Worst. Roommates.Ever

Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
I know there have to be some great stories on some of the horrific roommates people have had. I wish to be entertained!

Examples of my experiences: One roommate would leave our stove on for a period of 8 hours (while we are all at work), the house unlocked and our dogs trapped in a bedroom. (All by accident) -.-

Another roommate had a very loud, sensual relationship with her boyfriend. And I mean loud. Every surface of our house was not safe to use and I went through sanitizer like a crazy person.

let me here some of yours!


  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,648 Member
    Bump :) (I have nothing to add, but I want to hear stories, lol)
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I had two roommates in college, and while neither bothered me really, one's dog would always poop in front of the other room mate's door every morning before he woke up and he would routinely step in it on his way to shower first thing in the morning.

    I think the dog took issue with him because he was the only male in the house.. I never had that issue with the dog.
  • Finigan84
    Finigan84 Posts: 85
    I once had a roommate who threw my cat at me... Full overhead throw. She was so mean to the poor cat I had to find her a new home until I could find a new home for both of us!
  • _skittybang
    _skittybang Posts: 970 Member
    I peed in my college roomate's shampoo, conditioner and body wash bottles... but that's because THEY were the worst roomates ever. Not me, nope. :tongue:
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I once had a roommate who threw my cat at me... Full overhead throw. She was so mean to the poor cat I had to find her a new home until I could find a new home for both of us!

    I walked in on one of my roommates spraying our cat in the face with cleaner. Needless to say I lost it.

    Cruelty to animals is NOT to be accepted. I hope everything worked out for you and your kitty.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I peed in my college roomate's shampoo, conditioner and body wash bottles... but that's because THEY were the worst roomates ever. Not me, nope. :tongue:

    You sure about that? Lady doth protest to much :happy:
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    I lived with 2 people incapable of cleaning. When I raised this issue I was told they didn't give a crap and if I wanted the place clean I should do it myself. I was the only one doing it.

    They regularly went out and came back at 3am banging and yelling and one of them would have loud sex with strangers.
    Once she came back without the other roommate and woke me up because she had no key. I opened the door to a complete stranger and her squatting in the street having a wee. She then proceeded to have loud sex with the stranger.

    Same girl also would play music and sing like a banshee at both at 12am and then at 7am when she got up.
    I often slept with a pillow over my head.

    Most incredibly selfish people I have ever met. I moved out about 2 months ago now and feel so lucky I was able to escape.

    EDIT: OH! And after I moved out, she accused my bf of clogging the bath drain with his hair. He used that shower twice in the 9 months I was there. She couldn't see that the guy we lived with had the same colour and length hair as my bf, but nooo it couldn't possibly have come from the person who used it every other day!
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    My first roommate in college portrayed herself as this down-to-earth, hippie, sweet young lady who did nothing wrong while her parents were moving her in... throughout the year, she tried to grow pot in our room, smoked in there all the time even though we practically lived across the hallway from our resident assistant, was a COMPLETE slob leaving half eaten fruit oatmeal on top of the microwave for days at a time, forced her passive boyfriend to clean our entire room when he came to visit (including vacuuming our whole room with a handheld vacuum). Had ALL of her visitors take over my side of the room AND sleep in my bed while I was away on weekends or out of the room. Never bought her own trash can but would come in at 6 every morning from being out all night, puke into my trash can, and refuse to wash it out/take the bag out until days later. One random night she pushed all of my **** from my desk into the corner of our room where my closet was and moved in one of our mutual acquaintances into our room on our tiny dorm floor (with an entire mattress and mattress pad) for the last 3 months of our living together AND sold multiple forms of drugs, alcohol, prescription pills from our room all year to college and high school kids. She left our door open and put a sheet up to "cool the room off" but random people would just prance in whenever they damn well pleased.

    Still talk to her to this day and she's awesome as a person... but CRAZY as a roommate. :grumble:
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I once had a roommate who threw my cat at me... Full overhead throw. She was so mean to the poor cat I had to find her a new home until I could find a new home for both of us!

    I walked in on one of my roommates spraying our cat in the face with cleaner. Needless to say I lost it.

    Cruelty to animals is NOT to be accepted. I hope everything worked out for you and your kitty.

    Oh no, poor kitties! Hope they wee both okay! I hate how some people thing that it's okay to treat a cat any way they want!
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    My first roommate in college portrayed herself as this down-to-earth, hippie, sweet young lady who did nothing wrong while her parents were moving her in... throughout the year, she tried to grow pot in our room, smoked in there all the time even though we practically lived across the hallway from our resident assistant, was a COMPLETE slob leaving half eaten fruit oatmeal on top of the microwave for days at a time, forced her passive boyfriend to clean our entire room when he came to visit (including vacuuming our whole room with a handheld vacuum). Had ALL of her visitors take over my side of the room AND sleep in my bed while I was away on weekends or out of the room. Never bought her own trash can but would come in at 6 every morning from being out all night, puke into my trash can, and refuse to wash it out/take the bag out until days later. One random night she pushed all of my **** from my desk into the corner of our room where my closet was and moved in one of our mutual acquaintances into our room on our tiny dorm floor (with an entire mattress and mattress pad) for the last 3 months of our living together AND sold multiple forms of drugs, alcohol, prescription pills from our room all year to college and high school kids. She left our door open and put a sheet up to "cool the room off" but random people would just prance in whenever they damn well pleased.

    Still talk to her to this day and she's awesome as a person... but CRAZY as a roommate. :grumble:

    This is seriously insane!! How did you put up with that crap?!?
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I had two roommates in college, and while neither bothered me really, one's dog would always poop in front of the other room mate's door every morning before he woke up and he would routinely step in it on his way to shower first thing in the morning.

    I think the dog took issue with him because he was the only male in the house.. I never had that issue with the dog.

    This is seriously awesome. I would eventually get angry about the dog pooping on the floor, but it's more of a F/U to the owner. Awesome dog :D
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    My first roommate in college portrayed herself as this down-to-earth, hippie, sweet young lady who did nothing wrong while her parents were moving her in... throughout the year, she tried to grow pot in our room, smoked in there all the time even though we practically lived across the hallway from our resident assistant, was a COMPLETE slob leaving half eaten fruit oatmeal on top of the microwave for days at a time, forced her passive boyfriend to clean our entire room when he came to visit (including vacuuming our whole room with a handheld vacuum). Had ALL of her visitors take over my side of the room AND sleep in my bed while I was away on weekends or out of the room. Never bought her own trash can but would come in at 6 every morning from being out all night, puke into my trash can, and refuse to wash it out/take the bag out until days later. One random night she pushed all of my **** from my desk into the corner of our room where my closet was and moved in one of our mutual acquaintances into our room on our tiny dorm floor (with an entire mattress and mattress pad) for the last 3 months of our living together AND sold multiple forms of drugs, alcohol, prescription pills from our room all year to college and high school kids. She left our door open and put a sheet up to "cool the room off" but random people would just prance in whenever they damn well pleased.

    Still talk to her to this day and she's awesome as a person... but CRAZY as a roommate. :grumble:

    This is seriously insane!! How did you put up with that crap?!?

    Just realized that I could get a clean room out of it and I set myself up to live with someone else for the following year literally halfway through the year with crazy chick... now the girl who was my roommate sophomore year is my best friend of 5 years and the best roommate EVER. :bigsmile:
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    bump. C'mon people, I need more entertaining stories!
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    My college roommate thought she was my mother!!! She believed that she had the right to tell me to do whatever she wanted me to do before going out. NOT!! One night, she exploded at me because I didn't wash dishes before leaving to go out. One of our other friends has arrived at the dorm to pick me up and my roommate technically was mad because she had to finish a term paper and couldn't go. Anyway, she picked a fight with me, and proceeded to throw the pan of dishes at me and when I moved to not be hit, the contents of the bucket landed in and on the clothes in my closet. I told her (loudly) "NOW *****h, you get to clean up this mess AND you will wash my clothes, including pay for the dry cleaning on the clothes that have to go to the cleaners, AND you better pray that milk comes out of my suade boots!! She cleaned the room, and apologized when I returned. BUT she never stopped trying to tell me what to do. She would even call my mom!!! NOT A GOOD IDEA AT ALL!!! I didn't finish the semester living with her. AND even though we were best friends in high school, I haven't seen her or spoke to her since I moved out.

    Another roommate (3 yrs my junior) also tried to tell me what to do. She went as far to throw a 2 yr old temper tantrum in the floor because I would not wash 1 coffe cup, 1 bowl, and one spoon in the kitchen sink before leaving for the day. WTH?? Since I thought she was having an anxiety attack, I called her dad to come over. How embarrassed was I when he told me she was just having a temper fit? It wasn't long after that she moved out because she got pregnant. We didn't speak for many years, but we are now best friends!! She is also not a very good housekeeper now either...just saying!! LOL
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Hmm, well, I've had several.

    My very first roommate experience was when I moved into the dorms for college. The girl I shared a room with did not get along with me at all. She was so obnoxious. She would talk loudly on the phone while having the TV on full volume and listening to the radio... I'm a quiet person who can't stand TV to begin with. She'd have loud visitors over at all hours crowding the room. I'm also sure it was her friends who were doing the obnoxious crank phone calls. Oh, and if my friends stopped by to visit while I was out, she'd open the door, look at them, and then just slam the door in their face.

    My very last roommate in the dormitory worked out so well that we decided to rent an apartment together... that was a mistake. Well, it might have gone fine except that over the summer she convinced her twin sister to switch schools and move in with us. My advice, never, ever live with twins. They said they couldn't share a room, so I had to share with one of them. I chose the one I'd lived in the dorms with the year before. That part wasn't too bad. But trying to share the kitchen was awful. We all three had to have separate everything. I remember one day, sitting in the living room with the first girl and another friend. We were discussing her recent engagement and the plans she was making for her wedding. Well, apparently it was causing her a lot of stress. When her twin sister peeked out from the kitchen to ask to borrow a piece of Tupperware, she basically interrogated her and then yelled really loud that no, she absolutely could not borrow the Tupperware because that dish contained onions. And then she went right back to discussing colors for bridesmaid dresses....

    So, nothing dangerous, but still some funny situations that were quite annoying at the time.
  • mccostep
    mccostep Posts: 1
    I had a roomate who went to bed really late at night, and we had to share a room (as well as bunk beds). Going to bed one night the top bunk broke and fell on me she did not get up and help me get out from under the broken bed. No she layed there laughing and shouting for my other roomates.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    My advice, never, ever live with twins.

    As a twin I say, not all of us are like that!
    My sister and I would never separate our stuff out like that, we would happily share everything. Fair enough not wanting to share a room so you aren't with your twin 24/7, but general sharing? That's basic human decency, especially with your own flesh and blood.. literally.
    These 2 you lived with sound a little selfish.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I had a roomate who went to bed really late at night, and we had to share a room (as well as bunk beds). Going to bed one night the top bunk broke and fell on me she did not get up and help me get out from under the broken bed. No she layed there laughing and shouting for my other roomates.

    Is it bad that I laughed a little thinking about that night? Thank god I was there or that bed wouldn't have been lifted off of you!
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I had a couple roomates who were just mean and cliquey, but what takes the cake is the one who did not do her laundry all semester, she had crates and crates of clothes and would drive home to get more if she ran out, it took over our room, and smelled horrible. AND she flipped out ne day when she caught me febreezing her piles.
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    I had 2 bad roommates, both in the dorms. The first one smoked weed in the room while I was out to dinner, and you could smell it down the hall. I packed my weekend bags and left that night to stay at a friend's. I didn't want to bring weedy laundry home for the weekend and have to explain that to my parents! I also didn't want to be in the room if someone reported it. I regret not reporting it myself. She had a friend who took some of my CDs (and other items) without asking, and she tried to sneak them back in after I commented on it. She acted like my missing CDs had been there all along. I pointed out they were now in the wrong order, so I know someone recently put them back. After that, I started locking everything in my closet with a padlock. She was only in college for 1 semester. She partied and didn't study.

    The 2nd roomie started off good. But she had friends who would just walk into our room without knocking. She would leave for class, and I would awake to another girl from across the hall doing her hair and makeup at our mirror! And when I called them out on it, she got mad. So, I let my roomie overhear me asking a friend who worked at the police department if he could put some violations on her license, and then I did the same with a friend at the financial aid office. I had no intention of following through; it was an empty threat - but it worked! The next day, she apologized for barging in and never did again.

    She would let her friends use my computer while I was gone for the weekend, all without asking. So, I had to password it. I shared my belongings with my roommates, but she was letting people I didn't know use my computer without permission. And when I ended that, she was typing people's papers for them and pretending it was her paper! We had computer labs all over campus, and I was a CIS major. I needed my computer for the majority of my classes! She left after one semester also - partied too much.

    Bleh, dorm life.