Is this cheating?.....

I have consecutively logged in for 125 Days in a row. Kind of an accomplishment :-)

Problem… at the end of this month I have business fishing trip in very remote Canada… like 25 hour drive then take a puddle jump plane to fishing spot. There is no internet or even cell phone towers… So no communication for a week... Not good.

So here is the question... is it cheating if I have someone log in for me each day to keep the streak going?
Or do I let the streak end as I am physically unable to log in.
I would love to hear your thoughts…..

BTW.... in those 125 days I have lost over 50 Pounds :-)


  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    I´m not sure about the answer to your question, but I personally would not give it too much thought if i happened to skip a day or two (wich I havent yet.) I do this for ME, and my friends here know that I keep going. Several of my friends use to make a note about it, if they are to "disappear" for some days, so that their friens know why and doesn´t worry. There´s no price to win, if you log in every day for years. Not that I know of. But if it´s importent for you to keep the amount of days, I can´t see that it should be a problem, if you reported to a friend, and he/she logged in. The only one you cheat is yourself if you do this for you. If your friends know why, it shouldn´t be a problem. Bur I honestly don´t see why loosing a couple of days should be a problem.

    And CONGRATULATIONS for staying on track for so long and for your great weightloss. It´s amazing. Way to go. You should be proud of yourself!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    there is no prize for just logging in....if you can manage to eat within your goals while on the trip, that is victory enough...good luck and congrats on the progress so far

    but as far as is it cheating to have someone else log in? cheating whom?
  • tammyc226
    tammyc226 Posts: 158 Member
    If you go back later and add your food and exercise its not cheating. I travel a lot for work internationally and log in my iPhone but it doesn't sync until I get back home
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    I really would not worry about it but i understand that 125 is a big deal. ( i just reached 100 myself). I personally would have my husband log in for me and keep a paper log while on my trip. Then when i got home log thos days lost. Maybe your friends on MFP can keep you accountable for this action and check your log when you get home.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I would do that because I can understand wanting the streak to go on. I am keeping track of my days myself and posting them to my profile. MFP will put my count back to zero when I use my cell phone. I would get so frustrated when MFP says that I have logged in for 5 days when I have not missed a day in months. There is a link to get the count fixed but I got tired of doing this weekly.
  • Antioxidote
    Congrats on all your weight loss. It really isnt a huge deal if you don't log in for a few days, if you feel like this site keeps you honest when it comes to your food choices, you could always keep track of them on paper when you're away.
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    I'm not going to worry about it. I'm going to Cuba next week and I won't be able to log in for 10 days. I will post that I will be out of internet range so my MFP peeps know that I didn't fall off the wagon!

    I look at my ticker more than days logged.
  • GnaBean
    GnaBean Posts: 112 Member
    I have a friend who logged for 676 days in a row, and one day she just forgot. Life went on. I'm not trying to minimize your streak. If it's important to you, then definitely maintain it.
  • normajean1958
    normajean1958 Posts: 2 Member
    i agree that you are probably putting too much thought into this. the fact that you are even thinking about having someone else log your food suggests how committed you are and in no way is a black mark against you. I think we often become addicted to programs such as these and, in my opinion, that's not entirely healthy...because my thoughts are "is it sustainable for years ahead"? The whole idea behind this type of program is to adopt a "sustainable" lifestyle through behaviour modification, exercise, food quality and portion awareness..It's .not to become a ball and anchor around us. I'd say let it ride and just enjoy yourself.
  • indisguise
    indisguise Posts: 235
    Just curious, but where does it tell you how many days in a row you've logged in?
  • kariebo
    kariebo Posts: 101
    I really would not worry about it but i understand that 125 is a big deal. ( i just reached 100 myself). I personally would have my husband log in for me and keep a paper log while on my trip. Then when i got home log thos days lost. Maybe your friends on MFP can keep you accountable for this action and check your log when you get home.

    I agree with this... If keeping your days is important - which it obviously is or you wouldn't be bothered by it - then have someone log in and update your days when you get back. I went away for a weekend but my phone could still access MFP... although some of my food input options were limited. I used the Notes area and when I got back I updated my entries to be more accurate. Personally I dont focus too much on my days but it drives me nuts if Im out and cant enter my food properly
  • artslady96
    artslady96 Posts: 132 Member
    Do what keeps you motivated. If the daily access streak is that important to you and loosing it would discourage you, then have your friend access your account during your absence. If you will be more bothered by the "cheating" and will be discouraged by seeing the continued access streak recorded, then don't. It is MY Fitness Pal, not Our Fitness Pal or Their Fitness Pal. Do what's best for you.

    I agree with other posters in that the results (weight and inches lost) is much more important than the access streak. Focus on eating healthy and being physically active during your trip, and you will be a winner. Good luck!
  • 69saab
    69saab Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone… My original plan was to have my girlfriend log me in to keep the streak alive. But really, it’s going to end sometime so I will probably just let go and start over when I get back.
    I will still keep track of diet and exercise while I am away. I agree… the big picture is the weight loss and lifestyle change.
    Honesty is always the best policy… :-)
    I know my MFP friends will support me no matter what …. Thanks all.