How To Beat Cravings?

I am literally craving a whole candy store right now, and a bakery, and icecream factory. I want chocolate bars, caramel, pies, sundaes. Gahhh. Literally the only thing stopping me right now is the fact that I have none of these things in my apartment. The only unhealthy-ish thing I have is no-salt blue tortilla chips and salsa. (aside from mac-and-cheese and other things i need a pot to cook in which doesn't come in till tomorrow). BUT there's a corner store literally two seconds away and I'm dying to go in and get something and eat everything. ughh, what to do, what to do.


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Fit things you crave into your daily diet in moderation, being overly restrictive on food choices decreases adherence to diet. there is no reason you can't eat ice cream, choc or anything else you crave everyday or a few time4s a week
  • How many calories would you burn if you RAN to the store and RAN back?
  • Go drink some water. Always helps me when i start to get the munchies. It puts something in my stomach, and keeps me away from calorie loaded snacks and sweets. Try it, it works :P
  • Do you have baking supplies? You could always make a microwave brownie... eat a pretzels or a bowl full of popcorn... If you're going to go get something sweet, only buy enough for tonight, or only make enough for one serving. That way you won't have to worry about bingeing.

    I've really been enjoying whipping up cottage cheese, protein powder, frozen bananas and cocoa powder in the food processor, it makes a delicious creamy mousse and satisfies my sweet tooth.... most of the time :)
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    Fit things you crave into your daily diet in moderation, being overly restrictive on food choices decreases adherence to diet. there is no reason you can't eat ice cream, choc or anything else you crave everyday or a few time4s a week

    I do my food log in the morning...filling in candy/snacks then. I never feel deprived. Ever.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    a serving of ice cream is a nice treat 140ish calories, the problem is stopping at a serving, and knowing what a serving is. But agree with above, give yourself a little treat will stop the craving.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    How many calories would you burn if you RAN to the store and RAN back?

    Don't help her rationalize it! :frown: LOL.

    I went overboard on ice cream today. However, on days that I am in control about such things, having about 1/2 cup satisfies me. Having the 1.5 cups today only made me feel guilty, and used up precious calories. I could have had only a little and felt much better about the whole thing.
  • miminp
    miminp Posts: 5 Member
    what if the cravings come after all the calories have been eaten.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    I throw a handful of chocolate chips in when I have nuts to eat. Or, I make fat free jell-o with a few mini-marshmallows on top. Or, a microwave s'more.

    Just a little but goes a long way!
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    what if the cravings come after all the calories have been eaten.

    At the beginning of your day log all the food you plan on eating. Think about snacks you may be in the mood for. Example: log chips and chocolate for x amount of calories...and if you change my mind... take out chips and chocolate and add in candy...aiming for the same amount of calories or less. Nothing is written in stone here, I add food and change food in my log all the time. I just try to get a visual in the morning of what my calories are going to
  • miminp
    miminp Posts: 5 Member
    you know Julie, that works best for me. when i log the day or early morning the day of, its easier to stick to what i've logged. but its just so hard to log that far in advance. Its way easier since my kids are with my parents for the summer. it seems impossibe with day to day hustle and bustle.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    If I was craving some junk that badly I would have a little. You can burn off the calories afterward. Having something you enjoy once in a while isn't a big deal.
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    Fit things you crave into your daily diet in moderation, being overly restrictive on food choices decreases adherence to diet. there is no reason you can't eat ice cream, choc or anything else you crave everyday or a few time4s a week

    I do my food log in the morning...filling in candy/snacks then. I never feel deprived. Ever.

    Two great points. \m/
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Fit things you crave into your daily diet in moderation, being overly restrictive on food choices decreases adherence to diet. there is no reason you can't eat ice cream, choc or anything else you crave everyday or a few time4s a week

    I do my food log in the morning...filling in candy/snacks then. I never feel deprived. Ever.

    i always do my food log for supper and snacks the day before! It gives me time to sit down & figure out every thing i can have, then i am more likely to stay on track! I dont have much of a sweet tooth, but pasta and cheese are my weaknesses. By adding them in, in small amounts to my meals and snacks, i dont crave!
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    Fit things you crave into your daily diet in moderation, being overly restrictive on food choices decreases adherence to diet. there is no reason you can't eat ice cream, choc or anything else you crave everyday or a few time4s a week


    and if you don't, you could end up binging on everything.
  • Trapperpk
    Trapperpk Posts: 2
    I was chronically hungry all evening until I started to understand that problem was not in the stomach, but in the head. The mind is controlled by the food we eat. I didn't know that point since I like my carbs, sugars, and fats in disproportional amounts. Then I listened to a renowned nutritionist who out-lined a way to feed the brain and conquer appetite issues. So a few simple changes squashed the the uncontrolled cravings. Start the day with a healthy proportion protein and fiber. Eat a strong balance of vegetables for lunch during the day. By evening your not thinking of food, if you leave out carbohydrate based servings and replace it with excellent balancing of fresh foods. I'm never, repeat never, hungry at night. My weight is starting move off. I weighed 320 max and now down to 260 and still going. My motivation: I was pronounced dead at hospital emergency on June 1, 2011. By a miracle from God, my heart started by itself after 2 1/2 hour of resuscitation and a flat line all the way. They were going to move me to the morgue. I was Blue, cold and dead. The cardiac team was astounded! My heart started as I lay dead. Don't let your mind, emotion and impulses make your food decisions. Don't self medicate with food when depressed or stressed. You stay strong with this program while feeding a healthy brain.
  • gavinr98
    gavinr98 Posts: 2
    Pick one day a week to eat what you want, ice-cream, candy... etc...what ever it is... and enjoy it. Then make sure that the rest of the week you go back to eating healthy and putting the right food in your body. Workout at least once a day (alternating between cardio and weights) no more than 45 mins a day and you will be fine... After a while your body will not crave the bad foods as much because it will still get them. You don't want to starve your body from the "bad foods" but limiting the days you eat them will work out better for you in the long run.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    How many calories would you burn if you RAN to the store and RAN back?

    Uh, 2 seconds worth...
  • redscylla
    redscylla Posts: 211 Member
    Your favorite sugar free gum. Sweet, chewing motions, no calories!
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    Everyone is different. For me, if I gave in to those cravings even a little, it would just make them worse. I'm better off cutting them out altogether. But the good thing is, the longer I go without them, the less I crave them.

    If you think you can handle a single serving, then you might try it and see if that helps or makes it worse. If it helps, then you can work a treat into your diet plan every so often so you don't feel deprived. If it doesn't work, then try to push through it, knowing the craving will eventually lessen. Tell yourself, "I'll just get through today, then tomorrow I will reevaluate things". Sometimes once you get past a momentary craving, you find you don't want it anymore!