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I used to look like this


    and I still posted pics of myself...

    Now I look like this..


    and I post even more lol..Have some confidence. I'm sure it's not anywhere near as bad as you think it is.
  • brandynicole28
    brandynicole28 Posts: 102 Member
    Don't be afraid!! Post for accountability and for the future when you can look back and say "Wow this is where i was and look how far I've come!!"


    And a more recent after...

  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    if I can post pics, anybody can!
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    if I can post pics, anybody can!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Not afraid or ashamed, but I run a business, and if by some chance my clients were also here, it would not be prudent for me to post pictures, especially in anything remotely revealing.
  • viannee
    viannee Posts: 52 Member
    When I was younger and at a smaller size I loved having my picture taken (but only little self-portraits).
    I loved making cutesy poses (think kawaii).

    Now at 175lb, I still take pictures albeit seldom and always with a funny face.
    Why? Coz I feel like a joke trying to look all cutesy and stuff.

    I'm slowly trying to smile more now and I'm learning to love myself even at this size.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Not afraid or ashamed, but I run a business, and if by some chance my clients were also here, it would not be prudent for me to post pictures, especially in anything remotely revealing.

    Who said you have to post anything revealing, simple body shot in work out cloths is adequate if you want to show progress and that is all you are comfortable with.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Not afraid or ashamed, but I run a business, and if by some chance my clients were also here, it would not be prudent for me to post pictures, especially in anything remotely revealing.

    Who said you have to post anything revealing, simple body shot in work out cloths is adequate if you want to show progress and that is all you are comfortable with.

    You have NO idea how hard it is to be taken seriously by extremely conservative older men in positions of power when one is a small female in a male dominated field. Anyway, my privacy is important to me, so I am extremely cautious about putting my face out there, never mind my body.
  • BabyGrl726
    BabyGrl726 Posts: 102 Member
    how do you post a pic?
  • noctilumina
    noctilumina Posts: 65 Member
    I want to post a picture but for some reason I get too shy or embarrassed, anyone feel the same way or encouraging words?

    If it makes you feel any better, I haven't even CONSIDERED posting a picture of myself here. Today I finally took a couple of pictures of myself, just so I will have them (for myself) to hopefully see progress and to keep myself motivated. I've been on MFP for 3 weeks and it took me that much time to work up the nerve to snap a photo of myself. Pathetic. You are all miles ahead of me in this department, so kudos!
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    me, I won't post a pic...just reading thru some of the forums, and the way some people respond to certain posts,(flaming, critical, biased, cruel, etc) I wouldn't want to post my pics.