
so tomorrow i am taking my 60day photos .... i'm down 16.6lbs and around 17-20 inches.... i'm nervous to see the photos and maybe not see much of a difference. I don't have pics from day 1, but i have day 30 photos... so that's what i'll compare. i just don't want to phsyc myself out if i don't see a lot of change... :/


  • CrossFitBeast
    CrossFitBeast Posts: 320 Member
    That's tremendous progress! Congrats to you on this....
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Great job! You are going to be a great trophy wife.

    Be patient, you didn;t put the weight on all at once, nor will it come off all at once.

    Be positive, 17-20 inches & 17 lbs is great progress.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    thanks guys! i've never been so excited about fitness in my life! i also have been incorporating more of a paleo lifestyle in my meals lately. it's still new, but i'm already digging it!! :happy:
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    can't wait to see brittaney:) the weightloss is impressive, good for you!!!
  • encourageurself
    encourageurself Posts: 11 Member
    Keep up the great work Brittany.