Knee hurts badly :(

Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
My knee hurts. It's old pain that I thought was long gone but 10 days of walking and here it is.

If you put your hand on top of your knee cap and move it to the left of it...that's the pain spot.

What do I do? This is upsetting me so much.



  • jbrookeh
    jbrookeh Posts: 38 Member
    Are u running or just walking?
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Sadly just walking. I thought I'd ease my way into exercising with something low impact since I am rather heavy. I love to walk. I don't want this pain.
  • nystromsm
    nystromsm Posts: 1
    I am heavy and do have a hard time exercising by walking because of a hurt knee. I have taken to bike riding. WOW what a wonderful change and it gets me out of the house and moving. Take time and let your knee quiet down and then try some biking whether stationery or the "real thing".
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    It started with shin pain and now my shin AND knee hurt. I need to find some quad strengthening exercises. I think my knee is not tracking properly.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Ice it, raise and rest it. I am not an expert but based upon my prior experience with sports injuries (I had my left knee scoped several years ago) it sounds like you may have sprained it or have a small tear. Don't go to long without seeing an orthopedist. Take care.
  • NinjaChickie
    NinjaChickie Posts: 118 Member
    Shin pain is usually a sign that you're going too fast. Try slowing down. And make sure you're stretching properly before and after your walks.

    Or like previous poster said, try riding a bicycle.

    Or Swimming is a great option, if you can't swim, see if the local pool has any aqua exercise classes. I've taken a few, and they're lots of fun, get you moving, but don't have that impact on your knee. I sprained my MCL several years ago and this is what I did to keep active while I recovered.

    Good luck .
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    It started with shin pain and now my shin AND knee hurt. I need to find some quad strengthening exercises. I think my knee is not tracking properly.

    actually you probably need hamstring strengthening. lots of time knee issues occur because there's a muscle imbalance between quads and hamstrings. work on strengthening the near area by doing wall squats. to really engage the correct muscles and make sure you're not putting too much pressure on your knee, make sure you squat to a level where you're upper thighs are parallel to the floor or even better your hips are below your knees

    you also what to make sure you're wearing appropriate shoes. if you're heavy then you really need to wear the correct shoes when walking and running. get some shoes meant for walking.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    actually you probably need hamstring strengthening. lots of time knee issues occur because there's a muscle imbalance between quads and hamstrings. work on strengthening the near area by doing wall squats. to really engage the correct muscles and make sure you're not putting too much pressure on your knee, make sure you squat to a level where you're upper thighs are parallel to the floor or even better your hips are below your knees

    you also what to make sure you're wearing appropriate shoes. if you're heavy then you really need to wear the correct shoes when walking and running. get some shoes meant for walking.

    You guys are so wonderful. I'm a bit demoralized right now. I need to work on my hamstrings, yes. I bought a book today on how to start walking and all the pre and post exercises. I will follow that. I've got an ice pack strapped to my knee as I write this :(

    I am so freaking dedicated when I make up my mind to do something and usually manage to accomplish goals. But i have a feeling this knee thing is going to be a long term problem with PT and the whole 9 yards.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    dont be demoralized! your dedication so far is great! start thinking of some alternative things you can do.

    do you have access to a pool? try alternating your walks with walks in the pool. that'll help your joints until you can strengthen them so you can do more of what you actually want to do.

    i sometimes get kneecap pain when i walk down stairs. some of the recommendations on this site have been helpful.

    good luck!!
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I made the rookie mistake of increasing my mileage too fast and too soon and ended up with runner's knee. I feel your pain!

    I would do the same as everyone suggested- rest, ice, 800mg ibuprofen, and perhaps a brace to stabilize your knee for a bit? I wear mine any time I start to feel a twinge of pain now and it seems to stop it from getting worse.

    Also, knee circles are an essential in my work out! They really loosen up all the muscles around the knee. Love them!
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Ice afterwards really helps. I have a bag of peas that I use so it forms. I bought a brace to wear while I run (I know you walk but our pain is the same). Don't be afraid to reduce inflammation with ibuprofen. I also take epsom salts baths.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Ice and Ibuprofen for tonight. I do have a knee brace. I'll wear it to hold things in place. THANK YOU for the knee exercise link!

    What are knee circles? How do I do those?

    You guys are so supportive :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Ice and painkillers sound like a good solution for today.

    For the longer term - get yourself to a physiotherapist who will identify exactly hat the problem is and give you specific strategies to help fix it. None of us know exactly what is going on.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I have taken to bike riding. WOW what a wonderful change and it gets me out of the house and moving.

    I tore the cartilage in my right knee a few years ago and even when I couldn't walk without a limp I could bike just fine. Great advice.
  • piebird79
    piebird79 Posts: 201 Member
    My knees used to hurt a lot. Strength training has virtually eliminated knee pain. Now I just have sore muscles! :laugh:
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    The patella is very suceptible to injury, this sound similar to what I get when my patellar tendonitis is starting to get "better". I take glucosamin and condroitin and use a knee strap with upper/lower/side compression tubes. You can buy both of them at just about any drug store.

    ETA: Wow spelling, typing fingers did not work their magic that time.
  • jbrookeh
    jbrookeh Posts: 38 Member
    All of these are really good tips. I would also add that when you are walking, try to strike the ground when your knees slightly bent so your knee isn't locked. You will feel kinda silly at first but the lighter the step, the softer on the knee. Also, the shoe tip is a good one. Make sure you have a good pair of walking shoes with the proper support. I was doing C25K and developed runners knee and when I got checked out, I was told all of these things applied to walking/running. Ice is a must!!! And take a couple Motrin before you walk, that way, you will minimize swelling during and should hurt less afterward. The strengthening of the hamstrings and quads is a good tip also. Wall squats are great for that. While biking is a good exercise for that as well, I struggle with my knee a little more if I bike too strenuously. Start slow, but be consistent. You'll be surprised how quickly your body will respond. Good luck!
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    As a medical professional who specializes in sports injuries (Certified Athletic Trainer)...I would strongly encourage you to take the advice everyone is giving you with a grain of salt. Although there are some good tidbits here and there, there is in NO WAY enough information (medical history, mechanical dysfunction, etc...) for anyone to be doling out completely accurate exercises or treatment protocols. Based on the little information you did present, I can only presume what is going which case there is a bit of advice that you've been given that you most definitely shouldn't follow. But again, that cannot be said without more information and the appropriate special testing. I would also encourage the person who suggested 800 mg of ibuprofen to realize, that although people have the tendency to pop the stuff like candy, 800mg of ibuprofen is a prescription dosage that can only be prescribed to someone by a DOCTOR!

    Please please please rest and ice to not aggrivate your condition worse. And if you must, take the dosage indicated on the bottle of ibuprofen until designated by an appropriate medical professional.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    crobl - I wasn't planning on taking 800mg of Ibuprofen because I know it's prescription strength. I'll probably take an Aleve before bed time and ice my knee as well. The same knee gave me problems some years ago and it was patellar tracking issues. I had to do PT to strengthen muscles holding the knee in place. It did nothing for me and instead of going back, I quit working out all my detriment. I don't know what additional PT can do for me. That's why I feel demoralized. If I don't work out, my knee is fine. Even something like brisk walking throws it off. It didn't use to be this way. I injured it during a work out under the supervision of a personal trainer, who wasn't very competent.

    jbrookeh - It's good to hear your knee got better. Gives me hope mine can too. I will look up some exercises online for wall squats and quad/hamstring routines.

    My body is such that even if I starved myself I would not lose much weight. I HAVE TO exercise.
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    I just got checked out for this. Turns out it is fluid from over exercising. I was told to take it easy then build back up at a slower pace and even then may get flare (flair?) ups. It's on the left side of my right knee. That's what I got from your description too-- but I don't know a damn thing.

    Edit: or ignore this since I didnt read the rest of the thread and am totally off base here. 8D