Grad school students unite!



  • clarajeanbean
    clarajeanbean Posts: 16 Member
    Any of you still here working toward your goals? Any success stories or before/afters?

    I'm a bit of a late-comer! But I just got my M.A. in German Lit and am now going for my PhD. Also currently an instructor. I hope to either teach language in the States or pick up an editing project in Germany. Anyway, I'm here because I have REALLY STRUGGLED for the last few years to maintain any way of healthy living from Sept - May through all of the stress! If anyone has any tips I'm all ears.

    As it is I've just finally decided, that no, I can't work out 5 days a week during the year, and overshooting has caused me to stop completely when I realize I'm failing. But I need to shoot for 2, even if it doesn't always happen, and I need to keep counting calories instead of just falling apart when I can't cook cook cook. What do you guys do for exercise? And when? And what do you eat when life gets so busy you're barely sleeping?
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    going into third year of a PhD in Medical Anthropology! Hiya!

    One of my friends had a post on her facebook that said "Grad school makes you fat" and it had SO MANY people agreeing with it! Kinda sad....
  • I will be starting my second year of a 2 year Master's program in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I gained so much weight the first year. I'm looking for some inspiration to develop healthy eating habits even when life is stressful. Clara, I don't know how to manage when work/school is so demanding that I barely have time to sleep. Does anyone else have helpful tips to lose a little weight during grad school?
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I will graduate with my Masters in Special Ed in June. I will be licensed to be an intervention specialist for grades K -12 and endorsed in reading. I gained 11 lbs during the first year of school. My goal is to wear the dress I wore when my husband proposed to me (16 years ago) on graduation day. Still a long way to go!
  • I'm about to start my third (and last) year of law school, and I tell you what, it has wreaked havoc on my health. Stress, pressure, competition, and, of course, some poor choices on my part. No more! I've started taking better care of myself this summer, and it's going to stick!

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  • lcpruitt
    lcpruitt Posts: 11
    I am just starting my 3rd year of medical school, which means I am starting my clinical rotations and paying a crazy amount to work 80 hours a week and only have one day off... not a recipe for a health lifestyle!
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
    In August I am starting my Masters in School Counseling. I am a little nervous because when I stress out I tend to EAT! Have been out of school for a little bit now, so I am anxious. Any current students have ways they deal with it?!:laugh:
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    I'm heading into my second year of law school. (I started law school RIGHT after finishing my MA in Anthropology. I just don't know when to quit, apparently...) :tongue:
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    I have a M.A. in counseling and I have a full time private practice. In October I begin a PhD in Jungian and Archetypal Psychology through Pacifica Graduate Institute. This time I'm prepared for the insane hours of reading and writing; the lack of personal time; the loss of anything resembling a social life; and the struggle to care for myself...or as prepared as I can be.
  • lcpruitt
    lcpruitt Posts: 11
    I think planning your meals ahead is key for maintaining a healthy diet and it makes grocery shopping more efficient and cheaper too! On Friday or Saturday I try to write out my meals for the next week before I go to the grocery store. When you can make a batch of something on the weekend to eat throughout the week or freeze some for the future, so you have really fast healthy options available. Eating at home and bringing my lunch are key for me both in terms of budget and in controlling what I eat! Also trader joes pre-cooked lentils are one of my favorite go tos when I have absolutely no free time!
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I just finished up my PhD in toxicology in 2010. I lost 80 lbs my first two years then gained most of it back in time for my defense...

    I'm about 2/3 the way back to my fittest: 5'10" at 210 and approx 10% body fat.
  • ewhitehurst1
    ewhitehurst1 Posts: 178
    I just recently finished grad school! I work in acounting. With all the extra time that I didn't have before because of class and studying I am working out and running and working to get back in the best shape of my life.

    ^^^ This! Masters in Tax & lovin me time again!
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    master's in kinesiology here. woot woot starting in august
  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    Hey hey! Nice to see some fellow grad students! I am getting my PhD in clinical psychology, just finished my first year. The good news is that you CAN lose weight while in school! I have lost 24 lbs so far, while taking classes, teaching, and working on my research. Feel free to add me :-)
  • erookjr
    erookjr Posts: 48 Member
    Working towards a MS in Information Technology. 2nd semester starting next month.
  • hendrijm
    hendrijm Posts: 27 Member
    I am working on my Master's in Physics, but I'll go somewhere else for the PhD. I have a little ways to go. I wish I had more time to plan meals, eat the meals, and actually exercise. Anyone have any good tips on how to get at least two of those in?
  • readytoowhere
    readytoowhere Posts: 26 Member
    Just finished my masters in Public Administration, thank goodness! you dont even know how much free time it has given me! Good luck with all your studies, and remember you can always take a book to the Gym! :)
  • true35
    true35 Posts: 43
    Organizational Management and Education... Completed two rounds of grad school, go figure!
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Starting a masters in history next month at 43! Not because it will change my occupation, but because I want to for fun.
  • Cinnamonie
    Cinnamonie Posts: 138
    Masters in Public Health - graduating next year. Definitely a field to practice what you preach! :smile: